HomeMy WebLinkAbout929-Clark Environmental MosquitTI/IS AGRI'F~M~zNT made and entctcd into this ~ d~y of Aixril, 2003, by ~d ~n &e C~ Sa~or& 300 N. p~ Av~ue (c/o Po~ O~ Box 1788), S~or~ h~ ~&~ to m ~e ~C~ ~d of ~rke En~roam~t~ Mosqu~a FIo~ m~cip~ co~o~ 1030 E~t C~II S~ ~ss~, Flon~ 347~, ~gem~t ¥~qlqR£AS, the City of Sanford has W I T N E S $ E T H: determined that mosquitoes and midges ~ ~d Crea~e Unacceptable n,,; wtIEREAS, it/s the in, ....... ~,: mrme ge. neW lmbLic; ~nd constitute a public hea/rh the . . ,,-.~, ox uae ~.11 Y to control mosquitoes and midges use of msec,~eide mad larvee/de by in ~md around the WllEREAS, the CITy has various application methodg; emi city with as described herein, determined thaz the products o,,,~ ..-= .,. _ . ~re acceptable for the '-~ ~-~ vines provmecl by ~¢ CONTRACTOR. con/roi of s~/d insects; Wlfb~, the CONTRACTOR ~ to provide requtred herein; and materials ~md services to the CITy as Specified and VVl/IZIZE_~S, th~ CITy bas found that ~ gnm~t~g the CONTIL, XCTOR rights to provide seid materials ~md scr~.4ccs to bc/n thc bc~! hatr.:rc..~t of thc public, NOW TITEREFORE, in con.~deration of the mutlaal covenants and ~greements contained herein the CITY e~d thc CONTRACTOR intending to be legaJ/y bound, hereby agree as follows: GE24ERAL: lhe CONTRACTOR agrees to ptoml~dy i.,erfonn chemicals ~mcl momtoring t~rget mo~quitoe~/midges properly li~ and executod application eorm'~--~r de~critmon ofm-~ to be · ~ requ~-d by the CITY. The CITY ~grees to prov/de the treated m work d/xectivee ~nd limel,, '~a ...... " · 8ECTION I - SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK: -v ~,~=u~ u,~propnate invoice~. 'I~e CONTRACTOR xhal~ at its awn expeme, provide: 1. All application equipment ~md personnel neces~zy to ~operly distfibule the chemieafls as l~beled delivered to the CITY, Local, s~e ~md federal pe~udts, reglstrtuions, licenses, mad all other requ/rement~ r, cx~c ~xaxy for 2 ~vpl/ca~on ofinsectlcqdes in the CITY, · Chemica/.g sha]! be ~I/ed for treatment as directed by the CITY as follows: I. Anvil 10~10 ULV, (Anvil), as applied at 062,,ounce,- , m,~nufactured by Clarke Mosqtdto Control Products. b2c.. · ~,,--re ~y a~al fixed wing 2. Biomi~t7 34-1.5 ULV, OBiormst), as manufactured by Cl~ke Mosquito Control Pmduct~, Ira:.. ar, plied by truck motuatcd uJ~-low volume, (ULV), aerosol ~prnycr '~ .'ppmpri~e to eon~rol targot mgec~. 1-:lb7 13.3 l~C, ('Flit), as manu/acrured by Clmke Mosquito Ccmrml Products, Inc., for contact nnd rcs/dual eomrol of target in~ects e~pllcd by bm:lcr~acl: blower to buildings, and other a.rc~s at 04)propr~ate label dosage rare.~, tre~s, xhrubs, gross, B .,: . : 5% 5;keeler Abate7 pellets, (Abate), as ..... :- -- ' manufactured by Clarke Mosquito Control r'roduc!s~ Inc., 2 applied at 4" poun0Lg/acre by aeria/fixed ~/ng aircraft. Altc,',id7 ;mllc'~. (-'Mtosid). us tllJl/Itt~acl,Ltl-¢.