HomeMy WebLinkAbout977-Professional Engineering Co EXHIBIT "B" fi'- 0 ~ WORK ORDER FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO.: 2 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: (For hilling purposes only, to be assigned by CITY after execution.) PROJECT: CITY: SANFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONSULTANT: Professional Enllineerine Consultants~ Inc. Execution of the Work Order by CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit "A," to that certain Agreement between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: [ ] DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS [X ] SCOPE OF SERVICES [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS [] The CONSULTANT shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above- referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of' a Notice to Proceed by CITY and shall be completed within one hundred and eight,/(l 80)_calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: [X] FIXED FEE BASIS [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT 2O (b) If the compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis," then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for the sum of Forty nine thousand nine hundred ninety dollars and 00/100 DOLLARS ($49,990.00). In no event shall the CONSULTANT be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. (c) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Not-to-Exceed Amount, then the all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding CONSULTANT shall perform N/A DOLLARS ($ ). The CONSULTANT'S compensation shall be based on the actual work required by this Work Order. (d) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Limitation of Funds Amount, then the CONSULTANT is not authorized to exceed the Limitation of Funds amount of N/A DOLLARS ($ ) without prior written approval of the CITY. Such approval, if given by the CITY, shall indicate a new Limitation of Funds amount. The CONSULTANT shall advise the CITY whenever the CONSULTANT has incurred expenses on this Work Order that equals or exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the Limitation of Funds amount. The CITY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the actual work performed under this Work Order. Payment to the Consultant shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order onthis / Zfl~' dayof '~'~/f':-'2~:ff~,L? ATTEST: R. ,ring Batterson, Secretary ,2003, for the purposes stated herein. Pr%fess~ering C_,aasl. tl~nts, J. ac. _ Tom R. Kelley, President'--- ~/ (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: JANET DOUGHERTY (-/ (./ Clerk to the City Commission Sanford, Florida. For use and reliance of the City of Sanford, Florida, only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. CITY COMMISSION ~r"~y Lessar~, 'I~AYOR Date: City Attorney Attachment (s): Scope of Services 22 Community Redevelopment Area Drainage Assessment Scope of Work SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE: The City of Sanford is currently evaluating infill development sites in an effort to stimulate economic growth within the Lake Monroe Waterfront / Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area. There are approximately twenty (20) sites which range in size from 0.10 acres to 4.10 acres that are targeted for development and/or redevelopment, which includes the future Convention Center site. Currently, the City Codes, as well as the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), do not allow development and/or redevelopment without an on- site stormwater management system (e.g., dry bottom ponds, wet detention ponds, underground exfiltration systems, etc.). The objective of this assignment is to evaluate off-site parcels to provide adequate water quality volume in order to offset the on-site/infill development and/or redevelopment. In other words, construct new stormwater systems and/or retrofit existing stormwater systems within the City of Sanford with sufficient volume to offset the impacts associated with infill development and/or redevelopment. The purpose is to prevent the SJRWMD from requiring on-site stormwater management facilities, and thereby allow the development and/or redevelopment of the infill sites to be cost effective and optimize the developable area. The project will involve an analysis to quantify the pollutant loading to Lake Monroe; developing water quality retrofit options; preparation of construction plans; securing permits and easements; and constructing the recommended water quality improvements in order to allow infill development without on-site stormwater management facilities. This project will be undertaken in two (2) distinct phases: Phase I - Preliminary Engineering / Analysis Phase II - Final Design Phase I - Preliminary Engineering / Analysis The primary objective of this phase is to evaluate water quality retrofit options to offset the development and/or redevelopment of the infill sites. Phase I will include a Technical Memorandum that will document the pollutant loading analysis, the recommended water quality improvements, and the construction costs associated with each alternative evaluated. Phase I will also include preparation and submittal of a Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application. P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT Phase II - Final Desig!! Upon City approval of the recommended water quality improvements identified in Phase I, final engineering services will proceed in order to provide a complete bid document package (construction plans and technical provisions). Final design will involve preparation of construction drawings, technical provisions, temporary construction and/or drainage easement documents and securing necessary permits for the proposed improvements. Phase II will be negotiated upon completion of Phase L PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES: Phase I - Prelim/nary Engineering / Analysis Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (Consultant) shall provide engineering services numerated below. Engineering services for Phase I shall include, but not be limited to, the following tasks: 1. The Consultant shall collect and/or review, at a minimum, the following information: City of San ford, Seminole County and/or St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) aerial topographic maps, aerial maps, plats, tax maps, gravity sewer maps, digital parcel