HomeMy WebLinkAbout888-SAA Agrmt for Police Svcs 2005/06 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD AND SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 This Inter-local Agreement (IA) supercedes and replaces all former Agreements concerning the Sanford Police Department (SPD) between the Sanford Airport Authority (SAA) and the City of Sanford, Florida (CITY). This Agreement is effective from October 1, 2005, through September 30, 2006, unless cancelled prior to the termination date by mutual written agreement or in accordance to the terms within this Agreement. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the SAA desires to contract for police services at the Orlando Sanford International Airport through the CITY and the CITY is willing to provide the services of the SPD under the terms and conditions below, therefore the parties agree as follows: The City will provide two (2) sworn officers, acceptable to SAA, to conduct law enforcement operations within the Orlando Sanford International Airport area. These officers will be assigned on the basis of one (1) officer per day for twelve hour shifts usually commencing at 05:30 hours. Annual costs to the SAA will be $128,325, and includes the use of a patrol car. These annual costs will be paid on a prorated quarterly basis. A summary of these costs is outlined in Attachment A. Command and control of the assigned officers will be vested in the existing command structure of the SPD, except during Airport emergencies when the officers will be responsive to the SAA President & CEO or their designee. Assi.qned officers activities shall be in compliance with SPD Written Directives. The primary duty of the police officer is to respond to either passenger screening station within the FAA established time constraints (currently ten (10) minutes) as described in the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Part 1542. Officers shall be on duty at the Airport at all times when the passenger screening stations are in operation. 4. The PresidentJCEO or his designee may assign additional duties to the "on-duty officer" from the following list of police functions: A. Routine airport perimeter checks for security. B. Door checks in the airport terminals and / or businesses in the Commerce Park. C. Meeting and greeting of light aircraft. D. Curbside traffic, parking lot control and / or vehicle speed limit enforcement. E. Positive control and direction of pedestrian crosswalks. F. Response to other incidences or requests for service on airport property. G. Check airport identification media within the Air Operations Area (AOA) / Security Identification Display Area (SIDA). Updated on 7/19/2005 8:52:41 AM 1 of 6 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD AND SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 The Authority will pay the City, when billed, for providing additional police services needed for periods of vacation, sick leave, overtime, or to meet additional staffing needs as requested by the SAA beyond the agreed upon budget described in Attachment "A". The CITY agrees to reduce or increase the budget in Attachment "A" based upon the actual costs of the Officers assigned to SA,&. SAA will soon transition to the establishment of an Airport Public Safety Department or Airport Police Department, which when completed, will entitle the SAA to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice. The cooperation and support of the SPD as discussed in the Airport Public Safety Transition Plan is a key element to ensure safety of the traveling public and other users of the Airport. The creation of an Airport Public Safety Department does not require the termination of this agreement. It is believed that this cooperative contract may coexist with the new Airport Police Department for many years. n, Mayor nford Date Sanford Airport Authority D ate ~/~~..j'~ '~ Updated on 7/19/2005 8:52:41 AM 2 of 6 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD AND SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Addendum A to "Agreement for Police Services" Originally dated September 12, 2001 Between Sanford Airport Authority (SAA) and City of Sanford (CITY) Contract Officer's duties and responsibilities are in Accordance with Agreement for Police Services. Addendum A: Officer's additional responsibilities and schedule: + Basic shift 17:00 - 23:00 (6 hours daily) paid at detail rate by Sanford Airport Authority ($25.00/ hr effective through September 30, 2006, except for shifts worked on Thanksgiving Day - Thursday November 24th, 2005 and Christmas Day - Sunday December 25t', 2005 which will be at $30.00/hr). + In addition, CSA 22 or 23 zone officer drives around with SAA eps Supervisor at least once per shift between 00:00 - 05:00 + Patrol the Terminal Front + Parking issues in parking lots A, B, C, D, Alamo & Dollar + Patrol Terminal ramp & South West ramp + To coincide and cover any late flight passenger screening duties. The SAA eps Supervisor will notify the on-duty SPD Watch Commander of any late flights requiring passenger screening. + Should a police operational emergency preclude the shift from conducting the nightly security check, the on-duty Watch Commander will notify the SAA eps Supervisor. Linde Ku~n Mayor ,el Sanford ' Preside~ & CEQ SAA Date: '-'[ I'~i )05-- Date: ~//'/'/~'/~ / Updated on 7/19/2005 8:52:41 AM 3 of 6 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD AND SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Sanford Police Officers assigned