HomeMy WebLinkAbout773-SCSO Dispatching FY 2004/0508/24/2005 09; 40 40?6656530 SCSO FINANCIAL SERV PAGE 02 ...... S£MINOLE COUNTY SI41~-RIFF'S OFFICE / cITY OF S~IFORD - A~RI~W. MRNT FOR DISPATCHING SERVlCF~ THIS AGRIEEMENT is made and entered into by and between DONALD F. ESLINGER, Seminole County Sheriffs Office, heremifrex referzed to as "SHERIFF', a consmutional offic~ of the State of Florida, whose address is 100 Bush Boulevlmt, Sanfo~l, Florida 32773, md the CITY OF sANFORD, heremafter refe~ed to as "SANFORD", whose ad&ess is 300 Nozth Park Avenue, Sallford, Florida, 32771. WITNE$$ETI'I: WHEREAS, i~ ac¢o,d~nce with sections 163.01(2) and 163.01(14) Florida Statutes, the Semhaole County Shetif'f's Office and the City of Sanford ate authorized to enter into Intez- local Agreemenes for thc provision of setriccs; AlqD WHERF.,A$, thc SHERIFF maintains seven days per week, twenty-fou~ houi pet day law eaxforcement dispatching setVXces; AND WHER.F-.AS, SANFORD h~s d~temUned that it is advantageous to contract with the "SHERIFF" for the provision of police dispatching ~errices. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual unde~sm0ai~ mid agreemems set' forth herein, the SHERIFF and SANFORD agree as follows: Tet'm mhd Termination The TERM of this Agzcement shall be from Octobet 1, 2004 until Septembez 30, 2008, the dates of signature of the lames notWtthstat~ding; and shall be renewable in single or multiple yeat increments thezeafter upon mutual written agteemem by both pa~es and in accordance with tpplicable clauses set forth hetem. This Agreement m~y be tet-~inited by either parry, with or without cause by providing six months wzitren notification in advance to the other parry. In the event of termination, payment for services ~ be prorated to coincide mith the date of termination. The purpose of this Agze~-ment is to provide specific seretces, i.e.; police dispatching w the Sanfozd Police Department and city residetlts ss requested by SANFORD. Cooperation It is agreed that the both parties shall provide all reasonable and necessary cooperation and assistance so as to facilitate this Agreemem. 88/2412885 89:.~.. 4~876656530 $CS0 PINANCIA& SERV PAGE 83 1. ~he SI~RIFI:~ ~jces to: A. P~ovide all poSce ~a~c~g s~ces zeq~ed ~ ~e ~nfo~ Po~ce Dep~ent u~mg empl~ees of ~e SH~FF, ~ ~e co~o~te ~ of SANFO~ ~-fo~ h~ p~ ~y, ~ ~ys pet w~ Ca~ for su~ s~ces ~e to ~ ~t~ to telephone ~bm to SHE~FF, ~ ad~uon m 911 c~, md ~e SHE~FF ~ ~patch S~FO~ ponce ~u m response. B. Pm~de n<ess~ ~on ~d ~ining ~ S~S m~o protocol ~d ~mmm~fions pz~edmes nece~s~ for ~e pz~%n of ~pat~ s~ices. C. M~~ a nmbmd zone or o~et ~pp~pdate means of idmfificafi~ for c~s ~ec~ed md ~spatch~d fo~ SANFO~- D. Ke~ adeq~te recoz& md pzo~e te~ ~m to SANFO~ ~ s~ fom~ md at n& me m~ mu~ i~ed upon by bo~ Agree to provide the S~nford police Depm~nent twenty-four hours a day, seve~ days a week access to reformation contorted in the Flond~ Crime Infommuon Center System (FCIC), Nadonal Crime I~form~fion Center System (NCIC), National L~w Enforcement Telecommumcafions System (NLETS), other state and national cfimimd justice infomaation systems, mowr vehicle registry, drivers license regist~, boat regisRy, and administrative reformation systems md other such databases currently awfihble to hw enforcement agencies. F. Provide for a sufficient number of personnel, appropriately qualified m perform those set~ices as set forth within thin Agreement Ao Insme that the City Police Department observes the instmcfons and stenda~d operating procedures to be provided by the SHERIFF for radio protocol md for coordinatio~ of dispatthlno° efforts under this Ag~eemem. B. Provide adequate radio equipment compatible with communications equipment utilized by the SHERIFF, to Sanford police Officers. In situations where the SANFORD Chief of Police or mother responsible officer needs to dispatch city police officers, the SHERIFF'S dispatche~ is to be notified as soon as possible as to the nature of the call and the location to which the police unit was dispatched. SANFOILD shall supply the SHERIFF with a hst of ail personnel authorized to laison with the SHERIFF m regards to the pr°~sion of services as set forth within this Agreement. The S~nford Chief of Pohce shall also advise the SHERIFF'S Office as to which types of cars reported and/or dispatched requite nolification to the Chief or his designee. 