HomeMy WebLinkAbout960-CDBG 2002-2003 SEM'r~0t'E COUNTY~CTTy 0~ PROG~ ~ 2002-2003 ~IS AG~, entered into this ~ day of ~c 2002, by and between S~ CO~, a political s~division of the State of Florida, whose address is 1101 East First Street. Sanford, Florida 32771. hereinafter referred to as "CO~TY," for the use and benefit of its Co~ity Development Block Gr~t (CDBG) Progr~ ~d the CI~ OF S~O~, a Florida municipal co~oration, whose ~iling ad. ess is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford. Florida 32722-1788. hereinafter referred to as "SANFORD." WHEREAS, COUNTY made application effective October 1, 2002. and entered into a contract with the United States Department of HJusing and Urban Development, hereinafter referred to as "HUD," pursuant to Title I, Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and implementing regulations set forth in 24 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 570; and W~EREAS, administration SANFORD shall provide for professional construction services for engineering and design consultants and construction services to improve the facades of businesses located on West 13tn Street in Sanford, Florida as described hereinbelow to benefit low and moderate income residents of Seminole County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has deemed that this service serves a COUNTY purpose; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has allocated CDBG funds for cormmunity development activities provided by SANFORD, NOW, T~rm. REFO~E, in consideration of the mutual covenants, premises and representations contained herein and other good and valuable CERTIFIED COPY MARYANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEI~NOL[ COUNTY. FLORIDA D£PL~TY CLERK consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and form a material part of the Agreement upon which the parties have relied. Section 2. Definitions. (a) "CR Administrator" means the Seminole County Community Resources Division Manager. (b) "CDBG Program" means the Seminole County CDBG Program. (c) "CDBG Regulations" means 24 CFR Part 570 and supplemental, additional or successor provisions. (d) "County Approval" means written approval by the Planning and Development Director, Community Resources Division .Manager_ or their' designee. (e) "Low and Moderate Income" means gross household income not to exceed eighty percent (80%) of the median family income within the Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area during the Agreement. (f) "Planning Department" means the COUNTY's Planning and Development Department Director or his designee for the Community Development Office. Section 3. Statement of Work. (a) SANFORD, in a manner satisfactory to the COUNTY, shall perform all services described or referred to in Exhibit "A," General Scope of Services, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Such services shall be performed, except as otherwise specifically stated herein, by persons or instrumentalities solely under the dominion and control of SANFORD. (b) The parties recognize and agree that the purpose of this Agreement is to remit to SANFORD the cost of providing engineering, 2 design and construction administration services for the items budgeted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for facade improvements in SANFORD to benefit low and moderate income persons. The parties further recognize and agree that the Agreement is directly related to the implementation of the CDBG program. Where service expenses are authorized by the COUNTY as set forth in Exhibit "B", these expenses shall be specifically itemized by the hours or dollars expe~ded or as otherwise required by applicable laws, rules and regulations. All hours charged by staff and direct expenses shall be specifically,- directly related to SANFORD's implementation of the CDBG activity funded under this Agreement. Section ~. Term. The COUNTY shall reimburse SANFOED for the' services described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", performed by up to the limits set forth in Section 5. All such services shall be performed by SANFORD in accordance with applicable requirements of HUD with reimbursement contingent thereupon. SAN-FORD shall ~erform all services described in Exhibit "A," from November 26, 2002 through September 30, 2003, unless the Agreement is otherwise emended or extended by written agreement of the parties as provided hereunder. The Agreement shall be effective upon execution by both parties. Any requirements set forth in Sections 6, 13, 14, 18 and 22 hereunder shall survive the term of the Agreement as a whole. Section 5. Consideration an~ Limitation of Costs. The COUNTY shall reimburse SANFORD for costs, in accordance with this Agreement and 24 CFR part 570, in an amount not to exceed SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND NO/100 DOLLARS ($65,000.00) for the services described in Exhibit and Exhibit "B". Section 6. Payments. (a) Payment to SANFORD shall be on a reimbursement basis limited to the items budgeted in Exhibit "B". Payment may also be made directly to the vendor, pursuant to the conditions set forth in subsection (b) below. (b) SANFORD shall submit to the COUNTY by the fifteenth day of each month during the term hereof, the following: 1. A statement of all costs of services for the period from commencement through the end of the report period for which the statement is submitted; 2. A statement of all costs of services for the current report period, categorized by budget line item and consistent with, Exhibit "B;" 3. An invoice and copies of receipts or other acceptable documentation issued for payment of any expense. However, if reimbursement is sought for salaries to SANFORD's employees, a copy of be acceptable in lieu of copies of canceled payroll the payroll shall checks; (15th) 4. Copies of daily time distribution records in support of stated salary expenses. Records shall reflect the case and type of work performance and specific program for which the work was performed. (c) Upon receipt of the documentation as listed above, the COUNTY shall initiate the payment process. Reimbursement to SANFORD shall be made as soon as practicable; provided, however, that if SANFORD has performed services in full compliance with all HUD requirements, payment shall be made by the COUNTY to SANFORD within thirty (30) days of receipt of documentation by the COUNTY. (d) COUNTY and available, upon request, for all inspection or accordance with the provisions of Section 13 below. (e) Within forty-five (45) days after completion of all services to be performed, SANFORD shall render a final and complete statement to the COUNTY of all costs and charges to services not previously invoiced. The COUNTY shall not be responsible for payment of any charges, claims or demands of SANFORD not received within said forty-five (45) day period. However, such time may be extended in writing, at COUNTY's discretion, not to exceed a period of ninety (90) days, provided the delay in submission is not occasioned by any fault or negligence of SANFORD, as determined by the COUNTY. Section 7. U~iform A~m~nistratlve Re~uire~ents. In addition to all other Federal, State and local requirements for the performance of the Agreement, SANFORD shall comply with the requirements set forth in 24 CFR Part 85 "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments," OMB Circular No. A-102, "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments," and OMB Circular No. A-87, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments." Section 8. Com~llance with other Pro~ramRequirements. (a) During the Agreement, SANFORD shall comply with all Federal laws, rules, regulations, directives and orders described in 24 CFR 570 Subpart K and the regulations listed below which by reference are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 1. 24 CFR Part I - The regulations promulgated pursuant to Title VI, 1964 Civil Rights Act, Public Law 88-352. Ail disbursements by SANFORD must be fully documented to the audit in 5 2. Title VII, 1968 Ec/ual E~ployment Opportunity discrimination in employment. Civil Rights Act as amended by the Act of 1972 ("Act") Prohibits 3. Title VIII, 1968 Civil Rights Act, Public Law 90-284 - The Fair Housing Act requires HUD to administer the activities and programs relating to housing and urban development in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing. 4. 24 CFR Part 107 - Implementing Executive Order 11063, as amended by Executive Order 12259, which directs HUD to take all action necessary to prevent discrimination because of race, color, religion (creed), sex, or national origin in the sale, lease, rental, or other disposition of residential property and related facilities when provided' in whole, or in part, with Federal assistance. 5. Section 109 of the Act - Requires that no person shall, on the Ground of race, color, national origin or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with community development funds. Section 109 of the Act further prohibits against discrimination on the basis of age under the AGe Discrimination Act of 1973, or with respect to an otherwise qualified handicapped person as provided in Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 6. Section 110, Labor Standards - Required compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended, pursuant to 29 CFR parts 3.5 and 5a; and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, where applicable. 7. National Flood Disaster Act - Governs participation in the National Flood Insurance Program, pursuant to Section 202(a) of said Act. 6 8. Uniform Relocation Assistance ("URA") and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 ("Real Property Act"), HUD implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 43 and Section 104 of the Act, the protection of individual rights when affected, acquisition and displacement activities. 9. Executive Order 11246, - Provides for by relocation as amended by Executive Order 12086, basis of race, employment contracts. Requires - Provides that no person should be discriminated against on the color, religion, sex or national origin in al phases of during the performance of Federally assisted construction 10. Section 3, HUD recipients to Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 - provide, to the greatest, exten~ feasible,' opportunities for training and employment to very low income persons. 11. Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act Prohibits the use of lead-based paint and provides for the elimination of lead- based paint in all residential structures constructed or rehabilitated with Federal Assistance. 