HomeMy WebLinkAbout883-Glatting Jackson W.O. 15Jack E G~athng, Founder Dawd L. Barth Jay H Exum Carey S. Hayo Jay IK. Hood Tamothy T Jackson Wilham C Kerrher, Jr. Walter M Kulash Sharon K Lamantia S Kaymond Lopez Thomas J. McMacken,Jr John H. Percy John E ILinehar t Gregory A. Bryla Karen T Camphlin Frances Chandler-Marino JohnW Cheek David R Claus Charles E Cobble Michael R. Cochran A Blake Drury Christi B Elfiein Sandy A. Franks Douglas V. Gaines John T. Griffin III JohnJ Moore I11 JeffM.Sugar GLATTING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART June 7, 2004 Mr. Tom George Public Works Director City of Sanford 300 N. Sanford Avenue Sanford, FL. 32771 The City of Sanford - First Street Streetscape Glatting Jackson Proiect # 16048.0 Dear Tom: Enclosed please find Work Order 15 for the above referenced project. Upon execution of this Agreement, please return a signed copy to my attention at Glatting Jackson. If you have any questions please let me know. We look lbrward to the opportunity to work with you on this pro. ject. Sincerely, Peter C. S4~bler ~'- Senior Associate PCS/rf Enclosures ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES Client: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: The City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL. 32771 (407) 330-5670 (407) 330-5679 Date: June 2, 2004 Project Name: The City of Sanford/First Street Streetscape Glatting Jackson Project No.: 16048.00 Original Agreement Dated: Continuing Services Contract dated 04/26/01 Person Requesting Work: Chris Smith Project Description: Additional Services for providing itemized conduit and wire list for unit pricing. Scope of Services: TASK 1: A.K. Scruggs Cost of providing itemized conduit and wire list for unit pricing Total Cost for Task 1:$500.00 PROJECT COORDINATION Project Coordination - Glatting Jackson shall coordinate our work with the Client's representative and the Client's project team, monitor the project schedule as it relates to the scope contained herein, and provide timely invoicing and reporting of project progress. Total Cost: $220.00 COMPENSATION: Fixed Fee ($720.00) including reimbursable expenses. Hourly (with an estimated budget of $ ), including reimbursable expenses. Hourly plus reimbursable expenses. Other Assigned Personnel: Peter C. Sechler / Project Manager Glatting ~lacl~on Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, [nc. Page I A.K. SCRUGGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7457 Aloma Ave Suite 305., Winter Park, Florida 32792 June l, 2004 Mr. Raj Mohabeer Glatting- Jackson 33 East Pine Street Orlando, FL 32801 Re: First Street Sanford Lighting GJ16048 (AKS #202002) Request for Additional Service Approval #3 According to our original contract we believe the work you are requesting is an additional service. Please return this form, signed, via FAX so that we may begin the work requested. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Nature of work: [] Revisions of plans previously approved by Owner. [] Work outside the Scope of our Contract. Description: Cost of providing itemized conduit and wire list for unit pricing. Additional Fees: [] Hourly at $ [] Lump sum, $ 500.00. per hour. Not to exceed hours. [] Total of $ 500.00 per the above description. Signed/Date: Approved: Ernie Condron 6/1/04 A.K. Scruggs & Associates, Inc. Print: Ernie Condron Date Print: Date WORK ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL, ARCHITECHTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT (RFPS 00/01 - 08) WORK ORDER NO.: 15 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: (For billing purposes only, to be assigned by CITY after execution.) PROJECT: The City of Sanford / First Street Streetscape - 16048.00 CITY: SANFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONSULTANT: GLATTING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART~ INC. {GLATTING JACKSON) Execution of the Work Order by CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit "A," to that certain Agreement between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereofi ATTACHMENTS: [ ] DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATION S [X] SCOPE OF SERVICES [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS The CONSULTANT shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above-referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by CITY and shall be completed within ONE HUNRDED AND EIGHTY (180) calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: [x] FIXED FEE BASIS [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT [ ] HOURLY INCLUDING REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES (b) Compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis" with a Not-to-Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars ($720.00). Payment to the Consultant shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this 2nd day of June 2004, for the purposes stated herein. ATTEST: Sharon Lamantia, Executive Vice President (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: 0UANET DOUGHERTY Clerk to the City Commission Sanford, Florida By: ! WC~lIfiam C Kerc~er, Jr, Cha ~a~ Oa, : '7'4 CITY COMMISSION Brady-Les-'~rrd, .M~YOR . GLATTING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART William J. Anglin, Jr. David L Barth Jay H. Exum Jack fl Glattmg :i ~1~ Bruce C. Hall Orlando, Florida 32801 P: 4{17 843 6~,$2 ~.