2 08/2~/2005 09:4~ .... SCSO FINANCIAL SERV PAGE 04 E. If sANFORD continues to maintain a police department telephone number that can be reached by the public d~,rlng the day, SANFORD ~ make ~trangements for ~ to this number to be refer~ed to SHERIFF'S dispatC_hing dUnng hours when SANFORD'S ~umbet is not b~4ng mantled. It i~ understood by SANFORD that the ~e~ c~lled for in tim agreement do not include telephone complaint report wn_,i,~g o~ ~alk-in eomphmt handling by the SHERIFF. ~ Records Managermmt System (RMS') ~ Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) ~' Mobile Report Writing ), Mobile CAD The r~ltrker value of said softwlx'e is conSerVatively estimated at in excess of $500,000 with a corresponding value for ,-flusl ~iflrenance seXWlccs (15°/0) at $75,000. The SHERIFF sh~ll also provide to the Sanfotd police Department, upon request, and at no cost, assistance in the areas of PC support system admi~stmtion and network ath~ninistl'afiOll -- said sez~rices haVllxg an estimated value of $50,000 per yesx. Compensation and P~yment A. SANFORD agrees to reimburse the SHERIFF for dispatching services zen&red aS set forth itl t~s Agzcement for FY 2004/05 commencing October 1, 2004 and ending September 30, 2003 in the mount of ~430.flf10 payable quarterly in ~ccotdance with the following sche~,_!le: O~. 1, 2004 - Dec 31, 2004 Jan. 1, 2005 - Ms~. 31, 2005 Apr. 1, 2005 -June 30, 2005 July ~, 2005 - Sept. 30, 2005 $107,720.00 $107,720.00 $107,720.00 $107,720.00 Jan- 15, 2005 Apr. 15, 2005 Oct. 1 S, 2005 B- In the event that the SHERIFF receivea income from the County 911 Fund or any other source pexr~i,,i.g to the provision of dispatch services provided on behalf of SANFORD, said revenue shall be forwarded from the SHERIFF to the SANFORD and sh~ll not effect ;unounts due under this Ag~cement. C. All payments shall be sent to the following adth'ess: 08/24/2005 09~40 4076656530 SCSO FINANCIAL SERV PAGE 05 11. Seminole County Sheriff's Office Financial Services Section 100 Bush Boul~rard Sanford, FL 32773 D. The sHERIFF shall no later than June 1~t of each year, sub'mt to SANFOKD the cost fox providing sevvices as set forth m this Agreement for the upcoming fiscal year beginning October 1~'. This anticipated cost Bhall not be bmdixlg upotl the SANFORD and shall be subject to negotiation between the SANFORD and the SHERIFF. P~,~uant to 768.28(18) Florida Statutes, neither the SHERIFF not SANFORD waives any defense of sovereign immunity, ox mcrea~es the limits of its liability, upon entemxg into this Agreement. This Agreement does not colltain any provision requires one parry to indemnify or insure the other party for the other party's actions, or to assume any liability fo~ the othe~ party's acdons. This Agreement shall he governed by and construed with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue shall be in Seminole County, Florida. The SHERIFF or his appointed designee and the S~nfotd Chief' of Police or his designee shall resolve minr~ disputes. Whenever any patW desires to g~ve notice unto the other ptrty, no~ice tomy be sent to; George SellexSr, Senior Mtn,%oer Seminole County Sheriffs Office 100 Bush Boulevard Sanfoxd, FL 32773 Bri~ F. Tooley Smford Chief of police 815 South French Avenue Sanfoxd, FI. 32771 It is understood and agreed that the retire Agreement of the parties is contained herein and that ,hi~ Agreement supersedes all oval stgreements and negotiations between the pretties relating to the subject matter hereof, ns well ~s any preVXous Agreement presently m effect between the parties rehfing to the subject matte~ hereo£ Any al~etmions, amendments, deletions, or waXVers of the pX~VXsions of this Agreement sh~ll be valid only whe~ expressed in writing, approved by the respective p~rries and duly executed on behalf of each p~3r as set fox~h herem. 4 08/24/2005 09:4~_.~ .~76656530 SCSO FINANCIAL SERV PAGE IN WITNI~$$ WHEREOF, the pa~ies to this Agreement have caused thek names to bc affixed hereto by the prop~ office~s thezeof lot the pmcposes herem expressed. City of Satdozd Sataford City Manager Date Sanford Chief of Police ~emit~ole County Shezi~s Office By: Donald F. l~li~get, Semele C~unty Sheriff Date 08/24/2005 09;40 4076656530 SCSO FZNANCZAL SERV Sheriff Dona~l F. Eslinter l~lember, Florida Sheriff's Association PAGE 01 DATE: TO: FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FACSIMILE NUMBER: FROM: SEMINOLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: FACSIMILE NUMBER: 407-665-6530 THERE ARE ~ PAGES INCLUDING THIS PAGE. IF YOU EXPERIENCE~'NY PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL (407) 665-653:z, COM~I~NTS: /~' ~Quw NOTE: The inf'o~mafion conlained in this fKsimile messale is coflf~nfi~l ~f~M imbed ~ly F~ ~ ~e of the individual ~ emi~ n~d ~ve. If the re~ of~is is nay dis~minal~fl, disri~i~ or copy orlhis co~unic~ I~ Bush Bird,.