12. 24 CFR part 24 - Provides that assistance shall not be used directly or indirectly to employ, award contracts to, or otherwise engage the services of, or fund any contractor or SANFORD during any period of debarment, suspension, placement in ineligibility status under the provisions of 24 CFR part 24. 13. Conflict of Interest the provisions of 24 CFR Part 84.42, Circular A-il0 is mandatory. 14. 24 CFR Part 570 - regulations regarding the CDBG Program. Provides that compliance with 24 CFR Part 570.611 and OMB Provides for compliance with 7 b. SANFORD shall neither assume the COUNTY's environmental responsibilities, as described in 24 CFR Part 570.604, nor the COUNTY's responsibilities for initiating the review process pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order 12372 and 24 CFR Part 52. However, the aforesaid shall neither exempt SANFORD from performing site-specific reviews in accordance to the COUNTY's Environmental Review Monitoring Strate95; nor release SANFORD from any environmental pollution that it may cause or have caused and SANFORD shall assume full liability therefor. Section 9. Agreement, SANFORD laws, regulations herein and made following: (a) interest. (b) Ccm~lianoe with Local an~ State Laws. During the shall comply with all applicable State and local and ordinances, which by reference are i~corporated' a part hereof, including, but not limited to, the Chapter 112, Florida Statutes Governing conflicts of Administrative Procedures - Procedures which may be issued by the Planning Department for implementation of the COUNTY's CDBG Program. (c) SANFORD shall comply with the "Local Relocation and Antidisplacement Policy" as adopted by the COUNTY. Should SANFORD's performance during this Agreement necessitate, as determined by applicable Federal regulations, compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, 49 CFR Part 24, as amended, SANFORD shall immediately notify the COUNTY accordingly. Upon such notification the COUNTY shall implement and administer all requirements of said Act pursuant to this Agreement. The parties agree that should the aforementioned occur, the COUNTY shall use 8 funds budgeted in Exhibit ~B" to pay for any relocation and displacement costs required hereunder Section 10. Prior Written Approvals - Su~mnary. The following includes, but is not necessarily all inclusive of, activities requiring the prior written approval of the COUNTY for reimbursement or payment: (a) Initiation of new activities not covered by the Agreement and changes in the location of, or deletion of, any activity. (b) Ail change orders to the Agreement. (c) Requests to utilize remaining funds should a surplus remain after the work is substantially complete. Section 11. Project Publicity. Any news release, project sign, or other type of publicity pertaining to the project,, described herein' shall recognize the Seminole County Board of County Cor~nissioners as the recipient funded by HUD and providing funds to SANFORD. Section 12. Management Assistance. The Community Resources Division Manager or his/her designee shall be available to SANFORD to provide guidance on CDBG requirements. Section 13. Maintenance of Records. (a) SANFORD shall, at a minimum, maintain all records required by Federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations. (b) SANFORD shall maintain all records, including accounts and property and personnel records, as deemed necessary by the COUNTY or considered a sound business practice to ensure proper accounting of all project funds and compliance with the Agreement. (c) SANFORD shall maintain financial records required by Federal regulations in addition to financial records relative to the following matters: 9 procedures: 2. canceled checks. 3. 1. Items purchased and paid for through standard SANFORD invoices and copies of canceled checks. Agreements: the contract, billings and copies of Force account construction: records indicating name, position, number of hours and total labor costs. 4. Any materials drawn indicating amount of material and cost price. 5. Employees paid from grant funds: personnel and payroll data together with documentation that each eraployee was, in fact, working on related projects funded hereunder. from a stockpile: records thereof based on the purchase expenditures in excess of THREE HUNDRED AND description, model, serial number and date and perform or cause to be performed an annual 6. Capital NO/100 DOLLARS ($300.00): cost of acquisition. (d) SANFORD shall audit of its activities and funds in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 ~Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations-. Copies of all audits relating to the use of CDBG funds shall be provided to the CR Manager in a timely manner. (e) All records and contracts, of whatsoever type or nature, required by the Agreement shall be available for audit, inspection and copying in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. The COUNTY shall have the right to obtain and inspect any audit pertaining to the performance of the Agreement made by any Federal, State or local agency. SANFORD shall retain all records and supporting documentation applicable to the Agreement for a minimum of five (5) years after resolution of the final audit and in accordance with Florida law. 10 Section 14. Reporting Requirements. SANFORD shall fully complete and provide to the Community Resources Division Manager monthly reports utilizing the "Request for Funds Reimbursement Report," attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C." Additionally, SANFORD shall complete and provide to the Community Resources Division Manager a monthly report, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit ~D," surmnarizing the number of active projects under construction, all bid information and construction surmnaries. SANFORD shall provide the monthly reports as part of the financial reimbursement process no later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each month. Failure by SANFORD to submit a monthly report (Exhibit ~D") shall entitle the COUNTY to withhold payment on any future Request For Funds Reir~bursement Reports' submitted by SANFORD until the required monthly report is submitted as mandated herein. Further, SANFOP~D shall fully complete and provide to the Cor~nunity Resources Division Manager, in a timely manner, an "End of Year Report," attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "E." The COURTY shall have access to and be provided copies and transcripts of any records necessary in the sole determination of the COUNTY or HUD to accomplish this obligation. Section 15. Non-Ex~endable Property. Any non-expendable personal property acquired by SANFORD to perform the projects herein and approved by the COUNTY as set forth in Section 10 herein, shall be subject to all Federal, State and local regulations, including, but not limited to, the provisions on use and disposition of property. At the termination of this Agreement, any grant-funded non-expendable personal property shall be made available to the COUNTY and HUD in accordance with the aforesaid provisions. 11 Section 16. Liability. Except for reimbursement as specifically set forth herein, the COUNTY shall not be liable to any person, firm, entity or corporation in connection with the services SANFORD has agreed to perform hereunder, or for debts or claims accruing to such parties against SANFORD. The Agreement shall not create a contractual relationship, either express or implied, between COUNTY and any other person, firm, or corporation supplying any work, labor, services, goods or materials to SANFORD as a result of services to COUNTY hereunder. Section 17. Subcontracts. Ail contracts made by SANFORD to perform the activities described in Exhibit "A" shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations set forth in the Agreement. Any additional work or services subcontracted hereunder bx SANFORD shall be' specified in writing and subject to the Agreement. Section 18. Indemnific&tion. (a) To the extent permitted by law, SANFORD shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the COUNTY from and against any and all liability, loss, claims, damages, costs, attorney's fees and expenses of whatsoever kind, type, or nature which the COUNTY may sustain, suffer or incur or be required to pay by reason of the loss of any monies paid to SANFORD or whomsoever, resulting out of SANFORD's fraud, defalcation, dishonesty, or failure of SANFORD to comply with applicable laws or regulations; or by reason or as a result of any act or omission of SANFORD in the performance of the Agreement or any part thereof; or by reason of a judgment over and above the limits provided by the insurance required hereunder or by any defect in the construction of the project; or as may otherwise result in any way or instance whatsoever arising from this Agreement. 12 (b) In the event that any action, suit or proceeding is brought against the COU/qTY upon any alleged liability arising out of the Agreement, or any other matter relating to this Agreement, the COUNTY shall promptly provide notice in writing thereof to SANFORD by registered or certified mail addressed to SANFORD at the address provided hereinafter. Upon receiving such notice, SANFORD, at its own expense and to the extent permitted by law, shall diligently defend against such action, suit or proceeding and take all action necessary or proper to prevent, to the extent practicable, the obtaining of a judgment against the COUNTY. The COUlqTY shall cooperate to a reasonable extent in SANFORD's defense of any such action, suit or proceeding. Section 19. Insurance. SANFORD shall ensure that its insurance~ coverage or self-insurance program, or the insurance coverage of its contracted agents is adequate and sufficient for the activities performed pursuant to the Agreement. SANFORD shall ensure that the insurance requirements imposed on all contractors conform to and comply with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations. Section 20. Non-Assi~-~ility. Neither party shall assign the Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. Section 21. Headings. Ail articles and descriptive headings of paragraphs in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation hereof. Section 22. Program Incc~ne. (a) In the event that any program income (returned funds) is received by SANFORD during the Agreement, SANFORD shall return such income to the COUNTY. (b) If any program income (returned funds} is received by SANFORD after expiration of the Agreement or at the end of the year when all 13 remaining items have been budgeted, the