~ F: 4{)7 839 1789 LC: C000049 April 17, 2002 Revised May 6, 2002 Mr. Chris Smith City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Chris, Please find attached our revised scope and fee proposal for the amended Work Order #3: First Street Streetscape. I am very excited about working with you, Marlene Frith and the downtown merchants on this exciting and important project. We have worked with our subs to develop a revised scope that meets the needs of the project based on our discussions, and information we presented with WBQ to City Council March 25, 2002. Specifically, we have included the necessary drainage review and incorporated some website and public involvement work. We have also assembled subconsultants to cover all the projected areas of work associated with the project. Our revised fee for the project is $178,000.00. This is based on the City's desire for us to reach this target figure by tightening down budget numbers from our previous submittal. I hope this is satisfactory and this Work Order can be approved at the earliest possible time. I am hoping it can be included at the May 13 City Council meeting so we can move ahead with Survey and Drainage analysis as soon as possible as well as initial meetings with the business owners. With.yo.ur authorization, we c. an bygin. Please call.with any qu.estions or commepts.... Thank You, Peter C. Sechler, ASLA Senior Associate Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES Professional Planning, Landscape Architectural, Architectural and Engineering Services City of Sanford: RFPS 00/01 - 8 WORK ORDER NO.: 0:3 First Street Streetscape Glatting Jackson Project No. 16048.0 May 15,2001 Revised April 16, 2002 Revised May 6, 2002 The Glatting Jackson team is pleased to provide this scope of services to the City of Sanford, hereinafter referred to as City. 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 The project includes streetscape improvements for First Street between the intersections of Oak Avenue to the west and Sanford Avenue to the east. It includes improvements at the intersections of Oak Avenue, Park Avenue, Magnolia Square, Palmetto Avenue, and Sanford Avenue. The City is the owner &all streets mentioned. The City desires to improve the aesthetic and pedestrian qualities of First Street while upgrading subsurface drainage infrastructure. The streetscape improvements will tie into the proposed subsurface drainage improvement plans created by CPH Engineers, Inc. in the area between Park Avenue and Palmetto Avenue along First Street. 1.2 The City is retaining the Glatting Jackson team to analyze the existing issues and opportunities of the site, engage the public in the design process, aid in developing a site program, and to prepare schematic design and construction documents. In addition the City also desires that the GlaUing Jackson team provide a plan for maintaining traffic and maintain!lng busine?s.during construction.. 1.3 Additional Professionals working on the project as subconsultants to Glatting Jackson include: Geodata Consultants First Street Design Survey, Drainage Structure Inventory Survey Ardaman and Associates Roadway Soil Survey and Offsite Drainage Geotechnical WBQ Design Engineering Drainage Infrastructure Analysis, Drainage Permitting Strategy, Roadway Design, Stormwater Design and Permitting Service Cable Electric Electrical Infrastructure Analysis, Electrical Design GMB Engineers and Planners Traffic Signal Plans Design lrrigatiou Concepts Irrigation Design Innovision Design %':iwmatic Wayfinding Design Glaning Jackson Kercher Anglin l.opez P,.inehart, Inc Page I of l 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES PART I - Project Management 2.1 Project Management IGlatting JacksonI - In addition to the specific services detailed below, Glatting Jackson shall coordinate our work with the City's representative and the City's project team as well as monitor the project schedule as it relates to this scope and provide timely invoicing and reporting of project progress. 