maps and aerial raster files; Construction plans, drainage maps, and/or drainage calculations associated with future development and/or improvements within the study area (e.g., Convention Center, First Street Improvements); Summary Preliminary Engineering Report for Stormwater Management Facilities Mill Creek / Cloud Branch City of Sanford, Florida, prepared by Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. (dated July 1992); Mill Creek / Cloud Branch Drainage Study, City of San ford, Florida, prepared by Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. (dated April 1988); 2 P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT Infill Development Opportunities in San ford, prepared by the City ofSanford Department of Engineering and Planning; Midway Basin Drainage In ventory and Engineering Study, prepared by Lochrane Engineering, Inc. (dated July 1992 and September 1997); First Drive / Brisson Avenue Drainage Basin Study and Drainage Improvements, prepared by PEC, Inc. (currently underway for Seminole County); and · Lake Monroe Basin Engineering Study, prepared by CDM (dated February 2002). If necessary, the Consultant shall prepare a project memorandum specifically requesting additional information/documents for the City to obtain and transmit to the Consultant (e.g., digital parcel maps). The Consultant shall conduct a pre-application meeting with the SJRWMD to discuss the proposed project and conceptually discuss the timing of future projects (e.g., Convention Center) and the City's schedule to implement water quality improvements. The Consultant shall conduct a field review of the potential water quality retrofit sites, as well as the infill development sites. The Consultant shall establish the following associated with the twenty (20) infill development sites: · Peak runoffrates for the mean annual (2.33-year/24-hour) storm event; · Pollution abatement (water quality) volume based on Chapter 40C-42, FAC; and Existing pollutant loadings (kg / year) associated with total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), and total suspended solids (TSS) based on current land use and published loading rates. 3 P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT Based on the required peak rate attenuation and pollution abatement volumes (acqft), as well as the pollutant loadings (kg / year) associated with the infill development sites, the Consultant shall evaluate various water quality retrofit alternatives. It is anticipated that the following water quality alternatives will be evaluated: Proposed pond site (Coastline Park) located east of Poplar Avenue, north of 10th Street, west of Holly Avenue, and south of 8th Street within the Cloud Branch Basin; Proposed pond site located east of Williams Street, south of 13th Street, west of Lake Avenue within the Cloud Branch Basin; · Existing pond located on the State Farmers Market property; · Existing pond located near Pinehurst Park; Proposed pond site located east of San ford Avenue, north of 25th Street (State Road 46), west of Orange Avenue, and south of 20th Street within the Pump Branch Basin; Existing borrow pit located east of Burrows Lane, north of Geneva Street (State Road 46); west of Brisson Avenue, and south of Celery Avenue (County Road 415) within the Midway Basin; and Future drainage related projects (e.g., First Street Improvements, Pump Branch Drainage Improvements, etc.). The Consultant shall estimate the proposed peak runoff rates and loadings based on future development and/or redevelopment of the infill sites. The Consultant shall also estimate the net reduction of pollutant loadings associated with TP, TN, and TSS with implementation of one or more water quality retrofit projects. The Consultant shall coordinate with the Environmental Subconsultant (Environmental Research & Design, Inc.) to confirm and/or refine the pollutant loading analysis. The Consultant shall conduct a follow-up meeting with the SJRWMD to discuss the preliminary results associated with the pollutant loading analysis. 4 P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT The Consultant shall conduct two (2) coordination / status meetings with the City of San ford; two (2) coordination meetings with City consultants (e.g., WBQ and CPH); one (1) presentation to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency); and one (1) presentation to the City Commission. The Consultant shall prepare and submit three (3) copies of the "Draft" Technical Memorandum to City staff for review and comment. At a minimum, the "Draft" Technical Memorandum will contain / address the following: Description of the water quality requirements associated with the twenty (20) infill sites; · Description of the existing conditions runoff rates and pollutant loading analysis; Discussion of the recommended water quality drainage improvements, associated costs, and necessary easements; · 11-inch by 17-inch figures depicting the conceptual water quality improvements; and · Description of the proposed / future conditions loading analysis. 10. The Consultant shall prepare and submit a Conceptual ERP application to the SJRWMD in order to "lock-in" the proposed water quality improvements and development rights of the infill sites over a 20-year period. 11. The Consultant shall prepare and submit five (5) signed and sealed copies of the "Final" Technical Memorandum to City staff. The "Final" Technical Memorandum shall incorporate "draft" review comments from City staff, as well as comments from the SJRWMD. At the conclusion of Phase ir, and upon approval of the final engineering report, the Consultant shall revise the following Phase II Scope of Services, if necessary, and prepare a fee quotation proposal for Phase II services. 