program income shall be returned to the COUNTY for proper accounting in the CDBG fund. Section 23. Reallocation of Funds. In the event that SANFORD receives construction bids, engineering bids, design bids or financial estimates of a similar nature that entail a lower cost than the CDBG funds allocated toward that particular project, the excess funds shall be returned to the Corm~unity Resources Division Manager within thirty (30) days of the bid acceptance and shall be reallocated by Seminole County for use in other CDBG projects. Section 24. Suspension and Termination. In accordance with 24 CFR Parts 84.60 -.62, the COUNTY may immediately suspend or terminate any term or condition hereunder. Notice thereof ~halt b~ provided' pursuant to the Agreement. The Agreement may also be terminated [or convenience in accordance with 24 CFR part 85.44, providing for termination for mutual convenience, or partial termination for specified reasons. The Agreement may also be terminated i~ediately by the COUNTY for Cause. Section 25. Reversion of Assets. Upon expiration of the Agreement, SANFORD shall transfer to the COUNTY any remaining CDBG funds and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. Any real property controlled by SANFORD and acquired or improved in whole, or in part, with CDBG funds in excess of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) shall be governed by 24 CFR 84.34(g). Section 26. Certification Regarding Lobbying. SANFORD hereby certifies, by examination of the Agreement, that, to the best of its knowledge and belief: paid, (a) No Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing 14 or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. (b) If any funds other than Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or any employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Agreement, SANFORD shall comPlete _and submit' Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. Section 27. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, notice may be sent to: For COUNTY Community Resources Division Manager Community Development Office Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 For SANFORD City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Either of the parties may change, by written notice as provided herein, the address or person for receipt of notice. 15 Section 28. Conflict of Interest. (a) SANFORD agrees that it will not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant to the Agreement with the COUNTY or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (b) SANFORD hereby certifies that no officer, agent or employee of the COUNTY has any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes, as over 5%) either directly or indirectly, in the business of SANFORD to be conducted here, and that no such person shall have any such interest at any time during the term of the Agreement. (c) Pursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, SANFORD hezeby agrees that monies received from the COUNTY pursuant to the Agreement will not be used for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature or any other State or Federal Agency. Section 29. Entire A~reement, Effect on Prior Agreement. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous discussions, any, between the parties relating to ment. understandings and agreements, if the subject matter of the Agree- Section 30. Modification. This Agreement may not be modified, amended or extended orally. This Agreement may be amended by written agreement duly executed by the governing bodies of both parties. Section 31. Remedies. Upon determination that a breach has occurred and in addition to the remedies provided by law, the COUNTY may elect any of the following remedies, as applicable and appropriate: 16 (a) Terminate the Agreement and designate the remaining uncommit- ted funds for any other eligible program or activity or to the COUNTY's trust fund without further obligation to SANFORD, and require SANFORD to repay any monies expended in violation of the Agreement. (b) Require specific performance of the Agreement. (c) Demand payment and/or performance from the surety, if applicable. (d) Submit a letter to SANFORD demanding repayment of any and all monies expended to SANFORD by the COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement within thirty (30) days. Once recorded, said letter shall constitute a lien upon any real or personal property purchased with said Section 32. Severability. If any one or more of the cqvenants or' provisions of the Agreement shall be held to be contrary to any expIess provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall, for any reason whatsoever, be held invalid, then such covenants or provisions shall be null and void, shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants or provisions of the Agreement, and shall, in no way, affect the validity of the remaining covenants or provisions of the Agreement. 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the Agreement ~ANET DOUGHERTY City Clerk to be executed on the date hereinabove first written. By: ~ ~ ~ - - LESS ., M or Date: ! ~///~/O -~ ° ATTEST: ~_____~ By: County Con~nissioners of Date: Seminole County, Florida. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , FLORIDA ~ DARYL G. MCLAIN, Chairman a- For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and 1~ sufficiency. County Attorney KC/gn 9/19/02 cagnO1/agt/cdbg-sanford-13~StFacade 5 Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" - General Scope of Services 2. Exhibit "B" - Project Budget 3. Exhibit "C" - Request for Funds Reimbursement Report 4. Exhibit "D" - E~d of Year Report 5. Exhibit "E" - Subrecipient Monthly Report 6. Exhibit "F" - Representations from Sanford regarding Permits, Fees, Project Description, Costs and Specifications. As authorized for execution by the Board of Cov-nty. Con~nissioners' at their ~--~,~u-. 20W~9-~ regular meeting. 18 EXHIBIT A GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES SANFORD shall provide for engineering and design consultation and construction services to provide for commercial/business fagade improvements on West 13~h Street within the Goldsboro commemial/business district. TASK ONE: DESIGN & ENGINEERING SANFORD shall supply COUNTY with copies of City of Sanford approved plans, design and prints for the projects. TASK TWO: CONSTRUCTION MONITORING SANFORD shall provide a project manager to monitor and inspect the construction activities. The project manager shall be responsible for responding to all reasonable requests by the COUNTY. The project manager shall provide monthly reports to the COUNTY. SANFORD shall inform the COUNTY in writing of the identity of the project manager orior to construction. TASK THREE: PAYMENT FOR ENGINEERING/DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SANFORD shall request payment for construction in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 "Payments" of the Intedocal Agreement. SANFORD shall at a minimum complete the fac..ade improvements according to the following maximum time schedule: First Unit Completed Second Unit Completed Third Unit Completed Fourth Unit Completed End of the third month from execution of the Intedocal Agreement End of the sixth month from execution of the Interlocal Agreement End of the ninth month from execution of the Intedocal Agreement End of the twelfth month from execution of the Interlocal Agreement If SANFORD fails to complete any unit accordinq to the above maximum time schedule, COUNTY shall reallocate the funds for the units not completed and apply those funds to other eligible COUNTY proiects. SANFORD may elect to complete the entire project earlier than the designated time schedule. TASK FOUR: MONTHLY REPORTS SANFORD'S project manager shall provide monthly reports to the COUNTY. Monthly reports are to be submitted to the COUNTY by the fifteenth (15~) day of each month beginning after the execution of the Interlocal Agreement. Monthly reports are to be submitted using the format attached to this Agreement as Exhibit D, TASK FIVE: PROJECT SUMMARY SANFORD shall provide to COUNTY at the completion of each unit fac..ade improvement, all appropriate inspection approvals and final inspeCtion approvals. COUNTY will not recognize the construction activity as complete without receiving copies of all applicable inspection approvals. L:\pd\tcams\CD~PROJECTS\TargetAreas\Cities\SANFORD\exhibi! a scope facade improvements.doc EXHIBIT B PROJECT BUDGET CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Activity Construction Services for Fa(~ade Improvements to Four (4) Businesses Located on W. 13b~ Street in Goldsboro. CDBG 2000-2001 Budget $ 65,000 L:\pd\teams\CD~PROJECTS\TargetAreas~Cities\SANFORD\exhibit b budget facade improvements.doc EXHIBIT C SEMINOLE COUNTY REQUEST FOR FUNDS REIMBURSEMENT/STATUS REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2002 - 2003 · Subrecipient Mailing Address Payment Request No.: __ Contact Person Telephone No. · Request/Expense Status Report For The Month Of (A) (~) (c) (o) (E) Type of Grant Grant Beginning Previous Expenses Total New (i.en CDBG, Fiscal Year Subrecipient Payment This Expenses Subgrant HOME, ESG or (i.e, 2002-2003) or lnterlocal Request Month Ycar-To-Date Balance SHIP) Agreement Expenses * Amount Year-To-Date (B plus C) (A minus D) TOTALS -> * Attach a copy of all supporting data for this Payment Request/Expense Status Report (i.e., Labor Vouchers, Receipts, Invoices, Daily Activity Logs, etc.) · Project Activity: Describe specific work tasks and accomplishments completed this Month. Include any successes or problems encountered, as well as possible solutions, etc. · Problems/Concerns: Describe any Problems/Concerns that the Comm~mity Development Office could provide assistance to resolve. · Percent of Project/Activity Completed: · Estimated Project/Activity Completion Date: · Submitted By: Title: · Signature: Date: L:\pd\teams\CD\PROJECTS\TargetAreas\Cities\SANFORD\modified exhibit c & d facade improvements.doc Z I,M I.IJ LL EXHIBIT F ATTACHMENT 1 PERMITS & FEES GENERAL PROJECT DESCRItYrIONS AND LUMP SUM COSTS PROJECT SPECn~ICATIONS FOR: WINDOWS DOORS AWNING SECURITY BAR SPECIFICATIONS PAINT CAULK LIGHTS SECURITY BARS ADDREES # SPECIFICATIONS SOl'FIT/FASCIA SPECIFICATIONS WALKWAY/CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS DIAMOND PLATE STEEL SPECIFICATIONS WINDOW/DOOR FRAMING WOOD ' Community Development Department P.O. Box 1788 · 32772-1788 Telephone (407) $$0-5665 August 12, 2002 Colleen Rotella, Manager Community Resources Division 1101 E. First Street Sanford, FL 32771 Re: 13t~ Street Facade Program Dear Colleen: Thank you and Tim Howard for meeting with Commissioner Williams and I regarding the 13~ Street Goldsboro Facade Program on August 7, 2002. After thoroughly reviewing the Facade Program proposal at the meeting for the 4 buildings, several issues were resolved and incorporated into the attached scope of services for the project. In addition to outlining product details and specifications at the meeting, the other major issues resolved were: 1) Selection of appropriate awning styles; 2) Selection of appropriate doors and storm doors; and, 3) Installation of iron window bars. The revised scope of services and product specifications reflect these changes, including the additional specifications requested from Tim Howard in his letter dated July 11, 2002. The City of Sanford is looking forward to initiating this project and completing it in a timely and professional manner. The City therefore requests that you forward a recommendation to the County Attorney to draft a Contract for the Facade Program and placement on the agenda for action by the Board of County Commissioners. If you have any questions or request additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me at 407-330-5665. Sincerely, Commissioner Velma Willams ,~ineerely, / drew Van Gaale Enclosures cc: file "The Friendly City" .. FROM : aC~4~ql~q~,qfg,,ABBP-~-~racting PHONI~ 140. : z~7 ~1 46~ 14ug. 12 ~ 10:~ Pa Z _~ T FROM : aAAl~B~a¢~ln9 PH~ NO. : ~7 ~-~1 z~5~ Au~. 