2.2 Coordination of the Work of Subconsultants to Glatting Jackson [Glatting JacksonI - The City hereby acknowledges and agrees that Glatting Jackson will assume responsibility for the coordination of work produced by any subconsultants to GlaRing Jackson as Project Manager for the project. However, the City agrees that Glatting Jackson does not bear any liability for the technical accuracy of work prepared by others. All professional firms working on the project shall bear separate responsibility and liability for the work prepared by thegn. PART li - Data Gathering, Analysis and Permitting Strategy 2.3 First Street Design Survey lGeodata] - A Design Survey shall be performed by GeoData for First Street from a point 100' west of Oak Avenue to a point 100' east of Sanford Avenue, and shall include Oak Avenue, Park Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Palmetto Avenue, and Sanford Avenue, 100' North and/or Sonth of First Street. The total length of roadway to be surveyed is approximately 2,500 feet. The survey will be performed as described in the attached scope of services from Geodata Consultants Inc. The vertical locating of buried or inaccessible ntilities is NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. 2.4 Drainage Structure Inventory Survey [Geodata] - A storm drainage structure inventory shall be perfortned limited to the areas outlined in the attached scope of services from Geodata Consultants Inc. The vertical locating of buried or inaccessible utilities is NOT 1NCLUDED IN THIS CON"FRACT. Assessment of Proposed and Existing Drainage Infrastructure IWBQI - Existing drainage infrastructure and proposed stormwater improvements by CPH Engineers, Inc. will be analyzed to determine how they will be impacted by the First Street project. If it is determined that First Street improvements will negatively impact existing and proposed outfall runs between First Street and outfalls along the Lake Monroe Seawall WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. will identify the offsite improvements necessary to support the First Street improvements to proceed. The assessment of proposed and existing drainage infrastructure will be performed as described in the attached scope of services from WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. The design ofoffsite drainage improvements necessary to support ~he First Strcel projecl is NOT 1NCi,UDED 1N 'I'}IIS CONTRACT 2.6 Drainage I'ermittiag Strategy IWBQI -. It'offsite drainage improvements are necessary to thcilitatc thc First Street project WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. will develop a permit strategy fbr the necessary offsite improvements. A preliminary meeting will be conducted Glallmg Jacksoa Kerchcr Ang n l.opcz Rin¢imrt, lnc Page 2 of 2 2.7 2.8 with St. John's Water Management District (SJWMD) to determine the appropriateness of the offsite drainage permit strategy. Based on the results of the preliminary meeting with SJWMD the Glatting Jackson team will recommend to the City which offsite improvements, if any, should be completed before beginning the First Street re- construction. The drainage permitting strategy will be performed as described in the attached scope of services f?om WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. Offsite improvements necessary to support the First Street project may alter the schedule for implementing the First Street project. The Glatting Jackson team reserves the right to amend this scope of services to reflect changes caused by necessary offsite improvements. Roadway Soil Survey [Ardaman] -A roadway soil survey consisting of subsurface exploration and laboratory testing to evaluate the general subsurface conditions and provide recommendations within the project area will be performed as described in the attached scope of services from Ardaman and Associates, Inc. Identify Electrical Issues [Service Cable Electric] - Existing electrical infrastructure will be identified and analyzed to determine what types of electrical services can be supported within the proposed First Street project area. The design ofoffsite improvements necessary to facilitate the electrical program requirements in the First Street project is NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the following: · I - Certified Surveyors Report · AutoCAD CADD and DTM files · A written summary report of offsite drainage improvements necessary for the First Street project · A written summary report and recommendations from the roadway soil survey PART IIl- Public Information 2.10 2.11 Website 1Glatting Jacl~qon] - Glatting. Jacks0n .will, develop a website for the First Street project. The website will used for announcing public meetings, showing the progress of design work, and for email input from the public. Glatting Jackson will purchase a domain name for the project website and maintain the site for the duration of the design phase of the First Street project only. Pamphlet [Glatting Jackson] - Glatting Jackson will assist the City in maintaining contact with the general public during the design phase of the project. Glatting Jackson will prepare one (1) single page project update pamphlet to be distributed by the City, at City expense, to area residents and interested parties. The City will maintain the list of residcn~:~ and interested pa~ies to receive a pamphlet Public Meetings [Glatting JacksonI - Glatting Jackson will assist the City by presenting the project to the public and interested parties in six (6) meetings. Glatting Jackson will Glatting Jackson Kcrcher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. Page 3 of 3 present tbe project to the public in PowerPoint format, display project grapbics, and answer questions from the public. Thc City will be responsible for scbeduling a venue for these events and mailing out invitations to residents and interested parties thirty (30) days in advance of any meeting. The six (6) anticipated meetings are: · I - public kick-off meeting · 3 - periodic project briefings · I - final presentation · I - ~naintenance of traffic/maintenance of business meeting (lead by WBQ Design Eugineering, Inc.) Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the followiug: · project website maintained through design phase of work · I - single page project pamphlet PART 1V - Schematics and Programming 2.12 Coordination Meetings [Glatting JacksonI - Glatting Jacksou will meet with the City on a regular basis throughout the course of the project. This component will commence with a Kick-Off Meeting with the City to establish project administration, goals, schedule, logistics and other issues. Coordination Meetings will be held every two weeks with the City aud Glatting Jackson team to coordinate and review project status. The City shall desiguate a Project Manager who will work directly with the Glatting Jackson team. It is anticipated ten (10) meetiugs will be conducted during this phase of the project. 2.13 Plan Review and Programming [Team[ - Glatting Jackson will work with the City to evaluate the concept plan from "A Plau for Downtown Sanford", constructiou budget and timeline. Tile review will include site survey information, geotechnical and site engiueering, City provided drawings, plan aesthetics and program refinement, and cost estimatiou / budget c.onfir, mation. Minor revisions to the eoncept plan will.be ... implemented in the Schematic Design phase of work. Significant revisions to the cc~cept plan or construction budget will constitute Additional Services. 2.14 Schematic Design [Team] - Following plan and program confirmation, the Glatting Jackson team will begin preparing Schematic Design and Construction Drawings (30%). Drawings will address Site Civil, Electrical Engineering and Lighting, Landscape, Paving and Hardscape, Site Fumishiugs and Grading. Schematics will include an updated opinion of probable construction cost. 2.15 City Review [Team] - The City will prepare writteu comments summarizing all review qnestions and comments from any and all departments tbat review the schematic documcnts. The Glatting Jacksnn team will attend one (1) meeting with tile City to review the schematic snbmittal and commeuts. The Glatting Jackson team shall proceed with the Glauing Jack:,on Kcrchcr Angiin Lopcz Rinehart, Inc. Page 4 of 4 preparation of construction document phase of the work, iacorporating revisions suggested during the City review. 2.16 Code Review JTeam] - The Glatting Jackson team will work with the City to review any applicable municipal codes as they relate to ibc design of the First Street. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the following: · I - Color rendering of the schematic First Street design · I - schematic estimate of probable cost · I - full size set 30% Schematic drawings · 3 - 9'2 size sets 30% Schmnatic drawings PART V -Construction Documents 2.17 Construction Documents [Team] - Based on the approved Schematic Design documents and construction budget, Glatting Jackson shall prepare construction documents for the development of First Street. Drawings and details include Roadway and Sidewalk Layout / Geometry, Site Civil, Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Lighting, Landscape and Irrigation, Paving and Hardscape, Site Furnishings and Grading. Specifically, The Glatting Jackson team shall prepare layout plans for the elements identified above, as well as: · Construction details, including details, elewttion, and sections provided as necessary to commanicate the design inteot and construction materials. · Technical specifications that define materials aod methods appropriate for construction. 2.18 Estimate of Probable Cost [Team] - The Glatting Jackson team shall prepare a final estimate of probable construction cost for all elemeats detailed in the Construction Documents based on recent local construction costs. The City shall provide Glatting Jackson with recent bid form unit costs on similar projects completed by the City. 2.19 Document Submittal/Client Review [Team] - The City shall review the plans at 60% (Design Development), and 95% stages of completion. The Glatting Jackson Team will attend one (1) review meeting with the City, at each submittal to discuss the review comments. Minor changes will be incorporated as the plans progress. Major changes, which represent significant departures from the original design program, construction budget, and concept plan, shall be considered Additional Services. Glatting Jackson will prepare 100% construction documents suitable for bidding the project, based on comments received at the 95% submittal review meeting. 