5 P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT Phase II - Fina~ Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (Consultant) shall provide engineering services enumerated below. Engineering services for Phase II shall include, but are not limited to, the following tasks: Once the City approves the recommended alternative(s), prepare all construction plans, technical provisions, and right-of-way and easement documents necessary for a complete bid package to award for construction. This includes all necessary temporary construction easement documents as well. All calculations, design parameters, surveys, right-of-way plans and construction plans shall be submitted in English Standard Units. Conduct necessary surveys for the development of construction plans, technical specifications and right-of-way documents. Surveys shall include the location of all utilities in the field through coordination with the various utility service providers. Conduct necessary geotechnical subsurface soil explorations for the construction of the proposed drainage improvements. The consultant is responsible for preparing, submitting and securing all necessary permits required for construction, including stormwater, consumptive use, dredge and fill, etc. The consultant is responsible for supplying all necessary "requests for additional information" (RAI) to the regulatory agency for acquiring the permit. The consultant will not need to provide inspection services during the period of construction. However, the consultant shall attend the pre-bid and pre-construction meetings to answer questions and determine acceptability of any requested changes in specifications. The consultant shall bring to this meeting documentation to prove that all utility companies located in the construction area were contacted and provided with a plan showing the proposed improvements. If proposed construction activities exceed five acres of disturbed land, then a NPDES pemfit application (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Notice of Intent) shall be prepared and submitted to the Florida DEP with a copy to the City. It should be noted that the thresholds for construction activities under the NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program is expected to be lowered to 1 acre (March, 2003). 6 P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT GENERAL: The Consultant should note the following procedures to be adhered to during the contract. Deviation from the established project schedule of more than one (1) week will be scrutinized and must be explained with corrective actions identified. Revised schedules will be required within a week when deviations occur. All the survey and right-of-way work shall be done in accordance with Chapter 21 HH-6, Florida Administrative Code, The Minimum Technical Standards of Land Surveying in the State of Florida, as adopted by the Florida State Board of Land Surveyors. The survey notes and fight-of-way maps may be used as evidence in court and will represent a legal and official map of the area; therefore, all work and information provided shall be correct and accurate in order to comply with the certification now required ora professional surveyor. Ninety percent (90%) and one hundred percent (100%) complete plans shall be furnished to the City of Sanford for review and approval prior to final plans submittal. For each plan submittal, five (5) blue-line copies shall be given to the City. Upon final review and approval, submit fifteen (15) signed/sealed blue-line copies of the final construction plans. A signed, dated (with P.E., P.S.M. license number) reproducible mylar copy of each construction plan sheet by the project engineer shall be provided for the City's record purposes. Final construction cost estimates shall show quantity breakdowns of all items following the Florida Department of Transportation numbering system when itemizing quantities. All back-up cost estimate worksheets must be provided to the City for their record. Signed and sealed legals and sketches of description by the Professional Surveyor and Mapper (P.S.M.) shall be prepared according to the requirements of the City of Sanford. These documents are needed for right-of-way and easement acquisition purposes and potential condemnation proceedings. Digital copies of all construction plans shall be provided to the City of Sanford, Planning and Community Development Department on a compact disc (CD). P-2288 sco SCOPE OF WORK for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT BASIS OF PROPOSAL/ASSUMPTIONS: The following conditions and assumptions are noted as qualifications to this proposal. For the purpose of this assignment, the Consultant will evaluate seven (7) potential water quality retrofit projects in order to offset the future development and/or redevelopment of the twenty (20) infill sites. Phase I does not involve geotechnical engineering services related to subsurface investigations. Phase I does not involve environmental engineering services related to ecological assessments, mitigation plans, or establishing jurisdictional wetland limits. Phase I does not involve a hydrologic/hydraulic analysis of the existing conveyance systems. It is assumed that future development and/or redevelopment of the twenty (20) infill sites will involve a hydraulic analysis to determine if the conveyance system can handle the potential increase in peak runoff rates. The pollutant loading analysis will be based on published values and not based on a water quality sampling / monitoring program. Specifically, the loading rates will be based on a publication entitled Stormwater Loading Rate Parameters for Central and South Florida, prepared by ERD (1994). Pollutant removal efficiencies will be based on a publication entitled Guide for Best Management Practice Selection in Urban Developed ~4reas, prepared by ASCE (2001). Phase I does not include a grant application to the SJRWMD. if necessary, a scope of work and fee estimate will be submitted to the City of Sanford or the CRA in the future to secure potential funding from the SJRWMD. 8 P-2288 sco Community Redevelopment Area Drainage Assessment Manhour and Fee Estimate Z 0 L) 0 0 0 o ti Community Redevelopment Area Drainage Assessment Estimate of Reimbursable Expenses ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT Copies (5C/Page) No. of Sets "Draft" Submittal: - Technical Memorandum (assume 200 Pages) ..................... 5 "Final" Submittal: - Technical Memorandum (assume 200 Pages) ..................... 7 Status Repons and Miscellaneous Correspondence (assume 250 Pages) Total Copies = [(200 x 5) + (200 x 7) + (250)] x 5C/Page -- $132.50 24"x 36" Color Raster Plots ($36.00/Sheet) .No. of Plots · "Draft" Submittal: (assume 1 Raster exhibit) ............................ 5 · "Final" Submittal: (assume 1 Raster exhibit) ............................ 7 · Various Meetings and Miscellaneous Working Plots ...................... 5 · Total Plots = [5 + 7 + 5] x $36.00/Plot = $612.00 Miscellaneous Expenses (Faxes, courier charges, photographs, color copies, mounting of exhibits, etc.) assume $255.50 Total Estimated Reimbursable Expenses = $1,000.00 I P-2288.odc