HomeMy WebLinkAbout965-Convention Center Interloc SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFOP~D CONVENTION CENTER INTEP~LOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTHRLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into this ~J day of ~i' C~' ~'¥_~--~ , 20 0 ~ by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the ~COUNTY," and the CITY OF SANFOP. D, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, referred to as the "CITY". a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is Sanford Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter WITNES SETH: WI~EREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY have identified the need for a high quality Convention Center to serve tourist and economic development activities for the benefit of the COUNTY's and CITY's residents and businesses; and WHEREAS, in addition to tourism numerous other public benefits will result from Convention Center including, exhibitions and trade shows, for large and small meetings new visitors to the COUNTY local revenues and tourist tourism; and and economic development, the development of a but not limited to, providing space for expanding COUNTY and CITY meeting space and conventions, and the attraction of and the CITY and associated increases in development taxes that stem from increased WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY in the past have studied and proposed separate convention/conference center projects; and CERtiFIED COPY MARYANNE ~ORSE £LERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 'SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA DEPUTY C~K- - BK0290 PG0976 WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY have determined that a jointly sponsored Convention Center project would best utilize the strengths of both parties, allowing for successful completion of the proposed project; and WHEREAS, a Convention Center would provide the opportunities to spending in the CITY's Historic Downtown and to provide additional public benefits through the creation of jobs and demand for local business products and services in the CITY and the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the CITY has made a substantial the Convention Center location a reality increase visitor taking rezoning actions, initiating site public projects such as Riverwalk; and W~EREAS, Chapter 163, Cooperation Act of 1969") of Florida may exercise State of Florida, any agencies share in that such joint exercise of power by public agencies shall contract in the form of an interlocal agreement; and WHEREAS, this Agreement constitutional home rule powers of of Chapters 125, 163 and 166, law, NOW, T~EREFORE, in consideration agreements and promises contained herein by holding a planning, and commitment toward making referendum, furthering Florida Statutes, (the "Florida Interlocal provides that public agencies of the State jointly with any other public agency of the power, privilege, or authority which such common and which each might exercise separately and be made by is authorized pursuant to the the CITY and COUNTY, the provisions Florida Statutes, and other applicable of the mutual covenants, and other good and valuable I KO ? 90 PG0977 consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. ~ECITALS. The above recitals are which is hereby true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. SECTION 2. PROSPECT DESCRIPTION ~ DEVELOPMENT. (a) The part/es to this Agreement intend to jointly develop the Seminole County Convention Center in Sanford, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, as a multi-purpose regional, tourism related facility. The Convention Center will be designed and constructed in such a way so as to accommodate the terms and criteria necessary for certification by the International Association of Conference Centers (IACC). The Convention Center is intended to directly serve the residents of City of Sanford, Seminole County and surrounding communities as well as broader population in the central Florida region and the State. The COUNTY shall be the agency with the primary responsibility for the development of the Convention Center and shall finance, design, construct and own the Convention Center, all subject to the limitations set forth herein. The CITY shall be the agency with the primary responsibility for the administration and operation of the Convention Center, all subject to the limitations and detail set forth herein. (b) The COUNTY shall make every reasonable effort to develop a Convention Center of approximately 63,000 sq. ft., with the ability to expand at a later date, and related operational parking facilities~ including a minimum 12,000 sq. ft. ballroom, satisfying accreditation BI(O 2 9 0 P$O 9 7 8 and certification criteria center facilities. (1) The design development regulations. of the IACC guidelines for conference shall conform to CITY and COUNTY land (2) The design shall conform to rules, regulations and ordinances as established or enacted by the CITY and the COUNTY. (3) The CITY shall be reasonably and timely consulted regarding design and construction phases, with the CITY provided a timely opportunity to comment thereupon. (c) Phase I parking for the facility will be completed and will be constructed at the sole responsibility and expense of the CITY. Phase I parking, which shall be completed concurrently with