2.20 Permits [Team] Glatting Jackson will prepare and submit the required documentation for irrigation, tree removal and landscape permits, stormwater/wastewater permits, and Glauing lackso x Kcrc er A g i I Lopcz Rinehart, Inc. Page 5 of 5 environmental resource permits to the appropriate agencies. All permit fees are the responsibility of the City. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the following: · 1 - full size set of drawings for 60%, 95%, and 100% milestones · 3 - ~/2 size sets of drawings for 60%, 95%, and 100% milestones · I --estimate of probable cost for 60%, 95%, and 100% milestones PART VI - Public Bid Phase 2.2l Bid Package Preparation lTeamI - The Glatting Jackson team will prepare the bid package using the City's front-cad documeots and the Final Construction Document Package. The Glatting Jackson team will submit one (I) copy of the bid package in a reproducible format to the City, as well as one (I) computer disk of the project specifications in Microsoft Word format, and the project drawings in AutoCAD format. 2.22 Public Bid Phase ITeam] -The Glatting Jackson team will attend a Pm-Bid conference, respond to questions during the bid process, assist in preparing needed addenda, and help evaluate the bids to make reco~nmendations regarding the lowest responsible bidder. 2.23 Pre-Construction Meeting [Teaml - The Glatting Jackson will attend a Pre-Construction meeting with the City and the selected contractor as part of this task. Deliverables - As a resalt of these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the following: · I - reproducible bid set of drawings · I - digital file of specifications in Microsoft Word file format · I - set of AutoCAD Release 2002 format digital drawing files PART VII - Additional.Services 2.24 Construction Administration [Team] - Construction Administration shall be an additional service to this contract, which may be scoped at the time of bidding. Services may include: Nursery Visits, Construction Observation, Submittal / Shop Drawing Review, Construction Management Coordination, etc. 2.25 Other Additional Services [Team] - Glatting Jackson will provide other Additional Services as mutually agreed upon between Glatting Jackson and the City. 3.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE Glatting Jackson understands the City is on a rapid schedule for design and construction of First Street. The Glatting Jackson team is prepared to begin work on the project immediately upon receipt of an executed agreement. Glatting Jackson, in consultation Glanmg Jackson Kcrcher Anglin Lopcz Rinehart, Inc. Page 6 of 6 4.0 5.0 with the City, shall perform its work in such a manner as to comply with an agreed upon schedule. ASSIGNED PERSONNEL The following personnel from Glatting Jackson will be assigned to this project, and will have the responsibilities described: William C. Kercher Jr. Peter C. Sechler Thomas J. McMacken, Jr. Balraj N. Mohabeer Principal-in-Charge Project Manager/Landscape Architect 4 Landscape Architect 4/Construction Documentation, QC/QA Landscape Architect 2 FEE BREAKDOWN INCLUDING SUBCONSULTANTS AND DIRECTS The project will be invoiced according to the following Parts and associated lump sum budgets) )'t~ elodl~ Part 1 Project Coordination $8,810 Part 2 Data Gathering and Drainage Analysis $41,410 Part 3 Public Information Program $16,040 Part 4 Schematic Design $29,220 Part 5 Construction Documents $69,460 Part 6 Bid Package Preparation , $13,09.2.~5 Glaning Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. Page 7 of 7 GLATTING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART William J Anglin, Jr David L Barth Jay H Exum Jack E Glatting Thomas J. McMacktn,Jr John J. Moore Orlando, Florida 32801 April 17, 2002 Revised May 6, 2002 Mr. Chris Smith City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Chris, Please find attached our revised scope and fee proposal for the amended Work Order #3: First Street Streetscape. I am very excited about working with you, Marlene Frith and the downtown merchants on this exciting and important project. We have worked with our subs to develop a revised scope that meets the needs of the project based on our discussions, and information we presented with WBQ to City Council March 25, 2002. Specifically, we have included the necessary drainage review and incorporated some website and public involvement work. We have also assembled subconsultants to cover all the projected areas of work associated with the project. Our revised fee for the project is $178,000.00. This is based on the City's desire for us to reach this target figure by tightening down budget numbers from our previous submittal. I hope this is satisfactory and this Work Order can be approved at the earliest possible time. I am hoping