~ by Wclhnark Imcrnafiorud, z~plicct at 4" tlc'~chv w~vantcd by thc CONTRAcJt)14 to bc 13rOpcrly labelcd lbr the application spec'/fi~L dirvcli,m in /~:rTo.rmir~ ~cquc'4cd ;~l~p/ic:*~l/{ms mhm/dLreO'~/oms and abide by label 3. Reports and maps documentm8 area~ ~ s~o~ 4. Re~o~ ~ ~l~ion °fv~d ~d cff~s' 5. ~ome ~d mml~on ofch~i~ ~ effecfiv~es~ to ~e mfisfa~on of~e C~y. ' 6 S~mll~ce ~d mom~g ~ for C~ ~or New Je~ey li~t ~s wMch I) ~etfi~aimain~ ~s, 2) Ca~fi~ & l&n6fi~fion mlud~: of m°a~m/~c ~ies, 3) ~mpmer ~mb~e momge ~d W~y, money ~d ~ ~m of~ ~d 4) ~fea~o~l Op~on of~n~l ~ for id~ ~ ~ies. 7. V~om public rel~om S~s a~m ~ m~tW~dge m~l ~ ~dc~cn by the CF~y and the CON~CTO ncw~ m~ia a~m the che~ ~d m~ ~d tmd~ t~ a~ement SECTION 2 SCOPE OF CF~'S ~e C~ shal, at its o~ ex~, I. CI~ ~ecaon far ~ ~ to be ~ ~ ve~o~ d~fi~on ~d m~s h~ly 2. mpresen~ ~u or,ch ~. F~ A~afian A~s~on ~md public notice for ~ ~licafion. ~mpt ~t of mvoic~ for Wodt~ ~d m'icex Pmqded by ~e CONT~CTOR ~ ~e ~m~ ~fion of ~e City ~ m pfi~ ~fib~ h~e~ or ~ ~ ~ modified ~ ~e ~cn&~s m ~is d~cnt ~mpt Pa~ent sh~l ~ce mvoi~. Payment ~l not Agglgt ~le CO~cToR in pubic relafiom SE~ON 3 - ~S FOR S~CES ~ ~~S: ~g ~s ~mm~ ~e folloMng ~s er/al Fixed 'armg - ,/mra t mnli on Aerial F/xed Wing Aircraft applic:m:/on of Abate Aeri~l Fixed Wing Airemtt nppllcati~n of Alto~id Barrier treatment of Vlit to lakefmn! or other area~ Truck mount application of Biomist .[J/~of M~ .Pti ce. rUnlet 0.62 ounce~ per acre $ 2.42 4 potmds per acm 4 txmnda r,,zr ncre 82.00 2 mile segment 356.00 1 mile segment 823.00 CDC fight trap mon/tor/ng/rcporting trap per day 39.00 ,a .o :^r mZL;Mavr: Thc orth' -, termi"-- '.wmc~l'shallc°mmenCeonA,w/I30m 'win., ~svxgrecraentahaLlbeforathrm~/'31oner, X narco or 0roached at an earlier date. The seco~ and tlr/rd years shall commence on May 1, andA/~r/I ]0 of0~e approFr/ate year and shall nulomatiCally be renewed at stated terms rates, unless thc CON"I~ACTOt~ requests mod/fic.~fion to reflem docmnented real and subsr;mtial increases La the cost of providing rcqu/zed Ltm~erbk or ~'zLL~rmmg required serv/ce~;. CONTRACTOR shall noI request an increase more freqUently than on.ex: per manual term. Al/requests shall be provided /n wrhmg a~ lcaxt, (60), ~ prior to thc end ot each ~amu,al Ic2111. SECTION 5 PURCJIASING AGRE~T WITIf O]~tl-'.R (K)VERMENTAL AGENcIT2~S: Any governmental agency inchldinSt ~he Slate af t-3mida and its agencies, political xubctlxq_sionz, counaes and cities ma}, purchm;c thc m;m'ri:d~, and/or ser','ices slaled iii t/lis Ag~ccmcm fm thc ~.muc pncc, under the immc Icrrax and condil:ons, ~;h(~ulJ bc CONq'p~/YC~iOI~ dcenl a m thc bcs~ intcrcxl of'its b~sincss. Each governmental a~¢ncy dc:~lnn~, lo acc-~c-pt thi.s Ar;n: n)eilI and nlakc award thereoI~ .shall tit) so SECTION 6 - NOTICE: Whon~ver ci~h~r party degi~ ~o giw noii~ to thc othvr, it muzt be given i wrilillg and sealt by United Sta~es re,ii. For the present, the pamez designate the fol/owing individuals a th~ rcpr~earatives for giving of notice, to wit: For CITY: City of Sanford C/o Tom C~orge, Public Works Dire~or 300 N. Pa.,to Avenue P.O. Bo:~ 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-17~ For CONTRACTOR: Clark~ Envirom-enta~ Mosquito m~gem~t laoorporat~d C/o Frank Clarke ! 030 East Carroll Sn~,t Kis~mm-e, Florida 34744 SECTION 7 - SBVERABILITY: Th~ palti~l o~ complete h~vzlid~ty of one or mom pmvisionz of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or con~nuing force and effect of any orh~ I~rovisioa. Al II:ST: All.ST: In the STAT]~ OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF OSCEOLA. TI~ foregoi~g~ instrument waz acknowio~boforeme~h~ ~-~ flldsyof~L~. 200~, by Frar~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~ for C~ En~ ~o~ ~~ ~. Nolary ~ ~ Dat~ & Sol P~r~mallyKnown ~ OR Produc~ tl~ following