to the Orlando Sanford International Airport (Contracted) FY 2005~2006 Salary $ 46,971 $ 47,654 Operating Liability $ 1,733 $ 1,733 Overtime $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Overtime Benefits $ 2,660 $ 2,660 Uniforms $ 521 $ 521 Gasoline $ 750 $ 750 Vehicle Repair $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Radio $ 486 $ 486 Total: $ 63,821 $ 64,504 Updated on 7/19/2005 8:52:41 AM 4 of 6 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD AND SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 AIRPORT PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSITION PLAN 2002 The SAA Board of Directors voted to begin the process of evaluating the benefits of forming an SAA Public Safety Department and to rely on the Sheriff's Office for service during the transition period. Subsequent to this decision, there have been additional, in-depth discussions by staff as to additional transition options to explore. As a result of these discussions, we have developed what we consider being a better transitional plan and are recommending this plan to the Board for their review and approval. The following diagram shows the various agencies involved in the public safety function at the Airport. As shown, there are numerous entities involved, all of which currently provide a high level of service to the Airport. We intend to use experienced representatives from these agencies to assist us in researching private models and transitioning to the best possible plan for the Airport. Instrumental in this effort will be the continued reliance on and involvement from the SPD, in conjunction with the various SO and SPD/SO joint operations. To effect this option, I would like to ask the City to continue to provide law enforcement services during this transition and recruit Chief Tooley's personal involvement in the process due to his years of experience running the OIA police division. Likewise, I would like to contact the Sheriff and key staff in the other operations to solicit their support and in-depth involvement in developing the transition plan. Regardless of the specific model or option selected, continued cooperation with the above agencies is necessary to achieve success. The widest range of services at realistic costs will be explored to meet the public safety department needs for this airport. Passenger safety and airport security is our first and foremost obligation. We have been assured by the SPD that during this transition period, the Airport will be provided with the highest level of professional law enforcement services and capabilities in order to ensure the safety of the traveling public and other users of the Airport. Updated on 7/19/2005 8:52:41 AM 5 of 6 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD AND SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 UPDATE TO SAA PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSITION PLAN - AUGUST 200 As of August of 2004 and with the preparation of the budget for fiscal year 2004-2005, the creation of the Airport's Police Department is on track for completion before the new fiscal year begins. The c"~ Airport Police Chief has acquired his Law Enforcement Officer certification from FDLE. The Sanford Airport Police Department (SAPD) has acquired two law enforcement vehicles, one for the Sanford Police Department (SPD) canine officer assigned to the Airport and a second Command and Patrol c::=, vehicle to be utilized by SAPD personnel. ':""~ In addition, the full Agency application will be presented to FDLE within the next 30-60 days and the paperwork requesting an ORI number along with access to FCIC / NCIC through a newly established secure computer network at the Airport will occur in the next thirty days. Inter-local agreements will be negotiated with both SPD and the Seminole County Sheriff's Office (SCSO), concerning dispatch issues, record keeping, evidence, mutual aid, training, and arrestee transport will occur in the next 30- 60 days with their details integrated into SAPD's policies and procedures. Uniforms, badges, vehicle markings, and a new identifying logo have all been addressed and completed. Most all capital purchases have been completed. For the time being, the SAPD will only have one sworn officer. The full set of Policies & Procedures have borrowed liberally from both SPD and SCSO. Copies of the Policies & Procedures manual will be distributed to both the City and the County. Police Professional Liability Insurance has been acquired for the new department effective August 1st, 2004. In summary, it is expected that full FDLE authorization for the creation of the Sanford Airport Police Department will occur before the end of this calendar year. We look forward to the benefits and involvement that will accompany this action and we fully understand the responsibility involved. UPDATE TO SAA PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSITION PLAN - JULY 2005 The Sanford Airport Police Department received its ORI and was formally recognized in February of 2005. The Sanford Police Department has provided an outstanding level of professionalism and service to the Sanford Airport Authority over the past several years and it should be noted that there are no efforts being made to replace their contracted presence at the Airport, now or in the foreseeable future. All efforts will be made to utilize the collective benefits of two law enforcement agencies at the Airport. We look forward to another outstanding year. Updated on 7/19/2005 8:52:41 AM 6 of 6