it can be included at the May 13 City Council meeting so we can move ahead with Survey and Drainage analysis as soon as possible as well as initial meetings with the business owners. .W. th your authorization, we can begin. Please call with a. ny questions or comments. Thank You, Peter C. Sechler, ASLA Senior Associate Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES Professional Planning, Landscape Architectural, Architectural and Engineering Services City of Sanford: RFPS 00/01 - 8 WORK ORDER NO.: 0_}3 First Street Streetscape Glatting Jackson Project No. 16048.0 May 15, 2001 Revised April 16, 2002 Revised May 6, 2002 The Glatting Jackson team is pleased to provide this scope of services to the City of Sanford, hereinafter referred to as City. 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 The project includes streetscape improvements for First Street between the intersections of Oak Avenue to the west and Sanford Avenue to the east. It includes improvements at the intersections of Oak Avenue, Park Avenue, Magnolia Square, Palmetto Avenue, and Sanford Avenue. The City is the owner of all streets mentioned. The City desires to improve the aesthetic and pedestrian qualities of First Street while upgrading subsurface drainage infrastructure. The streetscape improvements will tie into the proposed subsurface drainage improvement plans created by CPH Engineers, Inc. in the area between Park Avenue and Palmetto Avenue along First Street. 1.2 The City is retaining the Glatting Jackson team to analyze the existing issues and opportunities of the site, engage the public in the design process, aid in developing a site program, and to prepare schematic design and construction documents. In addition the City also desires that the Glatting Jackson team provide a plan for maintaining traffic and t)~,aiotaini?g .business dur!ng construction. . . 1.3 Additional Professionals working on the project as subconsultants to Glatting Jackson include: Geodata Consultants First Street Design Survey, Drainage Structure Inventory Survey Ardaman and Associates Roadway Soil Survey and Offsite Drainage Geotechnical WBQ Design Engineering Drainage Infrastructure Analysis, Drainage Permitting Strategy, Roadway Design, Stormwater Design and Permitting Service Cable Electric Electrical Infrastructure Analysis, Electrical Design GMB Engineers and Planners Traffic Signal Plans Design lrrigatioa Concepts Irrigation Design Innovision Design Schematic Wayfinding Design Glaning Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. Page 1 of I 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES PART 1 - Project Manugement 2.1 Project Mauagement [Glatting Jackson] Itl addition to the specific services detailed below, Glatting Jackson sball coordinate onr work witb tbe City's representative and the City's project team as well as monitor the pr¢~iect schedule as it relates to this scope and provide timely invoicing and reporting of project progress. 2.2 Coordination of the Work of Subconsultants to Glatting Jackson [Glatting Jackson] - The City bereby acknowledges and agrees tbat Glatting Jackson will assume responsibility for the coordination of work produced by any subconsultants to Glatting Jackson as Project Manager for the project. However, the City agrees that Glatting Jackson does not bear any liability for tbe technical accuracy of work prepared by others. All professional firms working on the project shall bear separate responsibility and liability for the work prepared by them. PART II - Data Gathering, Analysis and Permitting Strategy 2.3 First Street Design Survey [Geodata] - A Design Survey shall be performed by GeoData for First Street from a point 100' west of Oak Avenue to a poiut 100' east of Sanford Avenue, and shall include Oak Avenue, Park Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Palmetto Avenue, and Sanford Avenue, 100' North and/or Soutb of First Street. The total length of roadway to be surveyed is approximately 2,500 feet. The survey will be performed as described in the attached scope of services from Geodata Consultants Inc. Tbe vertical locating of buried or inaccessible ntilities is NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. 2.4 2.5 Drainage Structure Inventory Survey [Geodata] - A storm drainage structure inventory shall be performed limited to the areas outlined in tbe attached scope of services from Geodata Consultants lnc. The vertical locating ofbnried or inaccessible utilities is NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. Assessment of Proposed and Existing Drainage Infrastructure [WBQ] - Existing drainage infrastructure and proposed stormwater improvements by CPH Engineers, Inc. will be analyzed to determine bow they will be impacted by tbe First Street project. If it is determiued tbat First Street improvements will negatively impact existing and proposed outfall runs between First Street and outfal]s along the Lake Monroe Seawall WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. will identify the offsite improvements necessary to support the First Street improvements to proceed. The assessment of proposed and existing drainage infrastructure will be performed as described in the attacbed scope of services from WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. The design ofoffsite drainage improvements necessary to support tile First Street projecl is N()T INCI.I 1DEl) IN TIllS CONTRACT. 