1~ ~ 10:~5AM P3 Goldsboro Facade Improvement Project Project Specifications Material and workmanship shall be as listed below or equal. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I1. 12. YKK Series YES 45 FS Storefront System (Monolithic Glazing for Windows) Doors and Hardware Awning ~ Paint and Primer Caulk Lights Security Bars Addresg Numbers Fascia and Soffit Walkway Sealer Diamond Plate Steel Cover Window/Door Framing Wood WINDOWS 0~/85/20~2 89:87 4873381582 DZAMOND~ CO 4879778895 JOllY ~0GAZ:' .' ::.' YES 45 E mfmnt Sys . , pecificatlons CS] MA.-r[~,KFOP3viA.T SECTION NIJMBF:.R CSI MA.~T~I%I~ORMAT ~ ~ * I L~ YKK AP PRODUCT 8P. LRIES 08417 AJuminvm ~orc~ont $7~tasm YKI~APYES 45 F Serk~ 82 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Pt<rrormance R~:luircm~nt~: Provide aluminum stor~froni sTs~m8 that ix3mpl,/with perfia'manco requtmmems indicated. as dc~no~u~d by t~t~l~ manutkcmre~s us~mbiim in accordimca wllh ~ method i~dic-ated. I. Wind Loads: Comptmeg s~fi~ s~tem shell wlthStn-a wind ~ess~,e lo~ts normal to watt plane indicmed: a, Exterior WeHa: ' l) Positive 2) Neg~dve P~ssure: b. le~rior ~,lls (Pr~ssura Acdn~ in l~her Direc~oo): 2, D~e~:io~: Maximum allowable dofleclio~ in any n~mber wlma tinted le m~ ~ ASTM E 330-ffi ~ a. ~r~m~ Ho~n~: U175 ~ 3/4' (19.1~) m~um.. b. Wi~ Hofl~nmh: ~175 ~ ~ + I/a' (6.a~) ~ s~s ~t~ ~n 13'-6" (4.1 m) but [~s ~ 40'-0' (12.2m). wl~out ~si~ bu~l~g s~s~ on 8l~, joint ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 *l~u, d~ loads oomple~d s~ s~s~s ~1 ~ ~m ~lowsbl* infll~o~ o~ a. 0.02 C~/F~ (037 m~.m~ ~ Y~ 45 ~ ~. b. 0.06 C~/~ (I .10 mVh-mt) ~ ~ 4~ Fl ~s~. ~ wi~ ASTM E 331~3 ~ ~ ~lsu~ ~11 ~ l0 P8~ (4~ ~). 1.03 5UBMI'ITALS B. Produo Dats: Sulanl! product data for ¢~h type sMmlll~t ~ ~peoifled. C3-34 L~.4~av. Oats: November '1, 'i000 83/85/2802 09:87 4873381582 DIAMOHDGLASS CO PAGE 83 63/0d/2002 18:37 4079776895 JODY A OGAZ ~ . UZ YES 45 F Storefront Svstem $peclfl ations E. Quality ^sstu~ncc / Control Submiuals: . . . . 1. Te,~Z Repom: Submit certified t~t reports showlnB compliance with specified ~s~cg cbsncteltShcs and physical prot0crti~. 2. ln~tall~ qualiflcatioo Dam: 3ubmit htmller qnali:fle~tlon dam, 1.04 QUALITY C. Pr¢-Inmtiatton Meetings: Cmdnot pre-lnslallsfloa meeilng lo verify project mq~immetts, subslrate condition, manufacturer's i~l~n~ton tnstmctinm, ~nd manufa~atrc~s warranty I.O5 ^. PRO.IECT CONDITIONS / SITB CONOmOtt$ Field Measurem~m: Verify actual messu~mems/op~nings by f~d measurements before ~abflcudon; show reco~dcd measttremee,~a mi shop ~'swings. CoordinsI~ floM mews~J~mmats) t~aricark)n sched~e wl~ co~Sh'uc~ton pTOR~,~ to ovoid constn~Jon deists. 1.o~ WARKANTY A. Proj&et W~,5,ay: Refer to "Condition~ of~ho Coatract" for p~Oleet wa~anty pmvisio~a. EfVmc~IVe O~t~: Nmvmmbmr 1, 2000 Manufacturer's Wan-an/y: Submit, fro' Owner's ~ep~nco, mnnufactupe~s smnda~ w~ ~t ~t~ by hsve un~ ~e Conu'~t ~onts. I. ~n~c~: Issue wtn~ ~ due le~ name of ~c ~ ~n~. I II II I C~ O3/05/20~2 89:87 03/04/28B2 4073301502 DIAMDHDGLASSCO- 4079770895 JODY A 0GAZ PAGE PAGE 84 YES 46 F Storefront System 5pecifloapOn PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 5630 ~me)' Ddvc A~, GA 30336 ~phone: (a~) 6~3~ F~: (~) 62~-3810 1, Skwcfrottt Sy~e~: YKg- A,P Y]~..~ 45 ~ ~fi~ Sys~. 2. S~f~t 5y~: ~ AP YES 45 ~ ~t ~m. 1. D~s~i~ioa: C~ ~ ~ flush 81~1J~ ~d ~d mMlions c~uous; head, sill, in~rmsdia~ 2. Compooen~ Mmn~s ~n~rd ~d alu~n~ exp~ion mflllom. 0-15 ~g~ I~ mMiC, 90 de~ c~ p~, fleg~}~ ~mnr ~ ~ way ~n~r p~ 9~170 ~ fi~k ~ po~. ~ dos' ~m~, and hdlc~ ~ 2.02 MATI~RIAI~ B. E!.,~trusions: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M), 6063-T$ Ahanin~m Alloy. Aluminum 1. Anodiz~l Pi~i~: STM B 209 (ASTkI ~ 209b0, $005-Iq14 Aluminum Alloy, 0.0So~ (1.27 mm) minimum 2. Painted Finish: A$'I~ B 209 (ASTM B 209M), ~003-H14 Aluminum Alloy, O.0gO" (!.95 mm) minimum thiok~ss. 2.03 ACCESSORIES 2.04 RELATED MATERIAL$ (L~'ified h: O~/' Section) A. tilass: Rot~. to Division 8 Glam~ Md Gl~g ~,Joo f~' ~ materials. 2.05 F^ BILl CATION A. Shop Assembly: Fabrio~te al~d ~sembl¢ tmies with joints ~ ~t Jntm~mti~ of~umin~ m~lb~ wi~ ha~i~m join~; ,~d~ ~a~, and aeal~ ~ ~r~ wi~ 1. Wo~ C~ccal w~ld$ ~ a~mi~m m~b~ h ,~v~ wl~ AW$ r~o~da~ ~ mofb~s r~mm~ " ~ sn~,~u~. M~b~s sh~g ~]di~ blo~x or dbcol~on on ~,b m m~.l ~st~ will ~ reJe~d. I. Ms. Iai ~: S~ ~ 1/32 ~ (0.~ mm) ~e. ov~ 1~Ssst ~; ~lm ~ of 1/32 ~ (0.~ ~) ~ ~e two II I I Illl 03/05/20~2 89:07 4073301502 DIPYO, ID6LASSCO 03!04/2002 18:37 ~079770B~5 '.~ODY A O6P~ YES 45 F Storefront System Specifications 2.06 FINISHES AND COLOI~ B. Finishing: Prepare aluminum sm'f~, fo~ sp~lfi~l t'mls~; a~ fin~ in ~ ~i to Fo~c~ ~ qual~ ~u~oll~ bi)l~ m~ ~3-T~. b. ~s~ ~} ~ gi~ · ~u~c mca fol~d ~ m ~c ~Mo n~t ~ ~ ~ ~1 co~i~ ~i~ ~ fi~ t~H ~ * m~ ~0.7 taus. auo&~ ~ng of 0.d ml~ mtu~ foH~ by m ~ ~ ~i~ ~ a minimum 0,3 ~ In ad~tion to Al~in~ S~d~ ~ovo, ~hh sh~ ~f~ m &e 2) CASS C~,~ R~sis~n= Test: C~S 240/AS~ B36g T~t M~. 3) ~ ~MA 260~ P~aneo T~ o~ified in ~0 sp~i~ ~ ~: ~.3 ~ Film £. High Perfoflnanet Orsanic Coat)tl& Finish: I. Fluoro~m~r T~e: F~ ~li~ ~ 7~* Ky~r ~[n by Au~ Chsm or 70% Hyl~ ~in by Au~itnont, procedu~ mid ~c~ing ~MA 2605 s~. 2. Colo~: ~l~d b. C~m~ ~mg ~ ~. c. Color Name ~ ~: D. Fimsh~ 1. App~ 0.5% Sulufi~ NaOh, ii.ely wipo off NaOb; ~ not clu~n ~ h~. 2. Su~it aampl~m w~ ~at ~ noted ~ ~h sam~ PART 3 I~XIECb'TION 3.01 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS / R~CO~ATIOlq$ A. Compline0: Conlp~y with mMafactuve~s product dat~ including product technicatl bui,h~t~s, product ~adog installation in~tmctioi~s, and pvoduot oav~m instructions. till III I II II II I ee. oe~ o~,: No.mb*, ~, ~o~o C3-37 03/85/2002 09:87 03/04~2002 ~0:37 4073301582 DIAIs'O'4DGLA._q~CO 4879770095 JODY A 0GAZ - Pl~E 06 3.(r2 EX~MINAT/ON YES.4$ F Storefront System Specifications A. Site Verification of Coeditloos: Vefi~y aubstr~te r,o~lllloos (whleh have b~ prcvlously in.lied under o~her ~:ctions) ar~ acc,~table for l=S~luct installation in accoedance wl~ manttfitcnu~$ instructions. 3.03 PREPARATION · 3.04 A. Adj~eqt Sur£aces l~0tacti~n: Prote~:t adjacent work areas and ~nish ~urfeces frcan damt~c during pro&wt insl~llafl0~. INSTALLATION Gtroeral: lm~ll manufactureYs efts'mm ~ acco~ w~ ~op d~w~ ~d w~ ~fi~ tol~, m' bltumf~ 2. $hhn and br~ ~inum ~w~ ~fore ~ch~8 ~ · . V~ ~'o~t system ~lows Wa~r m~ sy~ m ~ ~1~ ~ g~n and wa~ V~y weep holc~ ~o op~, and m~ ~m ~ ~ ~a ~d~ wi~ m~u~ra~ ~el~ti~ ~m~s- ~. ~ expansion mullion wh~ ~ ~ ~vlew~ s~ ~w~s. 3.0§ FIELD QLJAL, ITY CON~'ROL A. Me~lufncturer's Field Se~-vice~: Upon Ow~ffs i~eque~ pi',n, tdc manufaotamffs feld s~c =sist~ efta usc reco~d~ion~ ~d ~odic sim v~it for ~ of~ insmll~on ~ucfions.' I:'icM Trot: Conduct fle.t~ tast to determine woietti~btne~s o£ 8to~-~q. ont ~,~tem. Conduct te~t in ac~ordsnce with NAAMM FC-I-76 et locations seJ~ctezi byArchJt~t. I. Pex~bnu minimum of. mst~. Perfolm test tnAn:hit~s pr~ence A. Adjuat~g: Adj~t ~g it.s i$ ~mm~ ~ ~uf~. B. Cleaning: Tho ~ml ~l~ ~all clemn i~ p~ ~ ~ wi~ m~t~rer's ins~etions pfi~ to ~nefs a~, ~d ~o~e ~lct~a ~bri$ ~ ~ si~ ~1~ ~ of debzjs. C. P~t~: The G~ ~ shalJ ~ ~l~ ~s fm~h s~es from d~a~c d~mg c~s~u~. C3-38 E~ect}vl Datu: Novemb~ 1, 2000 DOORS Produ~ Detail Page 1 of 1 You ara shopping at ORANGE C/TY, FLA. Chang Nord 36" Colonial Entrance 6-Panel Hemlock Door Slab Item #:,10507 Model: 2130 $155.00 · Stain grade Hemlock · 80" High, 1-3/4" thick · g/16" raised panels Item availability and price may vary by location. Press Pass I Careere I For Pros I Energy Center I Lowe's Racing Privacy I Terms of Use I Customer Service I We Znstal! I About Lowe's © 2002 by Lowe's. All rights reserved. Lowe's and the gable design are registered trademarks ofLF, LLC. Lowe's Zmproving Home Zmprovement (SM) http ://www.lowes. com/llm?action=productDetail&productId=10 50 7-O0006 2642_2130 07/19/2002 Product Detail Page 1 of 1 Chang Nord 32" 9 Lite 2 Panel Entrance Door Item ~*: 10900 Model: 944 $144.00 · I 3/4" t~ick · g/16" raised panels · Stain grade hemlock Item availability and price may vary by location. Press Pass I Careers I For Pros J Energy Center I Lowe's Racing Privacy [ Terms of Use I Customer Service I We Xnstell I About Lowe's © 2002 by Lowe's. All rights reserved. Lowe's and the gable design are registered trademarks of LF, LLC. Lowe's Xmproving Home Xmprovement(s~) http://www, lowes.com/lkn?action=productDetail&productld=10900-62642_944 07/19/2002 'I ;:: 'G~la~d: · HD 3000 ' ' HD 2500 . :.' : Triple-Track Triple-Track Functions ~q'$1 A156.2 Series 4000 Grade I iNora~KeYed Lock~ DIng F-/5 [ PAGE. 81 p//a;a__--5 Entrance/Offj~: Lock Push-burton locking. Push-burton locks outside lever until unlocked with key or by rotating inside lever. (Athens, Rhodes. and Sparta designs only.) ~ DI2D F89 Exit Lock I f -.