HomeMy WebLinkAbout816-Boating Funds Agrmt 2004/05 AGREEMENT BETWEEN SEMINOLE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF SANFOP~D RELATING TO CONTRIBUTION OF BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS FOR BOATING RELATED FACILITIES (FY THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this /~ day subdivision of the State by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, of Florida, whose address is 1101 Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter ~COUNTY" and the CiTY OF SANFORD, a Florida whose address is 300 N. Park Avenue, hereinafter referred to as the ~CITY" in approved under the Seminole County (~Program"). WHEP~EAS, Chapter provides that a portion of the funds be returned to county government markings and public launching facilities activities; and WHEREAS, by Seminole County COUNTY established the Seminole and referred municipal Sanford, Florida pursuance of a Boating Improvement of a political E. First to as the corporation, 32771, project Program WITNES SETH: 327, Florida Statutes, subsection 327.25 received from boat license fees to provide recreation channel and other boating related Resolution Number 98-R-244, the County Boating Improvement Program; WHEREAS, Chapter Interlocal Cooperation that public agencies of the State of Florida may exercise jointly with any other public agency of the State of Florida any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and 163, Florida Statutes, Section 163.01, Florida Act of 1969, subsection 163.01(4), provides WHEi~EAS, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, subsection 163.01(5), provides that a joint exercise of power by such public agencies shall be made by contract in the form of an interlocal agreement; and WHEREAS, both COUNTY and CITY are ~public agencies" within the meaning of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Section 163.01; and WHEREAS, the CITY is planning to make marina improvements, hereinafter referred to as the ~Project," and has requested funds held by the COUNTY under the Program; and WHEP~EAS, COUNTY is desirous of providing for this boating related activity for citizens living throughout Seminole County and finds that the public health, safety, and welfare will be served through the construction of the Project by CITY; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY previously executed Agreements whereby COUNTY awarded Boating Improvement Funds to CITY, and COI/NTY and CITY desire to execute another Agreement relative to the provision of an additional FORTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($40,23O.OO) NOW, THE~FORE, in consideration agreements, and promises contained herein, of FY 2004-2005 Boating Improvement Funds to CITY, of the mutual covenants, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of the agreement upon which the parties have relied. It is understood and expressly agreed that the policies, procedures, terms, and conditions provided under the Program established by Seminole County Resolution Number incorporated herein and attached hereto as Exhibit ~A". Section 2. Obligations of COUNTY and CITY. The construct the Project in accordance with 98-R-244 are CITY agrees to the plans and specifications prepared by or under the supervision and review of a registered professional architect, engineer, or other appropriate professional. The elements of the Project are identified in the Project Description which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit ~B". The CITY agrees to construct the Project in accordance with the Program. COUNTY agrees to obligate and make available to the CITY the approved Project amount of FORTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($40,230.00) for the Project authorized by this Agreement, subject to the terms of the Program. It is understood and expressly agreed that said funds shall be used exclusively by CITY for only those boating related facilities described in the Project. It is understood and expressly agreed that funding payments made to CITY by COUNTY shall be subject to the policies, procedures, terms, and conditions provided under the Program. It is understood and expressly agreed that the policies, procedures, terms, and conditions set forth in the Program are made a part of this Agreement. The CITY understands that there shall be no reimbursement of funds by the COUNTY for any expenditure made prior to the execution of the Agreement. Section 3. Statement of Work. (a) The CITY, in a manner satisfactory to the COUNTY, shall perform or cause to be performed all work described or referred to in 3 Exhibit ~B". Such work shall be performed except as otherwise specifically stated herein by persons or instrumentalities solely under the domain and control of the CITY. Section 4. Term. The COUNTY shall reimburse the CITY for the work described in Exhibit ~B" performed or caused to be performed by the CITY prior to December 31, 2005, subject to the terms of the Program. All such work shall be performed in accordance with applicable requirements of this Agreement and the Program. Reimbursement or payment of funds to the CITY shall be contingent thereupon. The CITY shall on or before December 31, complete all work described in Exhibit nB" 2005, unless this Agreement is otherwise amended or extended by written agreement of the parties. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by both parties. Section 5. Consideration and Limitations of Costs/Funds. The CITY shall be reimbursed by the COUNTY for costs in accordance with the Program and applicable laws, rules, and regulations in an amount not to exceed FORTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($40,230.00) for the work described in Exhibit "B". Section 6. Payments. (a) Payments to the CITY shall be on an invoice basis and limited to the work provided in Exhibit ~B". Reimbursement for the Project shall be requested on Project Reimbursement forms as provided under the Program. (b) Upon receipt of the above enumerated documentation, the COUNTY shall initiate the payment process. Reimbursement to the CITY shall be as soon as practicable in accordance with the terms of the Program. The Parks and Recreation Manager, designated as the COUNTY's Project Manager for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be responsible for ensuring performance of its terms and conditions and shall approve the payment request prior to the payment. Photographs shall be submitted when appropriate to reflect work accomplished. (c) Ail disbursements by the CITY must be fully documented to the COUNTY so as to be available upon request for inspection or audit in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, Program, and Florida law, or as otherwise may be reasonably required by the COUNTY. Section 7. Com~)liance with Local and State Laws. The CITY shall comply with applicable State and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, which by reference are incorporated as if fully set forth herein ,including but not limited to the following: (a) Chapter 112, Florida Statutes - concerning conflicts of interest; and (b) any and all laws, rules and regulations relating to the matters set forth or implied in this Agreement. Section 8. Project Publicity. Any news release, project sign, or other type of publicity pertaining to the Project as stated herein shall recognize the Seminole County Boating Improvement Program and the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners as the source of funding for the Project. Section 9. Maintenance of Records. (a) The CITY shall, at a minimum, maintain all records required by Federal, State, and local laws, rules, regulations, and procedures. (b) The CITY shall maintain such records, accounts, property and personnel records as deemed necessary by Florida law and the COUNTY or otherwise typical in sound business practices to assure proper accounting of Project funds and compliance with this Agreement, and the Program. (c) Ail records and contracts of whatsoever type or nature required by this Agreement and the Program shall be available for audit, inspection, and copying at any time during normal business hours and as often as the COUNTY or other Federal or State agency may deem necessary. The COUNTY shall have the right to obtain and inspect any audit pertaining to the performance of this Agreement made by any Federal, State, or local agency. The CITY shall retain all records and supporting documentation applicable to this Agreement for a minimum of five (5) years after resolution of the final audit and in accordance with Florida law. Sectio~ 10. Liability. Except for reimbursement as specifically set forth herein, the COUNTY shall not be liable to any person, firm, entity, or corporation who contracts with or who provides goods or services to the CITY in connection with the services hereunder, or for debts or claims accruing to such parties against the CITY. The Agreement shall not create a contractual relationship, either express or implied, between COUNTY and any other person, firm, entity, or corporation supplying any work, labor, services, goods, or materials to the CITY as a result of 'this Agreement. Section ll. Subcontracts. All contracts made by the CITY to perform activities described in Exhibit ~B" shall comply with 6 applicable laws, rules, and regulations set forth in this Agreement and the Program. Any additional work or services subcontracted hereunder by the CITY shall be specified by written agreement and subject to this Agreement and the Program. Section 12. Indemnification. (a) To the extent permitted by law, harmless, and indemnify the COUNTY from the CITY shall and against liability, loss, claims, damages, costs, attorney's fees, of whatsoever kind, type, or nature which the COUNTY suffer, or incur, or be required to pay by reason of monies paid to the CITY or whomsoever resulting defalcation, dishonesty, or failure of the CITY defend, hold any and all and expenses may sustain, the loss of any out of fraud, to comply with applicable laws, rules, or regulations; or by reason or as a result of any act or omission of the CITY in the performance of this Agreement or any part thereof; or by reason of a judgraent over and above the limits provided by the insurance required hereunder; or by any defect in the construction of the Project; way or instance whatsoever. (b) In the event that any or as may otherwise result in any action, suit, or proceeding is brought against COUNTY upon any alleged liability arising out of this Agreement, or any other matter relating to this Agreement, the COUNTY shall provide notice in writing thereof to the CITY by registered or certified mail addressed to the CITY at its address herein provided. Upon receiving notice, the CITY, at its own expense, shall diligently defend against the action, suit, or proceeding and take all action 7 necessary or proper against the COUNTY. therein to prevent the obtaining of a judgment Section 13. effect throughout the insurance or a liability Insurance. The CITY shall carry and maintain in full force and liability minimum, the limit of liability set Statutes, as may from time to time be azaended. Section 14. Assignments. Neither Agreement, nor any interest herein, without of the other party. Section 15. Headings. Ail articles paragraphs in this Agreement term of this Agreement, either self-insurance program to, at a forth in Section 768.28, Florida party shall assign this the prior written consent and descriptive headings of are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation hereof. Section 16. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under the Program. Section 17. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, notice may be sent to: For COUNTY= Director of Library and Leisure Services 264 W. North St. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 For CITY: Mayor City of Sanford 300 N. Park Ave. Sanford, FL 32771 Section 18. Severability. If any one or more of the covenants or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited, or for any reason whatsoever be held provisions shall be null and void; remaining covenants or provisions way affect the validity of the this Agreement. Section 19. Conflict of Interest. (a) The CITY agrees that it will would create a conflict of interest obligations pursuant to against public policy, or shall invalid, then such covenants or shall be deemed separable from the of this Agreement; and shall in no remaining covenants or provisions of not engage in any action that in the performance of its this Agreement with the COUNTY or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (b) The CITY hereby certifies that no officer, agent, or employee of the COUNTY has any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes, as over 5%) either directly or indirectly, in the business of the CITY to be conducted here and that no such person shall have any such interest at any time during the term of this Agreement. (c) Pursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, the CITY hereby agrees that monies received from the COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement will not be used for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature or any other State or Federal agency. Section 20. Entire Agreement: Effect on Prior Agreement. instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the parties supersedes all previous discussions, if any, between the parties relating This and understandings, and agreements, to the subject matter of this 9 Agreement. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions herein shall be made by the parties in writing by formal amendment hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day hereinabove first written. CIT DOUGHE~Y, Ci~ Clerk BRADY LES${ARD, Mayor Date: ATTEST: ~MORSE Clerk to the Board of County Con~nissioners of Seminole County, Florida. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA Ch~rman For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and 1 ega~.s ~U~~ AC/lpk 10/27/04 boating improvement funds w Sanford As authorized for execution by the Board~of County Commissioners at their ~ [[ , 20~ regular meet//ng. Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Resolution 98-R-244 Exhibit "B" - Project Elements EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 98-R- 244 SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT THEIR REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1998. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 327.25, Florida Statutes, the State of Florida collects vessel registration fees for those vessels required by law to be registered in the State of Florida; and WHEBF2%S, said vessel registration fees have historically been deposited in the Motorboat Revolving Trust Fund and have been appropriated to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("FDE?") for grant funding to be provided to county governments; ~nd WHEREAS, the FDEP created the Florida Boating Improvement' Program to implement the allocation of said grant funds to county governments; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 327.25(16), Florida Statutes, said grant funds are to be used for the sole purposes of providing recreational channel marking and public launching ~acilities and other boating related activities, for removal of vessels and floating structures deemed hazards to public safety and health for failure to comply with Section 327.53, Florida Statutes, and for manatee and marine mammal protection and recovery; and WHEPuT~AS, the Florida Legislature has recently amended Section 327.25(16), Florida Statutes, to provide for the deposit of vessel registration fees into the Marine 1 sxhibit .~A." Resources Conservation Trust CERTIFIED COPY MARYANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCU)T COURT Fund and to provide that county governments without prior appropriation to WHEREAS, it is Commissioners adopt the Seminole Program to establish policies and distribution of said vessel registration fees Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SION-ERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Establishment of the Seminole said fees be directly distributed to the FDEP; and necessary that the Board of County County Boating Improvement procedures for the lawful received from the COUNTY COMMIS- County Boating Improvement Progra~ The Board of ( "Board" ) hereby Improvement Program Section 2. County Commissioners of establishes the Seminole ("BIP"). Vessel Registration Fees Seminole County County Boating (a) In accordance with Section 327.25(16), Florida Statutes, vessel