2.6 Drainage Permitting Strategy [WBQ] - Ifoffsitc drainage improvements are necessary to facilitate tile l:irst Street project WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. will develop a permit strategy for the necessary offsite improvements A preliminary meeting will be conducted Glatting Jackson Kcrchcr Anglin l.opcz g. inchart, Inc. Page 2 of 2 2.7 2.8 PART '2.9 2.10 2.11 with St. John's Water Mauagement District (SJWMD) to determine the appropriateness of the oft~;ite drainage permit strategy. Based on the results of the preliminary meeting with SJWMD the Glatting Jackson team will recommend to the City which offsite improve~nents, if any, should be completed before beginning the First Street re- construction. The drainage permitting strategy will be performed as described in the attached scope of services from WBQ Design Engineering, Inc. Offsite improvements necessary to support the First Street project may alter the schedule for implementing the First Street project. The Glatting Jackson team reserves the right to amend this scope of services to reflect changes caused by necessary offsite improvements. Roadway Soil Survey [ArdamanI - A roadway soil survey consisting of subsurface exploration and laboratory testing to evaluate the general subsurface conditions and provide recommendations within the project area will be performed as described in the attached scope of services from Ardaman and Associates, Inc. Identify Electrical Issues [Service Cable Electric] - Existing electrical infrastructure will be identified and analyzed to determine what types of electrical services can be supported within the proposed First Street project area. The design ofoffsite improvements necessary to facilitate the electrical program requirements in the First Street project is NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, GlaRing Jackson and Subconsultants shall prodnce the following: · I - Certified Surveyors Report · AutoCAD CADD and DTM files · A written summary report of offsite drainage improvements necessary for the First Street project · A written summary report and recommendations from the roadway soil survey ill Public Information Website [Glatting Jackson] - Glattii~g Ja~Skson wtll'develop a websit~ fo? lhe First Street · project. The website will used for announcing public meetings, showing the progress of design work, and for email input from the public. GlaRing Jackson will purchase a domain name for the project website and maintain the site for the duration of the design phase of the First Street project only. Pamphlet [Glatting Jackson] - GlaRing Jackson will assist the City in maintaining contact with the general public during the design phase of the project. GlaRing Jackson will prepare one (I) single page project update pamphlet to be distributed by the City, at City expense, to area residents and interested parties. The City will maintain the Iist of residents and interested parltcs to receive a pamphlet. Public Meetings {Glatting Jackson] -Glatting Jackson will assist the City by presentiug the pr'4ject to the pnblic and interested parties in six (6) meetings. Glatting Jackson will Glatting Jackson Kcrchcr Anglin t.opez Rinehart, Inc. Page 3 of 3 present tbe prctject to tile public in PowerPoint format, display project grapbics, and answer questions from the public. The City will be responsible for scbeduling a venue for these events and mailing out invitations to residents and interested parties thirty (30) days in advance of any meeting The six (6) anticipated meetings are: · I public kick-offmeeting · 3 - periodic project briefings · I final presenlation · I - maintenance of traffic/maintenance of business meeting (lead by WBQ l)esign Engineering, Inc.) Deliverables .. As a resnlt ol'these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the £ollowing: · project website-maintained through design phase of work · I - single page project pamphlet PART IV - Schematics and Programming 2.12 Coordination Meetings ]Glatting Jacksonl - Glatting Jackson will meet with the City on a regular basis throughout the course of the project. This cmnponent will commence with a Kick-Off Meeting with the City to establish project administration, goals, schedule, logistics and other issues. Coordination Meetings will be held every two weeks with the City and Glatting Jackson team to coordinate and review project status. The City shall designate a Project Manager who will work directly with the Glatting Jackson team. It is anticipated ten (10) meetings will be conducted during this phase of the project. 