the construction of the Convention Center, is the construction of a minimum of one hundred seventy-five (175) space surface parking lot on the Convention Center site and dedicated solely to the Convention Center and one hundred twenty-five (125) additional non-dedicated local parking spaces. The CITY will proceed with the identification of suitable adjacent property for Phase II parking and will reasonably pursue available Federal, State and private funding resources to acquire land and construct Phase II parking. It is the CITY's and COUIqTY's intention to develop, within the next six (6) months, a funding plan to construct Phase II parking concurrent with the construction of the Convention Center. Overflow parking for large events will occur in the Courthouse Parking Lot or the City Hall Parking Lot with possible shuttle service provided'. The City will also provide parking spaces to accommodate proposed hotel development. BK0290 ?G0979 4 Phase I parking may be relocated to an on-site parking structure or surface parking lot or adjacent surface parking lot or structure to accommodate the development of a convention center hotel. Prior to removal of Phase I parking, the CITY shall provide' temporary equivalent parking for the Convention Center either on site or adjacent to the Convention Center. SECTION 3. (a) The Center on the shall include, size, quality, CITY shall be comment on OBLIGATIONS OF T~E COUNTY. COUNTY agrees to design and construct the Convention site provided by the CITY. Design and construction but not be limited to, preparation of plans specifying architectural design, and utility of the facility. The provided with a reasonable and timely opportunity to the design and construction phases but the COUNTY shall have final decisions on these phases of the project. (b) The COUNTY shall proceed with the construction of the Convention Center with due diligence to completion. The COUNTY will pay all suras required to complete the construction of the Convention Center to the extent of the Bond Proceeds. (c) The COUNTY shall maintain full beneficial ownership of the Convention Center building and all equipment, fixtures and furniture purchased by the COUNTY for the Convention Center and shall pay, keep, observe and perform all payments, terms, covenants, conditions and obligations under any bonds, debentures or other security agreements or contracts related to the Convention Center. (d) The COUNTY shall be entitled to occupy up to 3,000 sq. ft. of office space within the Convention Center for one or more COUNTY 5 departments with additional square footage over the 3,000 sq. ft. being provided subject to the joint approval of the CITY and the COUNTY. The COUNTY shall reimburse to the Convention Center's operating amount the sum of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLAR ($1.00) Der sq. ft. for the first year of occupancy to cover the cost of electric, water, janitorial services and pest control. Thereafter the CITY and the COUNTY shall annually review the COUNTY's cost per square foot and agree on adjustments to that amount as needed. Payment of the annual amount shall be divided into twelve (12) monthly payments. The CITY or its Management Company shall not count the fair market value of any office space occupied by the COUNTY within the Convention Center as Gross Operating Revenue. (e) The COUNTY shall be solely responsible for repair to or replacement of the Convention Center roof, electrical systems, mechanical systems, fire protection systems, utility lift stations, and the HVAC system when such costs of such repair or replacement exceeds the sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00). (f) The COUNTY shall renovations or additions renovations or additions exceed the sum DOLLARS ($50,000.00). (g) The COUNTY shall grant to the Convention Center, such easements be necessary for the CITY's Convention Center and hotel. be responsible for making structural to the Convention Center when such of FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 the CITY, upon construction of to the Convention Center as may operation and maintenance of the BI(O 2 9 0 ?l;O 9 8 I SECTION 4. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. (a) The CITY shall provide all real property necessary to serve as a site for the Convention Center, at least 3.95 acres, plus all additional property needed to serve as parking for the 'Convention Center. Said property shall be located within the 8.409 acres as further described and shown on Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated as part of this Agreement, with the COUNTY to determine which part of the 8.409 acre parcel shall be used for the Convention Center within one hundred ninety (190) days of the effective date of this Agreement. The CITY shall retain ownership to all of the above- described property, but agrees to lease said property to the COUNTY for a period of thirty (30) years, with options to renew for four (4) additional five (5) year terms, for the susa of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLAR ($1.00) per year. The CITY further agrees to grant to the COUNTY such easements over the property as may be needed for construction of the Convention Center, utilities and telecommunications, water, sewer and drainage, and any other services deemed necessary by the COUNTY. (b) The CITY shall be responsible for all demolition