~ ] Unld~:ked by lever ns de only. Outside lever D~5.,~PD F82 E~tr~nce Lock ]~l'urnlpush-bucron Ioc~ng: p~hin8 and ~ I · , I / ~ways fixed. (A~hens, ~, and Spar~ --~ m~ I tnmine button Ioc~ ouuide ~ob~r ~ J unl~ked. Push-burma locking: pushin · -- button Ioc~ oUtside ~ob/l~r unt~ D~SD ~t ~ unlocked bv key or by turning inside I~ u~kcd. (Speci~ door rhi~, 1-~' or [ Unlocked by k~ from outside wh~ D40S ~6 Ba~Bedroom Priv,~ ~ t --~-- ~ ins/de knob/lever. Inside knob/l~r j] ~ P~h-button locking. ~n be opened from L / unlocked. ~1 ou~ide with small screwdriver. Tumin8 ' ~m~ inside knob/l~'er or closinff d~r ~l~es D6&PD F~l Store ~ t ~ button. ~ ~ } Key in either knob/l~es Io~ or unlo~ I [ Push-burton locking. Unlo&~ flora outside J ~ t by mm nS emerffeno- turn-bu.on Turn ng } ~U~ I ,nside knob/lever or c os ng door .leges DTOPD F84 Cl~room ~ t I bu ron. [ ] O .i& locked unlocked } Di,O Singl, Dummy Trim '~a~ kc) Inside knob/l~er a'~. unlocked. door pull or as matching inactive trim. ~ ~ ~ knob indep~ndendy. · Corridor Lock Locked or unlocked by key from outside. Push-burton locking from inside. 'lhrning inside knob/lever or closing door releases D75P Fg0 I , 83/05./200~ ii:29 i4073333066 AG MAURO PAGE 03 Latchmg.Pani .....' ~ ' ' ..... ' '~*'"'<*:~*-',?.**.~':V,* ' ~T~'r.' ' * "** ~'-'"'~ .: ~~~. ;i~.~:~;,~',.':.' ..... : ...... ~.~....:,"'. ~':.:~,:: :. ed in conJur, ciJon wflb surface applled Vcflicai rod laodt .d~dcd',or.m~ a atop g~id~sead et the boUom of door. ~'ww~e k)w . _._00~AT 2005BT 2O05DT 2006GT :. :.-.-. (~.4) L' (34.9) 177AT 177B'lr 177DT 17701' "': (~,~) ?: · (41.3) · ..~,.,.,:.,~ ':.' / (6.4) I . !' ! (~4.~> j I~BSSAT 1855DT- 1855GT £ ¼. 17gAP 17aSP I P 179 , 1.179A¥ 17~1~1/ 179DV 179GV .1 177AV "1 oSI~AP lnSBOP 'IL~GP v~(V) 1855AV 11155DV 1835GV i ' 03/05/20~2 11:29 14073333066 .'~ : ' AG t4~J. JRO PAGE 04 Saddle Thresholds ! TO use a saddle threshold in an offset condition, use an dmm~"r(~ps§e CTS. 1736 161D 1516 Z70A .270B 270D 2706 (,~, e, .~?'Z A 27ZB 212;) 272G 7~A 276B 2760 278G f748A 27,4.8D 274aG .~ f.¼. I74X4B 274gA 1 Z74gD 27495 # __ .q 2750D 27BOG --10" 03/05/200,2 11:29 1407333306~ ,Funetior~ ANSI A156,5, 1992 Deadbolt Locks ~..:'.. . .. Deadbolt Loc~ B862 E1141 either side. B4~m~icill~:~dlocks B761P ]811.61 Deadbolt thr~[~.~-~-tea;br..k~ only. em~ another ~e n not pAG~K 07 Cylinder Lock Deadbolt thrown or rau~ctcd by key from one side. No inside trim. Bolt auto- matic~Jly deudlocks when fully thrown. Door Bob Deadbolt thrown or zcu'ac~d by mrn unit onl~ No ou~ide ~m. Bolt auto~d~y d~o~ whm ~y ~r~n. AWNING AWNING & GRAPHIc DESIGN, INC. ;AL PRESENTED TO: CITY OF SANFORD WEST 13TM STREET ATTN: ANDREW RE: AWNING (QUARTER BARREL STYLE) 5'0 WIDE X 2'0 DROP I0'0 WIDE X 2'0 DROP 15'0 WIDE X 2'0DROP 20'0 WIDE X 2'0DROP X 5'0 PROJECTION....$384.00. 5'0 PROJECTION....$546.00 X 5'0 PROJECTION....$726.00 X 5'0 PROJECTION....$894.00 INCLUDES: 12 MONTH WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY 5 YEAR FABRIC WARRANTY FROM MANUFACTURER VVELDED STEEL FRAME CONSTRUCTION (MILL FINISH) FABRIC TO BE: VINYL VALANCE TO BE: LOOSE ~ 8" GRAPHICS: N/A INSTALLATION ALL APPLICABLE TAXES DOES NOT INCLUDE: BUILDING PERMIT ENGINEER SIGN AND SEAL THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY! PROPOSAL BY: ALAN HANLEY NOTE: PRICE IS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF PROPOSAL: 08/02/02 50 Keyes Court Sanford, Florida 32773 (407) 330-1044 FAX: (407) 330-1477 '1;,'-~-o 1- oG~ · u61~ed ~l&~e t 6UlU~N, ~g AWNING & GRAPHIC DESIGN, INC. ~SAL PRESENTED TO: DAVID TERWILLEGER WEST 13TM STREET RE: AWNING (STANDARD STYLE) 5'0 WIDE X 2'0DROP 10'0 WIDE X 2'0DROP 15'0 WIDE X 2'0DROP 20'0 WIDE X 2'0DROP X 5'0 PROJECTION....$340.00 X 5'0 PROJECTION....$514.00 X 5'0 PROJECTION....$676.00 . 5'0 PROJECTION....$828.00 INCLUDES: 12 MONTH WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY 5 YEAR FABRIC WARRANTY FROM MANUFACTURER 'WELDED STEEL FRAME CONSTRUCTION (MILL FINISH) FABRIC TO BE: VINYL VALANCE TO BE: LOOSE ~ 8" GRAPHICS: N/A INSTALLATION ALL APPLICABLE TAXES DOES NOT INCLUDE: BUILDING PERMIT ENGINEER SIGN AND SEAL THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY! PROPOSAL BY: ALAN HANLEY NOTE: PRICE IS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF PROPOSAL: 03/05/02 50 Keyes Court Sanford, Florida 32773 (407) 330-1044 FAX: (407) 330-1477 (-~0-7) Con~.c~ct:: AIc~n Hc~nl~l ~0- I 0~ I~ovld Tar~i'll~c]~r () 9unst:a~ A~nin9 ~ ~'ph Design. Conbc~ot;: Alan H~nl~ (40-'/) ~5~50-1044 Dc~vid Ter-~lllecjer- Frome IPro~incj~ X X -. ~ ~- () (4©~) All o?1~i~ Lo onu~ .oreo. Cont:oct;: Sohio Dos[on 5unsl:o~e A~nincj ~ Grph Desitin. ~0-1044 SECURITY BAR SPECIFICATIONS (4o-~) Gonf. act:: 5on]a Dos~,on 5unsJ~e A~nlncj ~ 6~h Desitin. ~0-10~ All opgl~j to on~ oreo. PAINT ACRI-SH/ELD® Aczy]~ Bonding P~er ACRI-SH%~.I;% ;~zzyl~ Bc~dl]g Pz~ner No. 515 ~ a ~ 110~. wood, a~do~ald ~--~ TYPr, AL FIq]SHES OVER ACRI- EA"fER]DR ETATfSATlq SE~ }GLOSS GIDSS ACIy%~ 519 , 719, 929/ 619, 919, 6029 ~09, 2909 739, 2809, 3729 s~s~ swhen ~!m~.) 57+ 2% 43+ 2% 27-+ 2% 10~b 93-98 K~Ur~ W e~ 35m~ D~e 00~8 50% RM.): F~ Po~t > 2~ ~ 93~) F~ e ~d Rang :C~A ~25) 11'[ ........... ~DC bass~ cnwb~m base. See ~b~! ~r~mfuase- A~mpp~d ~n~):052 b/~al ~10 g/~ Ren o~=oram :kofl ~wn wm4~ebl~h *D 3~w~ ~~15m ~). N~ W OOD:~~~~.~e~~w~ ~.1~ or~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~P ~ S~%; · · ,~ A~ ~No. 1414, or~-,~ ~ ~O~: ~ ~1~ ~P GUN,p~e~t ~. F~o~s ~ gouges ~ w ~ ~d o~ ~s~ w ~ w ~ ~ or ~ e~. ~ ~p~. S ~d ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ neces~ beb~ p~ ~g b~ ~s ~d pa~. T~: ~ ~D~N SP~ C~~~. ~No. 515 W ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~b~ ~ ~o.513 ~ ~w~ ~ D 16 ~ of~b~= ~O~:~ ~ a~ ~D~N SP~UM ~ ~b~, ~o. 515 w~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~r~ ~ ~bm, ~ b~ w,~ ~ ~ No. 515 .) M ~g: S~~~]~. C ~: C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~w~ w~, ~w~m ~? - ~, ~ Applicatbn: Cond/~: T~n pem~e Range: Dew' Po~ Re]at~ Hum ~tgy: EquJ~n eniu B~ushes: Rollem: D~: New W ode: Repai%= F~ht C ]~s~tbn: PA/~T OR PA/~T RELATED M A~]~RI%L Packaging: 6 (~ per~; 4 GaIknsper, ~,k · ~ 5-Ga]kn Pall Sh/pping W eJ~h~: 2 B b/qt (~73 ]2~ ~,1, · ,);10~ b/g~l 84 ~ b~);533 b/o-gal PORTER GUARD' Alkyd Metal Primer PORTER GUARD Alkyd Metal Primer No. 272/276 isa high quality, intefior/exterioc corTesion inhibitive, alkyd primer ~ use o~r property prepared steel, aluminum and giber metals except galvenized (but can be used to pdme rested areas on galvanized). This Fimer is for use under alkyd and latex finishes. Use in mild iedus~iat and medne environments (must be topcoated in ~edor e~cosems). POEER GUARD Nkyd Metal Pdrner No. 212/276 con be ueed as a high quality shop primer that offers a higher level of exterior dembility to pmtect steel during extended per,2xts betwem pdming and topccafing. Available in md (No. 272) and white (No. 276). · Priming Iron, steel, aluminum, · Versatile copper, brass · Banter film & · Corrosion protection mst inhibitive · High quality shop primer for longer· Protects metals times between prime and finish PORTER GUARD Alkyd Metal Rimer No. 272/276, applied one coat (or two coats for severe service under emulsion latex finishes) functions as a metal primer under all aJ'chitecfural and industrial finishes that do not have strong solvents such as lacquer and solvent- Primer No. 272/276 are: INTERIOR LAT/SATIN ~ GLOSS Latex 689,999/389 109.919,1139 9ne, 2909 1119,2809,6079 6089.2809 Alkyd 650/129 149,439 2549, 2749, 4139 WB Epoxy 9321,9549S 9371, 9549G EXTERIOR Latex 519,719.929/ 619,919,6029 909, 2909 739, 2809, 3729 Al~d (~ ~nm~..~ 533 2749, 4139 Product Type: Colors:. Sheen: Percent Solids: We~h~ Volume:. Welghl/Gallom visses~(Inmct): Thinner: Brusl~/Rollec Spray:. Alkyd ~ V/bile tat tat 68__.2% 72+-2% 45--.2% 44_+2% 45+-2% 40+-2% 11.31b 11.51b 77- 84 I<rebs Units 'ihthning is not required under normal envimnmentat and application conditions. Thin spalngly as necassmy with Porter Paint' Thinner No. 5132. Do not exceed 6 ounces per gallon. 'l~in up to 6 ounces per gallon with Porter T-2 Spraying ~tuuer (5131). Clean-up: Porter Paint Thinner No. 5137_ Recommended lira Thickness: Wet: 4.4 mils 5.0 mits Dry: 2.0 mils 2.0 mils Spread Rate (Theoretical): up to 365 sq. fi/gal. Dry time (70' @ 50% R.H.): ToTouch: 30minutes To Handlei 2~/z hours To Recent: 16 hours (Expect longer do' tlme~ at lower tempe,'atures and higher re/alive humidity). lash Point: 109 o (43 °C) lame Spread Rating: Class A (0-25) (S, ee l~4er Te~ ~u~ebh No. 9: lame S~ofead P~ng.) ederal Sgeclflcatien Crossovers: TT-C-530B; TT-P~>45 :~- (SeePotterT~u~etinNo. 6: ede~lSpeci#caflon Pedormance Crossovers.) NOTE: See Rxter Fainls linishes data st,eels for additional mc~'wneqded systems appmpfi~e lot vaimJ:S sui~na. Do not apply when air er sudace temperature Is below 35o (2oC) or above 110e (43oC)..Surface temperature must be at least 5° above dew point, or optimum application properties, bring material to 70-100° (21-37°C) temperature range prior to mbdng or applica- tion. Use for service below 200~ . Avoid application er overspray of finishes with strong solvents. Prior to use, maln~n pmducl in pro- tected storage between 40 and 100° (4-38eC). Nole: 'l~is product is not formulated with lead or me~'cufy contathting mat~iais. VOC (theoretical): Ji~ N~ ,~s seppfied: 3.49 lb/gal (418 g/i) 3.45 lb/gat (413 g/I) When thinned to maximum": 3.63 lb/gal (435 0/1) 3.59 Ib/gaJ (430 0/1) PORTERGUARD,.,AIkyd l~l/P.r!mer ~'J:;-: :::= 51;ii¥iiiifii Paint only clean, dry, deoioased and profiled (b a'~d~ Slmdfled ~i~i;li~;~ieai tmat~ ~ release a0ents, eaAdthg du~ paint mmovor, etc. with Iq~Rll]~I~,EP'" ~ Dm'y Cle~i ~ No~'571. SolIax and water; Port~ Paint Thinner No. 5132 or other appropriate cleaners per SSPC-SP 1 cleaning procedures: Remove loose paint;: mill scale, mst, etc. by Hand Tool Cleaning (SSPC-SP 2), Power Tool Cleaning (SSPC-SP 3) or Commercial Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP 6). or mild service, treat rust with Metalprep® 79 (also clean other metals with Metalprep 79 prior to painting or as a pre-cleaner prior to other chemical treatment). Treat aluminum with Alumlprep® 33. Tinting: If required, tint with Up to 6 ounces with Porter DESIGN SPECTRUM ® Cotorasts per tabe[ instructions, Miring: Stir or shake thorcughly befere applieation. Thinning: Thinning is not required under normal environmen~ andapplicaUun coeditlmTs, ff necessary for brush or roller, thb with a small amount (upto 6 ounces par gallon) of Portor Paint Thinner NO. 513Z or spraying, thin up to 6 ounces of Porter T-2 Spraying Thinner (5131) per gallon. Clean-up: Clean tools and spray equipment immucr~ely after use with Porter Paint Thinner No. 5132. Application: Conditions: .Temperature Range: Dew PMnb Relative Rnmtdi~. Equipment: Brus/les: Rollers: Aidess Spray:, Conventional Spray: E]Jl~Jo~ NewWork:. Repaint: 350 to110' (sir, sur~nO (OpUmumpatnttemperature65-80° ) Surface tereperd]J~e must be at leasi 5° a'T:)ove 81e dew poinL Use nylon/polyes~'or china bds8e brushes. Use polyeste~or lambswool rcllorcovefs. Minimum 28:1 Ratio Pump; .015"-.017" Up; 18002400 psi; ½ ID High Pressure Material hose. DeVllblss MBC Gun; E'llp; 704 Air Cap; double regulated prescumtank'with oil and muisiure sepamtoc 20-50 Nomizing Pres,rare; 10-25 luld Pressure. .Apply one or two coats of POl~l ER GUARD Alkyd Metal Primer No. 272/2?6 es required, thish with ono or more coals et the selented Porter finish. Spat pdme barn areas with PORq'ER GUARD Alkyd Metal Primer No. 272/2?6,then ~ply une more ceats et the selected Patter thlsfl. iifl'fi~'lll'iJ~ Pdor to using this product, the usa' Is specifically directed to obisln and read the current Maedal Safety Data Sheet and Label for this product. ~aiterreadin~thesed~cumords~ycud~notundms1andtham~d~n~taseU1ispr~duc~KJ---~UT~ REACHO CHILDREN. I lilliilil' reigM Classification: PNNT OR PNNT RELATED MATERIAL Packaging: 4 galions per cwton; 5-gaJIon paJl Shipping Weights:. 