registration fees are collected by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles ("FDHSMV") and Trust Fund for deposited in the Marine Resources Conservation ~istribution to counties. (b) Seminole County ("County") shall receive vessel registration fees from all vessels registered in Seminole County. Vessel registration fees collected during the preceding fiscal year shall be forwarded to the County by FDHSMV each July. The County shall deposit said fees into an account'designated for the BIP which shall be monitored by the County's Department of Library and Leisure Services ("Department"). Section 3. (a) The Board projects or, at its funds by municipal municipal projects. municipal governments within the County for The authorization for the use of BIP governments within the County shall not exceed Administration of t_he BIP may utilize BIP funds for eligible County sole discretion, may authorize the use of BIP eligible funds by one-half of the County's annual allocation with at least one-half being reserved for County projects. If there are no applications submitted that meet the requirements of the BIP, funds will revert back for use on County projects. The BIP shall be administered by the Board, through the Department, with review and recommendations by the County's Parks and Recreation Advisory Board ("Advisory Board"). The Department is authorized to develop procedures and forms as may be required to implement the program. Projects will be prioritized and recommended to the Board by the Advisor~ Board. (b) In order to allocate project funding for County or municipal projects, the Department shall include in its annual budget request said projects and shall submit same for approval by the Board. For Board approved County projects requiring additional funding or a change in scope, the Department shall prepare the necessary documentation including the proposed-changes for approval by the Board. (c) BIP funds may be used as the local cash matching requirement for the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program, the Florida Inland Navigation District Waterways Assistance Program, or such other grant programs requiring a local cash match, provided that 3 the BIP funds are used for eligible project elements. (d) Project Design and Construction. (1) All projects shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, and codes. (2) The design or construction of any boat launching facility shall not be located so as to pose a threat to other boating or consents, obtained prior project. funding equipment, contracts. (e) exceeding recreational activities on the water body it serves. (3) Ail Federal, State and local permits, easements, or other similar authorizations for a project shall be to commencement of design and construction of the (4) Project construction expenses eligible for BIP include payments to vendors for purchase of materials, rental of equipment, services, or lump sum labor The Board may approve a project with an estimated cost the amount of available BIP funds. In such cases, the ~mount of the project cost exceeding available BIP funds may be eligible for reimbursement from the allocation for the next fiscal year. However, any project so approved shall be subject to the continued funding in accordance with Section 327.25(16), Florida Statutes. The Board does not guarantee or pledge payment of the balance in such cases and is not liable for any future reimbursement or pledge should funds not become available. {f) Any unspent BIP funds allocated to a specific' project shall be returned to the appropriate account for future use on County projects. Further, BIP funds not allocated in any fiscal year shall be carried forward for use in subsequent years. (g) The County shall maintain and keep records of all projects receiving BIP funds. Completed projects shall be included in the County's single audit report which shall be forwarded annually, if required, to the FDEP. Upon completion of a project, a municipality must submit a project completion statement to the Department on a form approved by the Department. Upon completion of a County project the Department shall file a project completion statement in the project file. For municipal projects, the municipality shall provide required materials as delineated in the required project close out documentation form. (h) Any project developed with assistance from BIP funding shall be for the use and benefit of the general public. Upon completion of a project, the County or a municipality shall dedicate said project for public recreational use in perpetuity by recording a Notice of Limitation of Use including said dedication in the Public Records of Seminole County. The County and the ~unicipalities utilizing BIP funds for design or construction of an eligible project shall be responsible for ensuring the operation and maintenance of said project-for a period of 25 years from the date of completion of the project. (i) Projects funded in whole or in part by BIP funds shall be discriminatory religion, sex, If a fee is charged, it must be administered and made available to the general public on a non- basis regardless of residency, race, color, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status. the same for all users. 