work as needed to facilitate construction of the Convention Center and its parking facilities and shall be solely responsible for all environmental cleanup that may be needed for the and all environmental impact or consequences directly related property or the demolition work on the property. (c) The CITY shall be responsible for construction, maintenance of all Phase I the Convention Center. property and for any to the repair and parking facilities designated for use by BK0290 PG0982 7 (d) The CITY shall make every reasonable effort to secure a hotel developer to build a minimum two hundred (200) room full service hotel adjacent to the Convention Center and have it in full operation within one hundred eighty (180) days Center. (e) Upon completion of the to operate the Convention Center of the opening of the'Convention Convention Center, the and pay all maintenance, CITY agrees repair and repairs and operating expenses (1) Salaries and employees, operating expenses related to the Convention Center, except for those expenses specifically reserved to the COUNTY in this Agreement, and assume any and all losses from Convention Center operations. These obligations will continue for so long as the building and property are operated as a convention center pursuant to this Agreement, any of its extensions, or any successor agreement for the joint CITY/COUNTY operation of this facility as a convention center. Said maintenance, shall include but not be limited to: benefits for all Convention Center (2) Purchase of operating supplies, (3) Cleaning expenses, (4) Marketing and advertising and promotion costs, (5) Printing costs, (6) PostaGe and freight costs (7) Equipment rental costs (8) Security expenses, (9) Office supplies, BKozgO?G0983 (10) Materials and operating operation of the Convention Center, (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) HVAC, plumbing, (16) (17) (18) supplies for the day-to-day Employee uniforms, Exterminator, and trash removal, Utilities for the Convention Center, Telephones and computer equipment and line charges, Repairs and/or maintenance contracts for elevators, and electric, HVAC service and preventive maintenance, Signage production and maintenance, Food and beverages, (19) All repairs, maintenance, and replacement of furniture, fixtures, and equipment, to include all carpet, tile, paint, light fixtures and other general building items, and all personal property owned by the CITY and the COUNTY, and (20) All out of pocket expenses incurred by the CITY in connection with the management and operation of the Convention Center. (f) For each year of the Convention Center's operation the CITY shall prepare and submit for the COUNTY's review an operation plan for the Convention Center, and for the COUNTY's review and approval a business plan for the Convention Center, setting forth specific goals. The first operation and business plans for the Convention Center shall be submitted to the COUNTY no later than one (1) year prior to the Convention Center's projected opening date. Thereafter, the annual operation and business plans shall be submitted to the COUNTY no later than ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. (g) The CITY shall establish a booking policy for the Convention Center and submit it to the COUNTY for its reasonable approval one (1) year in advance of the projected opening of the Convention Center. The CITY shall hold a master set of ail booking records and schedules and have these docuraents available for COUNTY review upon request. (h) In the performance of its obligation to operate the Convention Center, the CITY shall have the right to contract with an outside Management Company for the operation of the Convention Center and the COUNTY will be reasonably and timely consulted in the selection and be provided with an opportunity to comment on the selection of the outside Management Company. All payments and compensation the Management Company shall be the responsibility of the CITY. (i) The CITY covenants and represents that during the term of this Agreement it will operate the Convention Center in a sound and economic manner, in compliance with all present and future laws and government regulations applicable hereto. In operating the Convention Center, the CITY shall maintain, preserve and keep the Convention Center in good repair, good working order and good condition. The CITY, to accomplish said obligations shall from time to time make or cause to be made all necessary and proper repairs and maintenance so that at all times the operation of the Convention Center may be properly and advantageously conducted. This covenant shall not prevent the CITY from partially discontinuing operation of the BK0290 ?G0985 . ,2 [1:. 