272 Red: 12.1 lb/gal (49.4 lb/carton); 60.9 IbJS-gal 276 White: 12.3 lb/gal (50.2 Ib/catno); 61.9 lb/5-gai m pe ~hnical mm lumishe~ is ..~...and accurata Io the ~ gl our ~lecloe. ltov&,.vec ilo Ouafanl~ of accuracy is given o1' I imphed. We ass~Jme no respo~ibdity Im coverage,.peflormance of ini~ies fmlUq ho~ U~e. I:isbilii~ il any, is limited to I Petter Coatings 400 South 1381 Sb'est, LouisvOle, Kefltucky 40203 1-800-332~270 v,n~w.porte~painis.com ACRI-PROTM 100 FIAT F [er4nr Paint Brkk cr~o~ c~c~]%CRI-~RO 100 FLAT Ex~rAc~]i: Pa~tNo. 929 Do r~ .~p¥ i~ ~m~-t su-0i~htorwh~ a~ors ..~ ~ ~-~.-- h b~ 50°F or ~ ll0~F. DO not a~to~ k% ]a~m ~-~oo~ ~f mum applk~C~ D~p~, t~x~ m ~,;~l ~o 65-85~ (18-29~2) ~npem~ 53+ 2% 36± 2% 45± 2% - l13b 105 -110 F,=h~Un~S rno~=~7, ~ s~e~%7 w~h ~ wa~r ~p DF p~. ~y: ~ w~ ~ w~ ~ F phage. C~: W ~, ~w~ R~m~ F~ ~: We~ 3~m~ D~: 1.4m~ ~ Ra~ ~: ~S~: ~410 ~.~ ~S~: 2~-~0 ~.~ D~e 00~8 50% R~.): ~R~ 3~ ~S~: 15-30 ~ F~Po~ > 2~ ~ 93~) ~ e ~dRa~g:C~A ~) %~DC ~ c~ wh~m km~e. See ~ fmr o~_rP~. VOC ACRI-PRO ~100 FL;tT F~[=~or Ac--~yl~c Pa~t ~.~ ~,~ ~ ~.w~ ~ H~~o ~,~w~ ~~o. 5132 or o~ ~, ~ ~ ~.~ ~m ~ ~w~ w~ a ~m ~.':~]m ~ ~ ~ ~X--14 ~ R~ ~oram ~ ofl ~ b~ ~ 3 ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ ~r15 m ~). N~ WOO D: R~ ~~,~~p~e~ w~.~~s~w~PG~ S~ A~/~C~No. 1414 ,o~ ~t ~ e ~w~ w~ ~1~ ~.~ e ~ ~ ~ w~S~TM ~o.1~ REPA~T:~~~~,~~I C~g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~]~. F~ho~s ~d gouges ~ w ~ ~d o~er s~s~s w ~ w o~ path o~ ~L e~. as a~p~. S~d pa~ ~as ~ ~ as ~ces~ be~ p~ ~g barn areas ~d pa~. NOTE: A~a~ p~ e ~a~ pa~ ~d ~ces w ~ ~ app~p~ Po~rp~e~g p~ ersu~ as AC R~PRO t O 0 Ac~ P~ ~N o. 335, ~S Y ~ DETM House P~tP~ erN o. PORTER~C~ ~~C~o.898,~R~CKW B~P~ ~S~o.6010or~RTER~CK W B AC~ ~arSea~rNo.6015. C ONCRETE~ ASONRY~TUCCO: ~tnew concm~, m~n~ ~d s~c~ ~ 28 ~ beb~ p~g. ~OTE: Po~ erin ~d ~at stucco c~ ~u~ ~ pa~ w ~h 7-i4 da~ depend~g u~n d~g con~. Fo~w sm~ m ~u~cmm~ ~s~c~ns.) ~h~g orw ~ a d~m u~ ac~ ~n b~w ~g m ~u~ ~s~c~ns. ~AUTDN :W h~ m ~g ~ ~g, a~ a~ ~d ac~ D and wear app~p~ e~ and s~ p~n.) F~cmc~ ~ ho~ w~ Bond~ Conc~ Pa~ oro~erappDp~ ~r. For new c~ncm~ bbck ~M U),app~ app~p~ ~rbbck ~r ~EE R~OM M ~DED SYS~ S) bebm U~g:~~N S~ CO~~.For~,~U~D~~2 c'~n~s~n o~ ~b~t~ ~eXD ~ b~ ~. C ~: C~ ~ ~ ~w~ w~, ~w~m~a~. .Appl4catbn: CoDH~ns: Tempez~ Range: Dew Po~tz Rela~i~ H~ ~: E~ ~ B~es: Ro~: A ~ss ~y: D~rectbns: New Work: Repaint: ACRI-SH F/AT ,rAczy 4n Pa% t AC R I-SH ~.~n FL~T F~r Ac~y~c Pai%tNo. 519 S~ ~s a s~- e~; 100% auF]b, ~h0us~ psht ~ ,~ ~ra~ B~_k C~=~ bilk ~U) S~co~ Sheen, e5°: · N~m~ W ~ · Wa~ Vo3um e: · Easy~ ~,t~ ~ PVC: ACRI-SHF~LD ~AT E~rAc~yli: Paint No. 519 s~- ca% be appl~ ~D a wi~e ~ ofp~ed sub~[~. F~ ~e p~ined ~ces w~h ~e oreo coa~ of ACRI-SH~LD FLAT F~rAc~ylb PaJntNo. 519 se~s: 898, 6010, 6015 898, 6010, 6015 222, 896, 9203 515, 565, 898, 74130, s~]f~e 272/276, 286, 290, 296, 299 215, 290, ~e 898, 6010, 6015, s~p~e 515, ~e 515, 565, 74130 r~n~ cn fo~ o~c~ckw~4~2 s ~. P ~ct f~mn f/~ezing. Data be~ ~ ~-=~ o~ W h~ base. B~ ~=?/3ol)~s: 519 ~k~ ~0W~ 518~ ~4~n~ 514~ ~6~ 52± 2% 37± 2% 28+ 2% · 10g b 96 -101 }<,w~Un~ ~pDF ph~. ~w~wa~ ~F p~g~. W ~, ~w~ R~m~ ~ ~: We~ 4Dm~ D~ D~e U0~8 50% Raj: ~ ~tor ~R~= ~s~: 15-~ ~ F~Po~ > 2~ D 93~) F~ e ~d Rang :C~A ~) ~=~ o~ts, ~ ClUS~ paint l~n ~ e=. w~ POl~ H~ ~ ~No. 571, ~ ~ wa~ ~ ~t ~No. 5~2 or~~ ~, ~ ~,~ ~ ~. ~m~ ~w~ w~ a m~ ~~X-14 M~ R~oram~ofl ~b~ D 3 ~w~ ~ ~~15 m~).NEW WOOD:B~~,~~p~e~ w~.~p~,~s~ ~q ~ w~ ~P G~ S~ A~ ~No. 1414, ~o~s,~ ~t ~ e ~ ~,~ w~ w~ ~ i~.~p~e~~w~S~- ~No.l~. REPA~T:~~ ~~, ~ ~ O~1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~. F~ho~s ~d gouges ~ w o~ ~a~es.NO~: A~ a~ p~ e ~ p~ ~ su~s w~ ~ ~p~ Po~e~g p~ ersu~ ~ ACR~SH ~LD Ac~ Bond- mg P~erNo.515,~SyHD~ Hou~P~tP~erNo. 565,PO~CK~ ~~O.898,POR~CKW B Ac~ P~ en~ Se~rN o. 6010, or POR~CK W B Ac~ C~rS~rNo. 6815. Tiltiag: TiTtw ~h I~,~-r DES ]~N SPEC~I~UM ® Cob~ per ]ak~3 H ~. ForXD k~nse cob~, use ~ne U ]~ Deep base and a~d 2. M ixiag: St~rsba~ fna~befz~ appl~atkn. L2l~ing: 9bi7 sP~ ~w~ c~ wa~as Do~--~'Y f~rP~erappl;~; · ~. DO note~ F Clsan~: Ciaaa ~ a~d gmay ~,,tm ~atwth wan, ~wa~ri~m ~af~ruse. ConHa-~ns: T~pem~ Range: Dew Point Re]at~ H~m Jdiby: ~ B~es: Ro~: A ~ ~y: Di~ctbns: New W o~: RepaJn~ I~r 30 days. Forl~e a~: wa~q w ~h a so~ and a solKkn ofPOR~flRpR~ He~; Du~C~a~erNo. 571, Soi~o~p ~ w~ ~,r m a~s, penca], e~, cisa~ w lin a dan p spcr~e a~i pcw ctmad c.l~amau Fl~i~ht C l~e~atJDn: PA/~TOR PAI~T RflATED MA~I~L Packaging: 6 Quar~ perr~ffrru 4 Galknsper. ,,l ~; 5~Galkn Paal Shipping W eight': 3D ID/It ~8~ b~-~r~n); 11~ ~X3al ~7.4 b~);56~ b~-gal PAINTS ACRYLIC LOOR ENAMEL ACRYLIC LOOR ENAMEL No. 1069 Series is an excellent interior/exterior, waterborne, pigmented, acrylic primer/finish for above or below grade wood or conaete floors, porches, paUos, steps, walks, etc., that ara not subject to hot lira tralgc. It is available in a tull renge of colors and two popular marly mix colors. · Wood Concrete Basement floors Porches Patios walkways Steps · 100% amylIc Sbeca, 85 · asr drying Reflectance: * Durable Perceflt Solids: · Low sheen, slip resistant Weight: · Resists mild chemicals Volume: · Brea~es; altews moistura vapor PVC: to pass through Weight/Gallon: · Easy soap & water clean-up ACRYLIC LOOR ENAMEL No. 1069 Se, des is used to prime and finish properly prapered cenaete floors and other cencrate walldng sudaces in moderate seMce. The typical system for ACRYUC LOOR ENAMEL NO. 1069 Series Is: Primer.' One coat of ACRYLIC L00R ENAMEL thinned one pint per gallon. Inlsh: One or two coats of ACRYLIC LOOR ENAMEL unthinned. Data below Is based on LIgM base. Predust Type: Acqdic RaZors: 1069 Light base 1071 Tile Gray 1068 Deep base 1079 Tile Red 1067 X'D base Satin (Typical range: 17 - 23) 97.+ 2% 53 .+ 2% 39 --. 2% 28 +- 2% 11,0 lb Viscesity (initial): 75 - 80 Krsbs Units Thlnnec Brush/Roller/Sp~ay: Thin the first coat with 1 pint per gallon ct cle~ water. Do not thin subsequent coats. Clean-up: Wa'm, soapy water. Recommended lira Thickness:. Wet: 3.2 mils Dry:. 1.2 mils Spread Rate ('l'lleoreUcal): Up to 500 Sq. fi/gaL Dry time gO· @ 50% R.H.): To Walk On: 4-6 hours To Recoat: 3-4 hours Normal Traff~: 16 hours (Expect longer dry times at lower lemperat~es afld higher relative humidily.) lash Point: >2000 (>93~C) lame Spfcad Rating:. Class A (0-25) (Seel:br~ ~Sulle~No. 9: lameSpra~RatingJ ederal Speolflcatlon Crossover: None Do not use on garage floors, drh, eway~ or any otha' areas exposed to hot ti.res. Do not apply when air or sudace tempera- tura is below 500 or apovc 1100 . Sudace ternperatura must be at icest5° abovedewpoint, oroptimuraapplicationpmperties, bring material to 60-800 (16-27°C) temperature range prior to mixing or application. Use lot service below 150° . Protect fi'om freezing. Note: 'il~is pmcluc~ is n~ Iormulaled with lead o~ rnmcmy C~fitaining maleria~s. VOC based on Light base. See labels ler other bases. VOC (theoretical): As Supplied (untinted): 1.36 lb/gal (163 g/I) or best performance, allow new conCrete to cwe Ior 28 days before pathtlno. Paint only clean, dp/, d~glussed and pmllled (blasted, scarified or chemical treated) sudaces. Remove dirt, oils, grease, wax, release agents, sanding dust, paint remover, etc. with PORTERPREP'" Heavy Duly Cleaner No. 571, Soitax or TSP and water, Porter Paint Thinner No. 5132 or other appropriate cleanors, til cracks and holes tn maeenry and concrete with Bondex Concrete Patch'or other appropriate filler, BARE CONCRklk-' Acid etch bare concrete per ARTM Method D 4260: Standard PracUce for Acid Etching Concrete (ALSO SEE PORTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN #14: GUIDE TO ACID ETCHING CONCRETE); or sweep blast as appropriate, REPAINT= Remove loose paint by Hand Tool Cleaning (SSPC-SP 2), Power Tool Cleaning (SSPC-SP 3) or Commercial Blast Clean* lng (SSPC-SP 6) as appmpdate. Acid elch bare concrete areas il possible, or wire brash to remove laitanee. Remove residues from the acid etching or wire brushing procedures by flushing with running water while scrubbing, or by vacuuming when the surface is wet. (NOTE: Do not allow residues to dry down in the pores. Residues left in the pores will likely lead to adhesion failure.) To assure successful overc, oating, moisture content must be below 12%. Test for moisture content with a moisture meter or by ASTM Test Method D 4263-83: Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the~lastic Sheet Method. Tl~tlng: T~nt with Poder DESIGN SPECTRUM® Colomnta per label Instructions. Mixing: Stir or shake thoreu~hly before application. 11tinning: ]hth the first coat with I pint per gallm of clean water. Do not thin subsequent coats. Clean-Up: Clean tools and spray equipment with w'wm, soapy water Immediately after use. Application: Conditlon~. Temperatgre Range.. Dew Point: Relative Humidity:. Eaulpment: Bru~/~es: Airless Spra~ Directions:. New Work: Repalnb 500 to 1000 (air, surface, paint) (Optimum paint temperature 65-8~ ) Surface temperature must be at least 50 above the dew point. Ma~mum 85% Use nylon or polyester brushes. Use 3/8" to 1/2" polyester or lambswnol relie~'covem Minimum 28:1 ~tio Pump; .015"-,019' tip; 1800-2400 psi; 1/4" high pressure material hose. Apply a uniform coat of thinned ACRYLIC LOOR ENAMEL No, 1069 Series at the specified millage, intsh with one or more coats of the same product, unthinoed. Spot prime bare areas with a coat of thinned ACRYLIC LOOR ENAMEL No. 1069 Series. inish with one or more coats of the same product, unthineed. Prior to using this product, the user Is specltieaJly directed to obtain and mad the current Material Safety Data Sheet and Label for this product. If, after reading these documents, you do not understand them, do not use this preduct. KEEP OUT 0 REACH 0 CHILDREN. relgM Classification: PAINT OR PAINT RELATED MATERIAl. Packaging: 4 Gallons per carton (NOTE: Tile Gray is also available in qea~-6 quarts/earton) Shipping Weights: 10.1 lb/gaf (41.6 th/cation) ~ Porter Pabds 400 Soulh 13th S~c~, LouisvTlie, I~ntuc~/40203 1 ~00_332.62re v,;vw.pmtefpaints.c~m 11~e technical data lumished Is ~ a~ accurate to Ihe test of ou~ know~m:lge. However, flo guarantee of accur~/is give~ or implied. ~e ~i~ i ~f~ o.. ~1~1~1~1~1~1~_ .ns.l? I ~ ?