5 (j) A permanent identification sign or plaque which the BIP as a source of project funding is required to be at all completed projects where sign placement is feasible. Section 4. BIP Funding for Municipal Projects (a) Any County municipality may submit applications for eligible projects meeting the requirements of the program. The municipality must have resources available and accept the maintenance of the project. A municipality requesting BIP funds must submit a project application to the Department. Ail project applications shall be reviewed and evaluated by the Department with regard to eligibility of the proposed project, completeness of the application, funding availability, the municipality's compliance with previous project agreements, and County and/or Department priorities. {b) Subsequent to review and comment by the Department, said municipality may request that a project application be submitted to recommendation application is credits erected shall prepare a project agreement for execution by the parties. (c) A project agreement-is the required funding mechanism to allocate BIP funding to a municipality for an eligible project. (d) Unless otherwise specified in a project agreement, project funding shall be only for those costs incurred subsequent to the execution of the project agreement by the Board. (e) The County shall disburse BIP funding to a municipality only on a reimbursement basis and shall require completion of the 6 the Advisory Board for prioritization and to the Board for consideration. If a project approved by the Board, the County Attorney's Office project 'in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the project agreement. No funds will be paid in advance. Reimbursement for municipal projects shall be requested on Project Reimbursement forms as applicable. (f) A quarterly status report for each project shall be submitted by the municipality on a project status report form provided by the Department. (g) Should a municipality desire to propose any changes to a project agreement including, but not limited to, changes in scope or funding of a project, said proposed changes must be submitted in writing to the Department along with a statement of justification for same. All changes to a project agreement shall be, made by means of a written amendment to a project agreement approved in the same manner as the underlying project agreement. (h) The Department shal~ '~have the right to terminate a project agreement and demand refund of BIP funds (plus interest at the maximum rate authorized in the Florida Statutes) for non- compliance with. the terms of this Resolution or the project ~greement. Failure of a municipality to comply with the provisions of this Resolution or a project agreement may result in the Board declaring-the municipality ineligible for participation in the BIP until a time certain and/or under certain conditions as designated. (i) A municipality agreement shall refund to accrued thereupon prior desiring to terminate a project the County all BIP funds plus interest to County executing said termination. 7 (2) (3) regulation or (4) Section 5. Projects Eliqible for BIP Funding (a) BIP funds shall be used for those projects which improve recreational boating for the public in accordance with Section 327.25(16), Florida Statutes, for the purpose of providing recreational channel marking and public other boating-related activities, for floating structures deemed a hazard to for failure to comply with Section 327.53, for manatee and marine mammal protection and (b) BIP funds may be used for those acquisition, design, construction, and completion of project including, but not limited to, the expansion, repair or installation of the following: (1) Launching facilities; Recreational channel lights and markers; Waterway and related signs and buoys for information; Docking and mooring facilities; launching facilities and removal of vessels and public safety and health Florida Statutes, and recovery. costs associated with an eligible renovation, safety, (5) Access roads and ~arking for boating facilities; (6) Channel dredging; (7) Boating related support facilities and utilities such as restrooms, lighting, picqic pavilions, landscaping, water, sewer, and electrical; (8) Artificial fishing reefs in State waters (design, construction, transportation, installation, marking, research, and rip-rap, monitoring); and (9) Bulk head, and seawall construction. (c) Expenses that are ineligible tools, equipment, boats, motors, office law enforcement and safety equipment, and materials not used exclusively for a project. ADOPTF~D this 10 ATTEST: MORSe' C~er~¢ to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida 10/28/98 for BtP furniture and contract funding include supplies, labor and day of November 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SF~kINOLE COUN~, FLORIDA ~ARLT'ON H~NLEY , ~CHAIP~AN EXHIBIT B SEMINOLE COUNTY BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Sanford Public Works Department Sanford Parks and Grounds Operations Division Lighting - Boat Ramps and Parking lot for Riverskip Romance. Boat Ramps and boat trailer parking at Ramps: Replace (3) existing lights on existing poles including conduit and wiring. $ 3,800.00 Northeast Boat & Trailer Parking Lot; (currently no lighting) Install (1) new pole and (2) new lights including conduit and wiring. $ 1,800.00 Parking area for Docks & Rivership Romance: Replace (3) existing lights on existing poles including conduit and wiring. $ 5,000.00 Sidewalk safety-sidewalks east of Rivership Romance Parking Lot: Repair seawall leakage and remove and replace broken and uneven 8' wide by 250' long sidewalk area. 22,250.00 770 lfof fencing replacement w/bottom rail along east &west marina seawall $ 7,380.00 Total 2004 Funding Request $40,230.00