10 Convention Center in order to make necessary repairs or for reasons of safety. (j) The CITY agrees to pay all operating obligations of the Convention Center from revenues derived from the Convention' Center or from any other legal source of funds. The COUNTY shall have no obligation to reimburse the CITY for any of these revenue shortfalls for so long as the Convention Center continues to be operated jointly by the CITY and the COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement, its extensions or any successor agreement, and such shortfalls will not constitute any pledge of the full faith, credit or taxing power of the COUNTY within the meaning of any State Constitutional or Statutory provision. (k) The CITY will submit reports to the COUNTY at least quarterly detailing the activities planned for the future and the results of activities for the past quarter including, but not limited to bookings, receipts and expenditures. SECTION 5. ~ECORDS. (a) The parties shall, State and at a minimum, maintain all records local laws, rules and regulations, and shall maintain such records, accounts, and records, as deemed necessary by Florida law or sound business practices to assure proper required by Federal, procedures. (b) The parties property and personnel otherwise typical in accounting of funds and in full compliance with this Agreement. (c) Ail records and contracts, of whatsoever type or nature, required under the scope of this Agreement shall be available for audit, inspection, and copying at any time during normal business t KO 290 ?G0986 hours and as often as the other party may deem reasonably necessary. Each party shall have the right to obtain and inspect any audit pertaining to the performance of this Agreement made by any Federal, State and local agency. Each party shall retain all records and supporting documentation applicable to this Agreement for a minimum of fifteen (15) years after resolution of the final audit and in accordance with Florida law. SECTION 6. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) Each party to this Agreement is responsible for all injury and damage claims attributable to the negligent acts or omissions arising out of this Agreement of that party and the officers, employees and agents thereof. (b) The parties further agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as denying to any party any remedy or defense available to such parties under the laws of the State of Florida, nor as a waiver of sovereign immunity of the COUNTY and the CITY beyond the waiver provided for in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. (c) The waiver of a provision herein by either party shall not constitute the further waiver of said provision or the waiver of any other provision. (d) In the event that any action, suit, or proceeding is brought against either party upon any alleged liability arising out of this Agreement, the thereof to the other to the other party at other party shall provide notice in writing party by registered or certified mail addressed its address provided herein. 81{0290 ?G0987 (e) Any liability of the COUNTY or of the CITY shall be enforceable only to the extent of its interest in the Convention Center and there shall be no recourse for any claim based on this Agreement against any other property of the COUNTY or the ~ITY now or hereafter owned, or against any officer, employee, past, present or future, of the COUNTY or the CITY or any successor body. (f) The CITY shall specifically retain liability for any action, suit, or proceeding arising from the CITY's maintenance and operation of the Convention Center and any of its common areas, including but not limited to sidewalks, parking lots, and greenspace. SECTION 7. INSURANCE. (a) Each party shall carry and maintain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, either liability insurance, or a liability self-insurance program sufficient to cover the party for any injuries or claims arising out of this Agreement and for which the party is liable or such insurance in a minimum amount of ONE MILLION AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00}. (b) The COUNTY shall, commencing with the date the COUNTY takes possession of the completed building from the contractor, maintain fire, extended coverage, the Convention Center consistent with similar vandalism and malicious mischief insurance on with such deductible provisions as are policies covering other COUNTY properties. Such insurance shall be maintained for so long as the parties jointly operate the Convention Center pursuant to this Agreement and any extension thereof or any successor agreements to this Agreement, and BK0290 ?$0988 shall be in an amount at least equal to the lesser of the value of the Convention Center or the principal amount of the bonds. (c) If during the term of this Agreement, its extension, or any successor agreement, the Convention Center is damaged or destroyed, in whole or in part, by fire or other casualty, to such extent that there is a claim for loss, including any deductible amount, resulting from such damage or destruction, the CITY will promptly notify the COUNTY in writing as to the nature and extent of such damage or loss and whether the Convention Center can be repaired, replaced or restored to substantially the original condition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the CITY shall notify the COUNTY of the condition of the Convention Center on a reasonable ongoing basis. SECTION 8. OWNERSHIP. (a) The CITY shall retain ownership of the land upon which the Convention Center and its parking facilities are located. (b) The ownership of the building, fixtures, furniture, vehicles and similar tangible property provided by the COUNTY, or provided by the COUNTY originally and located at the Convention Center and replaced by the CITY as part of normal wear and tear replacement, shall remain vested with the COUNTY. (c) Subject to bond conditions, the CITY is hereby granted the option to terminate this Agreement and to purchase the COUNTY's interest in the Convention Center upon payment to the COUNTY of a purchase price as mutually agreed upon by the parties. BKO£90 ? 