2.13 Plan Review and Programming [Team] - Glatting Jackson will work with the City to evalnate the concept plan from "A Plan for Downtown Sanford", construction budget and timeline. Tile review will include site survey information, geotechnical and site engineering, City provided drawings, plan aesthetics and program refinement, and cost estimation / bndget confimlation. Minor revisions to.t. be concept plan .will be . · implemented itl the Schematic Design phase of work. Significant revisions to the concept plan or constroction budget will constitute Additional Services. 2.14 Schematic Design [Team] Following plan and program confirmation, the Glatting Jackson team will begin preparing Schematic Design and Construction Drawings (30%). Drawings will address Site Civil, Electrical Engineering and Lighting, Landscape, Paving and Hardscapc, Site Furnishings and Grading. Schematics will include an updated opinion of probable constroction cost. 2.15 City Reviev, ITeam] - Thc City will prepare written comments summarizing all review questions and comments from any and all departments that review the schematic docunmnts Tim Glatting Jackson team will attend one (l) meeting with the City to review tile schematic submittal and comments. The Glatting Jackson team shall proceed with the Glatting Jacksml Kcrchcr Anglin Lopcz Rinehart, Inc. Page 4 of 4 preparation of construction document phase of the work, iocorporating revisions suggested during the City review. 2.16 Code Review [Team] The Glatting Jackson team will work with the City to review any applicable municipal codes as they relate to the design of the First Street. Deliverables- As a result of these tasks, Glatting Jackson and Subconsultants shall produce the following: · I - Color rendering ot'the schematic First Street design · I - schematic estimate of probable cost · I - full size set 30% Schematic drawings · 3 - V~ size sets 30% Schematic drawings PART V -Construction Documents 2.17 Construction Documents [TeamI - Based on the approved Schematic Design documents and construction budget, Glatting Jackson shall prepare construction documents for the development of First Street. Drawings and details include Roadway and Sidewalk Layout / Geometry, Site Civil, Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Lighting, Landscape and Irrigatiou, Paving and Hardscape, Site Furnishings and Grading. Specifically, The Glatting Jackson team shall prepare layout plans for the elements identified above, as well · Construction details, including details, elevation, and sections provided as uecessary to communicate the design intent and construction materials. · Technical specifications that define materials and methods appropriate for construction. 2.18 Estimate of Probable Cost [TeamI - The Glatting Jackson team shall prepare a final estimate of probable construction cost for all elements detailed in the Construction Documents based on recent local construction costs. The City shall-provide Glatting Jacksou with recent bid form uuit costs on similar projects completed by the City. 2.19 Document Submittal/Client Review [Team] - The City shall review the plans at 60% (Design Development), and 95% stages of completion. The Glatting Jackson Team will attend one (1) review meeting with the City, at each submittal to discuss the review commeuts. Minor changes will be incorporated as the plans progress. Major changes, which represent significant departures from the original design program, construction budget, and concept plan, shall be considered Additional Services. Glatting Jackson will prepare 100% construction documents suitable for bidding the project, based on comments received at the 95% submittal review meeting. 2.20 Permits [learnI w Glatting Jackson will prepare and submit tile required documentation for irrigation, tree removal and landscape permits, stormwater/wastewater permits, and Glatting lackson Kcrchcr Anglm l,opcz Rinehart, Inc. Page 5 of 5 4.0 5.0 with the City, shall perform its work in such a manner as to comply with an agreed upon schedule. ASSIGNED PERSONNEL The following personnel from Glatting Jackson wilt be assigned to this project, and will have the responsibilities described: William C. Kercher Jr. Peter C. Sechler Thomas J. McMacken, Jr. Balraj N. Mohabeer Principal-in-Charge Project Manager/Landscape Architect 4 Landscape Architect 4/Construction Documentation, QC/QA Landscape Architect 2 FEE BREAKDOWN INCLUDING SUBCONSULTANTS AND DIRECTS The project will be invoiced according to the following Parts and associated lump sum budgets> l'tl~d,~ ~ t~ eX:~W~.MA.~ Part I Project Coordination $8,810 Part 2 Data Gathering and Drainage Analysis $4t,410 Part 3 Public Information Program $16,040 Part 4 Schematic Design $29,220 Part 5 Construction Documents $69,460 Part 6 Bid Package Preparation _$1~ Glatting Jackson Kcrcher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. Page 7 of 7