~r~,. _~,.. _ .r~9~_ ,_ ~_ ?.~..ce ? taILqi~ ms?lU~ l~om ,se. LPabllfly. if any, is limited to mpiane~nt of products. ACRI-F/LTM Block ACRI-F~L ~br~rAczy~ B]Dck F~No. 896 ~a P~ ~ w~b g~ ~b~ ~ · ~o~~m~.u~ ~ B~No. 896 ~ ~ ~ ~ · ma~ m n~%~ be_%~ ~ ~o ~ off~e s~ B~ fni~h m ay ke ~ ]i~ ~D p~ ~n= a %~i~ ~p~ ~ a~d px~ m ax~ un ~en~ a~ce. T~pJcal~s o~-r AC R I-F/L int~rbr~r Aczy]~ Block F~rNo. 896 an~: mTERDR FLAT,SAT/q S~ I-GLOSS GIDSS 7m~ 689,999/389 109,919,1139 909,2909 1/19,2809,6079 6~89,2809 A]k~ 650/]29 149,439 2749,4139 W B ~ 9321,9549s 9371,9549G P~x~uct ~: mxy]~ Base. Cobra: Offwh~ ~b~) W ~ 70 ~ 2% PVC: ~ ~ 2% D~e ~0~8 50% R~.): F~ Po~ > 2~ ~ 93~) F~ e ~d Rang: C~A ~5) 5°F abo~ d~4 point For cpt~n u~ 65-80°F (18-27oC) ~anpe~u~ ~ p~r~o m ~ or Use fDr~ bebw 180°F. Do notuse cn ~bo~. Do notc~p~ P~D~=ct f~ f~ezi~g. VOC (~heomt~a~: ~ s~pt~ ~nth~d): 0 54 b/~al (65 Ro]3er Appl~a~on: A~Jess Sp~y Applira tka%: Sur~ ~m p~,~ m ustte at ]~ast 5~F abov~ tn~ ~ M~ 85%. U~ ~ ~h~t~. U~F ' ~ 1' ~ ~. M ~ 28~ ~ ~p; D21' ~; 180~24~ ~ ~ ~wo~ ~ m ~l h~ ~ ~ ~ ~. D~ o~ s ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ awet~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~w~ ~ o~o~ ~of~ ~. ~D~m ~ ~ ~t~), ~ ~D worm ~1%~ ~ aw~ ~ ~ ~ ~w~.~w~ ~o~ ~ of F~JghtC]~ssi~satbn: PA/gTOR PAigTREIA~I) MAqf~JkL Packaging: 4 GaJt~s ~er c~; 5-GaIkn pa~ ShJppi]g W eJ~h~: 13 ~5 b/cjal ~5.6 b~-~n); 67 2 b/3-gal ACRI-PRO'" 100 Acrylic Primer (lermerl! PROPRIME-) ACRI-PRO 100 Acrylic i~tmef No. 335 is an interior/extedor ac~lic primer for properly prepared bare wood, concrete, masonry, stucco. Product Ty~e: alkTd and.latex paints and galvanized metal It is an ideal companion BaseJCelor: to the ACRI-PRO line of exterior acrylic lthishes. ACRI-PR0 100 Sheen: Acrylic Primer No. 335 is used lur all types gl new or previously painted Pm'cent Solids: commercial, institutional and residential exterior weed surfaces such asWeight: siding, trim, eavesi~clas, shutters, fences, etc., and intedor woodwork,Volume: drywall, masonry, etc. PVC: Weight/Gallon: · Wood siding, trim, shutters · 100% Acrylic Viscosity (Inl~al): · Maoolaeturedsiding · astd~/ing Thinnec. · Hardie Bead sldi~ig · interior & Exlerior Brush/Rellec encing · Easytoapply, low edur · Concrete, masonry, stucco · Easy soap & water clean-up · Woodwork · Containsthngicide" · DP/wall, plaster ACRI-PRO 1 O0 Acrylic Primer No. 335 funcliens as a palmer o/er bare wood, plaster, drywall, masonry, and oil and latex paint surfaces. TYPICAL I#ISHE$ OVER ACRJ-PRO 100 Acrylio Primer No. 335 Latex 689, 999/389 109, 919, 1139 909, 2909 1119, 2809, 6079 6089 Alkyd 650/129 149, 439 2749, 4139 WB Epoxy 9321, 9549S 9371, 9549G E~ _LAT/SATIN SEMI-GLOS~ GLOSS Act, ylic 519,719, 929/ 619, 919, 6029 909, 2909 739, 2809, 3729 Low Tempm'atme Acrylic: 579 Alkyd (Not rccm'rme~ded) 533 2749. 4139 Amylic 335 White (tinfable) lat 45 .+ 2% 30+_2% 32 +_ 2% 10.6 lb 95-105 Krebs Units Il necessarj, thin sparingly with clean water up to ½ pint per gallon. ~ Spray:. Thin with clean water up to ~ pint per gallon. Clean-up: Warm, soapy water. Recommended lira lhickne~s: Wet: 4.0 mils Dry:. 1.0 mils Smead Rate (Theoretical): SmoothSm~--' IJp to 400 sq. fL/gal. e~gasudace~ 200-300 sq. flJgaL Dry time (70" @ 50% P,J.I.): To Touch: 1 hour To Recoat: 1 hour (E.~pect longer dry times at lower temperatures and higher ~elative humidity,) lash Point:. >2000 (>93°C) lame Spread Rating: Cfass A (0-25) (See P~te' Technic. a] Bu~efin No. g: tan~ Spread Railog.) ederal Specification Crossover:. TT-P-001984 (see I:'~ter Technical 8u~etin No. 6: ederal Spesificati~ Pe#o~rnance C, mso~e~) Avoid application in direct sunlight or when air or surface temperature is above 110° (43°C). Do not apply when temperatures are below 50° (10°C), or will fall below within 24 hours. Surface temperature most be at least 50 above dew point. Do not apply exterior in tate afternoon it condensation or log is likely to occur, nor when mtn is expected within 12 hours, or optimum applicaUon propadies, bring matoriallo 65-85° (18-29"C) temperature range pdor to apptication. Use tcr se~'ice below 1500 . Do not use on floors or on deckwalking sudaces. Protect from freezing. Note: 1~i$ product is not formulated wil~ lead or mercur/containing materials. VOC (theoretical): As supplied (untinted): 0.84 lb/gal (101 9/1) ACRI-PRO'IO0 Acrylic Prllner Paint only clean, dry (may be damp, but not dripping), deglossed and profiled sudaces. Remove dirt, oils, grease, wax, reieese agents, sanding dust, paint remover, etc. with PORTERPREP'" Heavy Duty Cleaner No. 571, Soilax and water, Porter Paint ~inner No. 5132 or other appropriate cleaners, or by vacuuming as necessary. Remove mildew by washing with a commercial mildew remover such as X-14 Mildew Remover or a mix of 1 part chlorine bleach to 3 pads clean water (rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes). NEW WOOD: Repair construction defects and sand as necessary. Spot prime knots and sap streaks with STA-KIL'" Primer/Sealer No. 164 or shellac, ill openings and nail holes with TOP GUN'" SiSconized Acrylic Caulk No. 1414, or other suitable sealant. (NOTE: 8est performance is achieved by spot priming nail heads with an appropriate primer be/ore applying fille~ ) When sealant or other Iii tar is wall set, usually 1-4 hours for TOP GUN, prime with ACRI-PRO 100 Acrylic Primer No. 335 NEW CONCRETE/MASONRY/STUCCO: Let new concrete, masonry and stucco cure 28 days before painting. (NOTE: Polymer modified thin coat stucco can usually be painted within 7-14 days depending upon doing coeditions, ollow stucco maeufaclurer's inslructions.) Remove any remaining deeply embedded contaminants such as curing compounds by abrasive blasting. Remove efIIorescence by p~essu~ washing or with a dilute murtaltc acid solution following manutacturer's instructions. (CAUTION: When mixing and using, always add acid lo water, and wear appropriate eye and skin protection.) ill cracks and holes with Boudex Concrete Patch or other appropriate filler· or unpainted concrete block (CMU), apply an appropriate Porter block filler (SEE RECOMMENDED SYSTEMS) before painting. REPAINT: Remove loose and lailing paint by power washing, hand scraping or power tool cleaning and sand edges smooth when applicable, ill holes and gouges in wood and other substrates with wood patch or filler,.etc, as appropriate. Sand patched areas smooth as necessary before priming bare areas and patches. PLASTER: ~rbestped~rmance~newp~as~ersh~u~dcure2~days~andm~is~urec~ntentsh~u~dbebe~~w12%be~~repein~ing-N~TE:Tes~ plaster for solven~ absorption (with paint thinner or mineral spirits) prior Io painting (paint will not adhere il lhinner does not wet out the sudace and absorb into lhe plasteD. If necessa/Y, sand or acid etch with Metalprep 79 diluted 5 parts water to 1 Metalprep 79. Retest for thinner penetration before painting. Tinting: Tint with Porter DESIGN SPECTRUM® Colorants per label directions up to 12 ounces of colorant. (NOTE: To approximate Porter DE$1GN SPECTRUM light base colors, lint with half lhe light bese /ormula. nr deep base colors, add /ormulas /ull strength.) Mixing: Stir or shake thoroughly before application. 'l~inning: Thin sparingly with clean water as necessary for proper appiicalian. Do not exceed ¥2 pint per gallon. Clean-up: Clean tools and spray eguipmant with warm, soapy water immediately alter use. Application: ~ Temperature Range: Dew Point: Relative Humidity: Equipment: Brushes: Rollers: Airless Spray: Directions: New Work:. Repaint: 500 to 110° (air, sudace, paint) (Optimum paint temperature 65-850 ) Surtace temperature must be at least 5o above the dew point. Maximum 85% Use nylon or polyester brushes. Use 3/8" to 3/4" synthetic roller covers, Minimum 28:1 Ratio Pump .015 '-.018 'zip 1800~2400 psi 1/4 High Pressure n~ter tal hose Apply one or two coats gl ACRI-PRO 100 Acrylic Primer No. 335 as required, inish with one or more coats of the selected Porter finish. Spot prime bare areas with one or two coats gl ACRI-PRO 100 Acrylic Primer No. 335 as required, then apply one or more coats gl He selected Porter finish. Prior to using this product, the user is specifically direcled to obtain and read the current Material Salety Data Sheet and Label for this pmdu*~ if, alter reading these documents, you do not understand them. do not use this product KEEP OUT 0 REACH 0 CHILDREN. reight Classification: PAINT OR PAINT RELATED MATERIAL Packaging: 4 Gallons per carton; 5-Gallon Pail Shipping Weights: 10.4 lb/gal (42.8 lb/radon); 51.1 Ib/5-gal Porter Paints 400 South lSlh Siroel. Louisville, Eentucky 40203 1-800 332-6270 w'¢cw.pode~p~inls corn CAULK ] 1 l ] ] l I ] .] I JL)/K~' - k[etall J~rooucts DO, I,~O~RS~R~ RETAILERS CONTRACTORS OEMS INTERNAIIONAL CANAD,~' Retail Products Product Guide · ,~k me Expe~ · Do-It-Yourself- · PDF Catalogs · Feedback Products: Caulk__sand Sealants: Indoor/Outdoor: DAP® ALF-X® Painters Caulk DAP® ALEX® Painters Caulk All purpose acrylic latex painter's caulk. Applies smoothly and easily. Adheres to wood, plaster, drywall and masonry. Resists cracking and chalking. Interior/exterior use. Paintabie. Water clean-up. 25 Year Durability Guarantee. Meets ASTM Specification C 384 for extrudabirAy, arlilicial weathering, extension-recoveP/and slump. MSD$: 10011 Technical Data Bulletin: p0010011 MSDS & Technical Data Bulletins require Adobe Acrobat Raader · Caulkinq Around Windows and Doom Coda Code Size Cok)~ UPC#: pack .Weight Dimensions Per pallet DAP USA I DAP international I DAP Canad~ I DIY Pro,acts prlv~w Statement I Y2K Disclosure Statement Copyright ¢) 2001 DAP Inc. Ail Rights Reserved. http:#www.dap.com/retail/retail_detail.cfm?catid= 1 &subca~d= 1 &Prodhdrid=l 1/12/2000 2400Bc~% S~Su~200,B~%~- ~-~,M ~L~]and 91994 Phone: 410-675~100 R e~: 8/7~01 DAP® ALEX® P %a sAcxylicLa C 05905,18057,18061,18065,18068,18070,18670,73630,73625,73635 M anufach~c. DAP Inc, 2400 Bo~Dn St. B~4~ o~e,M amy]and 21224 U sage InfDanatbn: DAPHELPL]NE:888-DAP-T~PS,9:00an ~D 7.~01an EST. O ~r}nfDn~ atbn: 800-327-3339 Fax N ~be~. 410-534-2650 A lso,visitthe DAP web~i~ atwww ~p ~ . DAP® ALEX® Painters's Acrylic Latex Caulk is a durable indoor and outdoor caulking product formulated to tast25 y~ orm O~. ]kens~-~ a dn~h]e .