0989 SECTION 9. BOOKiN~ POLICY. (a) The CITY shall establish a booking policy for the Convention Center and submit it to the COUNTY for approval one (1) year in advance of the projected opening of the Convention Center. The CITY shall hold a master set of all booking records and schedules and have these documents available for COUNTY review upon request. (b) The COUNTY shall be entitled to have primary use of the within Convention Center for conventions and trade shows if booked twelve (12) months of the dates of the event, if the dates have not been confirmed with or committed to other users and with the approval of the CITY or the CITY's Management Company. Booking, marketing, promotion and sales will be a joint effort between the COUNTY and the CITY or the CITY's Management Company. (c) The CITY agrees to provide the Convention Center, as directed by the COUNTY, to non-profit organizations at a reduced rent subject expenses by such to availability. Ail reasonable and necessary event-related such as ushers, ticket-takers, security shall be reimbursed organizations using the Convention Center. The highest priority will be given to multiple accommodations in multiple hotels. day events which require (d) The COUNTY shall have the right to use the Convention Center or any part thereof, subject to availability, for COUNTY purposes such as meetings, seminars or training classes without payment of any rental or use fee, except that direct out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with such uses shall be paid by the COUNTY. BI(O 290 P$0990 SECTION 10. CONTP~ACT MONITORING. (a) The County Manager shall appoint a COUNTY staff member to serve as Contract Administrator who will be the liaison between the COUNTY and the CITY and/or its Management Company on ail matters relating to this Agreement. The Contract Administrator will have responsibility for day-to-day monitoring and assessment of the quality of services provided by the CITY or its Management Company. (b) The Contract Administrator shall have the right to enter all portions of the Convention Center to inspect same, to observe the performance of the CITY or its Management Company and review repairs to the Convention Center and replacement of equipment; provided, however, the COUNTY is not obligated to construct, repair or replace any equipment. SECTION 11. TEP~. This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by the parties and shall remain in effect for a period of thirty (30) years, and at the option of the parties may be renewed for four (4) additional terms not to exceed five (5) years each. SECTION 12. TERMINATION. (a) Prior to issuance of the bonds financing the Convention Center, this Agreement may be terminated without penalty, by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. (b) Upon issuance of the bonds financing the Convention Center, the COUNTY may terminate this Agreement if the CITY breaches any part of this Agreement or its obligations thereunder. Further, upon such breach, the CITY agrees to pay one-half of the COUNTY'S annual debt service for the Convention Center based on the principal amount, less BK0290 PG099 I the CITY's investment amount totaling TWO MILLION THREE HI/NDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,383,545.00). (i.e. $15,000,000.00 principal amount less $2,383,545.00 = $12,616,455.00; CITY would pay half of ~nnual debt service on $12,616,455.00) The CITY shall be responsible for its portion of the debt service payment until such time as the bonds expire. The CITY shall also transfer ownership of the land used for the Convention Center and for Phase I parking to the COUNTY within sixty (60) days of the COUNTY's request for said transfer. (c) Upon issuance of the bonds financing the Convention Center, the CITY may terminate this Agreement for its convenience, upon ninety (90) days written notice to the COUNTY. In that event, the CITY shall be relieved of its responsibilities for operation, maintenance, and management of the Convention Center and the COUNTY shall assume full responsibility for the same, including responsibility for all duties and responsibilities of the CITY under its agreement, if any, with a Management Company for the Convention Center. Upon such termination of the Agreement, the CITY agrees to transfer ownership of the land used for the Convention Center and for Phase I parking to the COUNTY within sixty (60) days of the COUNTY's request for such transfer, and the CITY further agrees to pay one-half of the COUNTY's total debt service for the Convention Center based upon the principal amount less the CITY's investment amount totaling TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,383,545.00) until such time as the bonds expire. If the COUNTY breaches any part of this Agreement or its obligations thereunder 8K0290 PG0992 after the issuance of the bonds and prior to the completion of the Convention Center and the CITY terminates this Agreement for that breach, then the COUNTY shall pay to the CITY the demolition costs of the Civic Center of Sanford in an amount of ONE HUNDRED 'FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIX AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($154,106.00); the cost building, or complete Phase liable for those costs. SECTION 13. NOTICES. notice unto the other, For COUNTY= for moving the Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Conunerce building in an amount of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($167,500.00); and the cost for completion of Phase 1 parking in an amount not to exceed the su~n of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($350,000.00). Should the CITY not demolish the Civic Center of Sanford move the Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce I parking, then the COUNTY will not be Whenever either party desires notice may be sent to: County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 For CITY: Mayor Sanford City Hall 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Either herein, to give of the parties may change, by written notice as provided the addresses or persons for receipt of notice. SECTION 14. SEVERABILITY. If any one (1) or more of the covenants or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary BK0290 i:'G 0993 18 to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall for any reason whatsoever, be held invalid then such covenants or provisions shall be null and void, shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants or provisions of this Agreement, and shall no way effect the validity of the remaining covenants or provisions this Agreement. SECTION 15. CONFLICT OF I~TEREST. (a) Both parties agree that they will that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement or which violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (b) The CITY hereby certifies that no officer, agent or employee of the CITY has any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes, as over 5%) either directly or indirectly, in the business of the CITY to be conducted relative to the Convention Center, and that no such person shall have any such of not engage in any action their would Chapter interest at any time during the term of this Agreement. (c) Pursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, hereby agrees that monies received from the this Agreement will not be used for the purpose Legislature or any other State or Federal Agency. each party other party pursuant to of lobbying the SECTION 16. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence relative to all aspects of performance under the terms of this Agreement. f KO 2 9 0 P$O 9 9 SECTION instrument constitutes the entire agreement between supersedes all previous discussions, understandings, if any, between the parties this Agreement. 17. ENTIRE AGrEEMENT/EFFECT ON PRIOR AGREEMENT. This the parties and and agreements, relating to the limited subject matter of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day hereinabove first written. ATTEST: JA~I~ 9= DOL~HERTY, City Clerk ~?C'~i s s ~ oners of Sem~ole Cowry, Florida. CITY OF SANFORD By: Date: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DARYL G. MCLAIN, Chairman For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to fo~ and leg61,,~ficiency AC/lpk 11-27-02 -- conventioncenter As authorized for execution by the Board of County Commissioners at their _L~ ~-~;-, , 20 d~- regular meeting. Attactunent: Exhibit "A" - Property Description 6K0290 PG0995 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Overall Hotel Convention Center Development Site A parcel of land lying in Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 31 East, being described as follows: COMMENCE AT THE NW CORNER OF LOT 48, LAKEVIEW PARK ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 41, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE ROW LINE OF SANFORD AVENUE AND THE SOUTHERLY ROW LINE OF SEMINOLE BOULEVARD; THENCE RUN, SOUTH 6916'21" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY ROWt. INE, 386.26 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHF_ASTERLY; THENCE RUN SOUTHEASTERLY ALONGSAID CURVEHAVlNG A RADIIUS OF 2816.36 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8 18'28", AN ARC LENGTH OF 408.37 FEET, A CHORD LENGTH OF 408.01 FEET, AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 73 25'35" EAST TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 29, BLOCK '%", FIRST STREET EXTENSION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED INPLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 76 AND 76-A OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS AND THE CENTERLINE OF "PUMP BRANCH" ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT OF FIRST STREET EXTENSION; THENCE RUN THE FOLLOWING COURSES ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK "A" AND THE CENTERLINE OF SAID "PUMP BRANCH": SOUTH 1056'19" EAST, 97.41 FEET; SOUTH 11 44'18" EAST, 78.13 FEET; SOUTH 9 13'10" EAST, 68.50 FEET; SOUTH 12 51'32" EAST, 5.39 FEET; SOUTH 7 58'11" EAST, 100.98 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF AFORESAID BLOCK "A" AND THE NORTH ROW LINE OF 1sT STREET; THENCE RUN, NORTH 90 0'0" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH ROW LINE, 815.17 FEET TO THE AFORESAID EAST OF ROW LINE OF SANFORD AVENUE; THENCE RUN, NORTH 00 00'23" EAST ALONG SAID ROW LINE, 607.84 FEET TO PQB. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND LIES IN TH CITY OF SANFORD, SEMINOLE, FLORDA AND CONTAINS 8.409 FEET ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LESS THOSE AREAS OCCUPIED BY THE SANFORD MUSEUM. I~K0290 PG0996