~l ~D p~v~ntair and m oJsh~ f~:an p~g ~%~Dugh ~ks and jDi~t~. A LEX ® Pa~¥~fs ~s paint, bis w ~ ~x and o~ pai~ ~d c~n be used fDrbo~ JD~rand e~rbr appl~tiDns. Su~esls~ U ~s: r'{o~ lfmr caulking and s~a~ng: · W ~dow and door from es · Basmboands · M o3d_hgs · Siibg/u~m · Comer~.~ts · Adheres To: · Wood · Bzf~k · M e~l · D lywa31 · Pa~t~dsurDo~s · Mostc~m~monb~]4~gma~=r~ls · ALEX® Pain.~F_fsmeets~hep~r~una~ce~%~en~ofASTM C~34~Ja~4~-4spe~4~tbnfDr]a~-x .~%~n~, g~de O °C, fDr extmdab~]~y, a~fi~] w ea~e/:ing, ex~msi~n-n~oove~y, slum p and tack-~ tin e. · Can be painted in two or more hours (longer in cool or humid conditions) with latex or oil-based paints. For best~_su]~w ~ ~f~Wnrgmde, f]atf~,w allpa~n~s. Allow caulk ~D cky 24 hou~befDmpaint~g. · Resis~ c~cki~g and d~. · Tack fn~e i% ~ m inures. no,z%= ~D ~ bead size ~m%d load c~ge i~D ~3 ~c%~g gun. H olJ ~he ~v44ge~ _ ata 45°~g]e and ~']] rite j~iltw J~h ~m~ an pie an oumtof ska~nt- · Us~theDAPCAP~. ~-4nassdsepa~dm~)~DSnOO~h,~landfk~]kfDrp~D~nal~,~w~hno mess. R esma~ ~-MMge fDr s~Dm~3e and m~s~. FOR BEST RE~LTS . D O notapp]y w h~n ~d~ or fm~hg ~m pe~,~ a~ fDn~d. · S~D~awayfmun ex~aneheatorco]d. · Donot~r~ wallin, or~ g~]~,or~or~ob~]~. . ~t~ ~ not~ 3~" w ~ x 3~" ~. ~t~ ~ 3~", ~ ~e~y~ or . ~e~ ~a~ ~]~ . Do not~ br~3hg ~,~ ~, ~ ~ ~g or~ ~ or~ ~ ~ 1~" T ool%~g Tin e: Tack-F~e T~ e: D ynan i~ Joi~tM L ifm E mpec~mncy: Pai~b]e: O do~. C om ~sncy: V Vo]ati]e: Flash PoJn~ F~l%~ D W ~%3htperG allnn: Ten pe~zu~ Ser~ Range: T ~n pe~ A ppl~n R emge: F~__ze Thaw s~b~l~y: ShelfLif~: C ov~r~ge: M SDS No: C%~nUp: 10M iqu~ms 30 M im~ _+ 7~% 25 Y ~ Yes VezyM i~ Sm oo~h ~d C n~an y A c~yl~ La, mx Wa~-r N o~ C~ C~ 158~ 0D1 79D% ~ 1D% ~w~ht 1320 ~ 0D5~. -20T ~ 180~ 40~ ~ 100~ Pa~s5Cy~ 0~ ~=16~.8 0~,8~.~ 70~) 1 Y~M ~ 56 ~ata 3~6"~ ~. T~ ~e ~e d~ or ~e ~ w ~dow s. 10011 BefD~ cu~g, mmn~eexc~ssma~r~lwi~h adanpc]o~. W a~ handswi[h warm wa~_rand soap. Afar p~Dducthas ctumd, e~oessm a~=r~l~ ustbe cutor~ aw ay. See pnDduct]abelorM a~=Mml Safu=by D at~ Sheet fDr~ty ~fD~n atbn. You Ga% n~questan M SD S sheetby calling 888-D A P-T ]PS orby v4~l ~,g ourw ebslb~ atw w w ~p zlxn . W m ~'~ Inf~zm at~: Ifnot~M~ w J~h p~ductp~rfn~n anc~ w h~ used as a 4~w~d, m~mun ,,~ cont~er and .~ 1=_~ nm~Jpt~D D A P Inc~ Ted%m~] C usk~, erSezvJo~, 2400 B os~Dn St_, Bm~4~ on~,M D, 21224, fDrpx~ductn~p]aoan entor, ~m 1=_~ price ~nd. DA P w illnotbe ]%~h]e fDr JnciJ~tlorcormequ~nMm] dan age. ~o6 OUTDOOR P5490-3! Black Aluminum post lantern with clear glass panels. Frosted glass chimney. Size: 8' sq., t4-t/4 · hr. Fit~ 3· post (order separately), Lamp: One medium ba~e lamp, lOOW max, P5590-31 Black Amminum chain-hung metal la,rem with textured glass. Size: B" sq., 12-~/2" hr, Overall w/chain 36"; wire lo'. Lamo: One medium base lamp, P5735-11 Weathered Solid Brass P5735-31 Black P5735-42 Antique brass Wall lantern with textured glass. Size: 4-5/8· W., 9" hr. -~xtends 5"- H/CTR $-~/z", Lamp: One medium base [amp, 75w max. PB782-I1 Weathered Solid Brass Ceiling light with textured glass. Size: 7-x/2" sq., 5" bt. Lamp: One medium base lamp, 6ow max. P5875-3'1 Black P5875-11 Weathered Solid Brass Wall lantern with beveled acrylic panels. Size: 5-~/2' W., tz-3/4' bt. ~xtends 6". H/CTR 7.7/8·. Lamp: One medium base lamp, 6ow max. P5962-31 Black Aluminum wall lantern with clear glass. Size: 7'3/4" W, 8-~/4" hr. Extends 9". H/CTR 3-~/8'. Lamp: One medium base [amp, loow max. Ener~/efficient fluorescent upon request. P3637-30 Polished Solid BrasC Ceiling light with textured white glass. Size: 9'~/4" sq., 5" hr, Lamps: Two medium base lamps, each 6ow max. P5727-31 Black Metal ceiling light with textured glass. Size: 7-~/2' sq., 5" ht. Lamp: One medium base lamp, 6ow max. P5729-3! Black Metal ceiUng light with textured white glass. Size: 9-~/4" sq., 5" bt. Lamps: Two medium base lamps, each 6ow max. P5728-31 Same as PSZ29 with 12oV NPF ballast, ~flilk plex panels. Lamps: Two 13w Quad 2- pincompact fluorescent lamps. ¢] P5784-11 Weathered Solid Brass Ceiling light with textured glass. Size: 9-~/4' sq., 5' hr. Lamps: Two medium base lamps, each 6ow max. P5781-11 Same as P5784 with 12oV NPF ballast, milk plax panels. Lamps: Two 13w Quad z-pin compact fluorescent lamps. Progress L~ghtlng COMMERCIAl./ PRODUC'r~, lille. INDU~'~R~AL lIGHTING Area Ugh ng INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET Dusk to Dawn Security Light High Pressure Sodium and Mercury Vapor Model: NH Series INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Please read afl instructions carafugy before installing or servicing this £cxture. "[his fixture must be wired in accordance with the National Electric Code and applicable IDea[ codes and ordinances. Proper grounding is required to /2~-,--,.~ ~ . ensure personal safety. All work should be done by a qualified electrician. //~r Mount fixture only to outlet box marked for use in wet locations. I~ NOTE: TURN OFF POWER TO CIRCUIT AT MAIN FUSF. jeREAKER BOX. ~ 1. MOUNTING: [~ NOTE: This fixture is intended to be conduit connected to a properly installe~ and properly grounded weatherproof junction box (not provided). Ail conduit connectors, conduit and junCtion boxes (not provided) should be UL listed; suitable for wet locations. a. Attach the two piece mounting brackets to the extension arm by interlocking the bracket and secur- ing with the 1/4-20 carriage holt and 1/4-20 hex nut provided. The mounting bracket should be secure leaving approximately one inch of the PHOTO GROUND extension arm protruding out of the bottom of CONTROL~I~L ,~ ~w~mU;NU .~,'~'~"~W[RE the bracket. b, Place the extension arm assembly onto the ~ MOUNTINC holedesired mounting surface and mmk the four ~RES~,,~BRACm locations required for mounting. Remove the arm assembly and drill the four marked locations, COnneCtiON C. Mount the extension arm assembly using the LAMP REFRACTOR CONDU~ hex head lag screws provided. Tighten these (sst PROV1DI~ proceeding. (not d. Place the fixture wires into the opening of the extension arm, CONNECTOR allowing the wires to extend through the opposite open end. (NOT PROVIDE9 e. Place the fixture slipfitter on the end of the extension arm. 8e certain the extension arm is fully seated into the slipfitter of the JUNCTION aOX fixture. Tighten s!ipfitter screw to hold fixture in place. Do not INOT PROVIOED) overfighten. f. Install first weatherproof conduit connector (not provided) into the conduit connection cap. g. Connect black fixture lead wire to black son, ice lead wire and white fixture lead wire to white sar* vice lead wire and green fixture lead wire to service ground wire using approved conneCtors. NOTE: If your supply wires are not color coded, the white wire on the fixture should he connected to the neutral wire and the black fixture wire to the hot wire. The black and white connections should be made in a junction box or other approved wiring compartment. All wiring connections should be made, then concealed in the mounting arm. Install plug in the open end of the arm and secure with (2) screws provided. h. The remaining wire should flow be inserted into conduit (not provided) and the conduit secured to the connector which is installed in the coq~ector cap. i. The opposite end ot the conduit should be terminated by the second condud connector which is then joined to the junction box. 2. LAMP INSTALLATION: To ensure that the lamp is properly seated in the socket, you must screw the SECURITY BARS Robsecure Page 3 of 5 WINDOW GUARDS Click on Picture for Options and Pricing Product Code: WB15489 Price Based on Selection ~ WINDOW GUARDS Click on Picture for Options and Pricing Product Code: WBHEART Price Based on Selection ~ WINDOW GUARDS Click on Picture for Options and Pricing Product Code: WBPW23 Price Based on Selection ~ WINDOW GUARDS Click on Picture for Options and Pricing Product Code: WB2532 Price Based on Selection http://www, webdesignelit e. eondrobsecure/eshop/10browse.asp?category=window+guard s 05/22/2002 ADDRESS # SPECIFICATIONS ProOu~t Detail Page 1 of 1 ~B#iflR~ I#BIII! ~I)I~IIIIIBIII~ Welc~ome! Vie~ Chang Air Vent 8' White Vinyl Continuous Soffit Vent Item #: 16592 Model: SV30 IWH $2.77 · White PVC with perforated openings · Essential for effective, efficient ventilation · Provides 9 sq. in. net fTee area per linear foot ® Both flanges are bent to fit retrofit applications · Size: 2 3/4' W x 96'L Fits 2' openings Item availability and price may vary by location. Pres~ Pass [ Careers I For Pro~ [ Energy Centor [ Lowe's Racing Privacy I Terms of Use J Customer Servioe [ We Install I About Lowe's © 2002 by Lowe's. Ali rights reserved, Lowe's and the gable design ore registered trademarks of t.F, [.LC. Lowe's Improving Home Zmprovement (s.i http://www.lowes.com/lk~?action=productDetail&productld=16592-1498-SV30 I WH 07/!9/2002 t'roauet Detail Page 1 of 1 r~lil~dll~ Ilellll llllifOIIBlllelL~ WelcQme! C~ng Air Vent 8' White Aluminum Continuous Soffit Vent Item #: 17111 Model: $2.96 · White Aluminum · Essential for effective, efficient ventilation · Provides 9 sq. in. net free area per linear foot · Both flanges are bent to fit retrofit applications · Sizes: 2 3/4"W x 96'L Fits 2" openings Item availability and price may vary by location. Pre~s Pas~ I Careers [ For Pros I Energy Center [ Lowe's Racing Privacy ] Terms of Use I Customer Service I We Install [ About Lowe's 2002 by Lowe's. All rights reserved. Lowe's and the gable design ara registered trademarks of LF, LLC. Lowe's Improving Home Improvement ts-~ http://www.lowes.com/kkn?aetion=productDetail&produetId=l 7111-1498-703WH 07/19/2002 WALKWAY/CONCRETE SEALER SPECIFICATIONS Concrete Sealer Page Iot I Exterior Sealers · For our selection, local Hot 1 Gal. Clear Acrylic Conorete Floor and Driveway Sealer Model 104001 .Waterborne - non flammable - non staining - low odor (cleans up with water) · Favorable comparisons to higher performing urethanas - lower cost - lower VOC's · Resists solvents and chemicals · Good tire mark release properties .Clear film that is non-yellowing and has good gl6ss retenffon Sell Pack Description: Jug Sell Pack Ship Weight: 144 oz. Sell Pack Length: 6" Sell Pack Widttr 6" Sell Pack Height: 12" Sell Pack Cubic Size: 432 Does Product Nest? No Sell Freight Class: 55 Use: Concrete Floor and Driveway Sealer Size: Crallon Base Material: Water Sheen/gloss: Gloss Approximate Coverage: 250 sq. lt. Manufacturer: Seal-Krete SKU #: 555216 UPC #: 015944104011 © 2002 Homer TLC, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this site is subject to certain Terms of Use which constitutes a legal agreement between you and The Home Depot In¢ DIAMOND PLATE STEEL SPECIFICATIONS Page 1 of 1 Close window http ://www. rigidized, comdpattempopup.cfin?id= 14 08/07/2002 WINDOW/DOOR FRAMING WOOD Window and Door framing wood will be pressure treated lumber.