HomeMy WebLinkAbout1099-Fl Boat Improve Grant AgrmFWC Contract No. 05198 FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION, whose address is 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -1600, hereafter "COMMISSION," and the CITY OF SANFORD whose address is P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772, hereafter "GRANTEE" to conduct a two phase project entitled Municipal Marina - North Shore Restoration, hereafter "Project," using funds from the Florida Boating Improvement Program, hereafter "Program." NOW THEREFORE, the COMMISSION and the GRANTEE, for the considerations hereafter set forth, agree as follows: SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement shall consist of two phases: Phase I — Project Construction, and Phase II — Project Management. During Phase I the GRANTEE shall construct and implement its project proposal, as described in Attachment A, Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant Application No. 05 -026, attached hereto and made a part hereof. All Phase I activities must be completed during the time span provided herein for that portion of the Agreement. During Phase II the parties shall cooperate in the ongoing and continuous management of the Project under the terms and conditions provided herein. 2. The GRANTEE shall commence work on Phase I of the Project within six (6) months of execution of the Agreement. Failure by the GRANTEE to begin work shall constitute a breach of the Agreement and result in termination of the Agreement by the COMMISSION. 3. The GRANTEE agrees not to proceed with Phase I construction until all necessary permits are obtained and copies thereof provided to the COMMISSION. 4. All engineering must be completed by a professional engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida. All work must meet or exceed minimum design standards and guidelines established by all applicable local, state and federal laws. 5. It is the GRANTEE's responsibility to contract, manage and inspect all aspects of the Project, including the construction contract, materials purchase, engineering, master plan or force account labor performed at any Project site. 6. The GRANTEE, at its expense, shall purchase, erect and maintain a permanent sign, not less than four (4) feet by eight (8) feet in size, displaying the COMMISSION's official logo for launching projects, or shall attach a permanent plaque for marine projects, or use some other manner of acknowledgement for non - construction projects, approved by the COMMISSION, identifying the COMMISSION as a funding source for the Project. Such acknowledgement shall be maintained for a period of 20 years or the duration of the Agreement. Failure by the GRANTEE to maintain such acknowledgement shall be considered a breach of the Agreement. 7. The GRANTEE, at its expense, shall purchase, erect and maintain directional signs, approved by the COMMISSION, on main public highways to direct public users to each boating facility funded through the Program. The GRANTEE agrees to provide and maintain such signs at its expense for a period of 20 years or the duration of the Agreement. Failure by the GRANTEE to erect and maintain such signs shall be considered a breach of the Agreement. Page 1 of 9 8. Upon completion of Phase I, the engineer, architect or other appropriate professional for the GRANTEE shall sign a Certification of Completion form, provided by the COMMISSION, that certifies Phase I of the Project was completed in accordance with the prepared plans and specifications. 9. The GRANTEE shall submit to the COMMISSION monthly activity reports outlining the progress of Phase I of the Project, identifying any problems that may have arisen, and actions taken to correct such problems. Such reports shall be submitted on the form provided by the COMMISSION and due to the COMMISSION's Program Administrator by the 15 of each month until the Certification of Completion is submitted. 10. During Phase I, the GRANTEE shall provide progress and final photographs of any construction project documenting satisfactory progress and completion prior to requesting payment from the COMMISSION. Final photographs shall be submitted with the Certification of Completion form. 11. For Phase II of this Agreement, which shall include the entire term of the Agreement, the GRANTEE shall provide and be responsible for any and all costs associated with ordinary and routine operations and maintenance of the Project, including any and all personnel, equipment or service and supplies costs beyond the costs approved for reimbursement in Phase I of this Agreement. 12. The GRANTEE agrees that land owned by the GRANTEE that is developed with Program funds shall be dedicated for a minimum of twenty (20) years as a site for the use and benefit of the public. The dedication shall be recorded in public property records by the GRANTEE. Land under control other than by ownership by the GRANTEE (i.e. lease, management agreement, cooperative agreement, interlocal agreement or other similar instrument) and developed with Program funds shall be managed by the GRANTEE for a minimum period of twenty (20) years from the completion date set forth in the Project Certification of Completion. Title to all improvements shall be retained by the GRANTEE upon final payment by the COMMISSION. 13. Should the GRANTEE, within the 20 -year period set forth above, convert all or any part of the Project to other than COMMISSION approved uses, the GRANTEE shall replace the area, facilities, resource or site at its own expense with a project acceptable to the COMMISSION of comparable scope and quality. In the event the Project is converted to use for other purposes during this period and not replaced with a like project acceptable to the COMMISSION, the GRANTEE agrees to return to the COMMISSION all funds tendered for the original Project. 14. Any study or brochure produced by the GRANTEE shall be provided to the COMMISSION for approval prior to final printing and submission for payment. Further, at least 21 days prior to printing the COMMISSION shall review and approve all proposed publications that will be funded by this Agreement to ensure that environmental and boating safety issues are effectively addressed. At its discretion, the COMMISSION may elect to have its representative inspect printed material prior to its release from the printing vendor. The GRANTEE agrees to inform the COMMISSION at the completion of printing of any materials so that the COMMISSION may exercise this option. 15. The GRANTEE shall allow unencumbered access to the Project site to the COMMISSION, its employees or agent for the duration of the Agreement for the purpose of site visit or inspection to verify the facility is being maintained, in operation and is open and available to the public. As part of the inspection, the COMMISSION may request maintenance and use information from the GRANTEE to validate the condition of the facility. 16. The GRANTEE agrees to be responsible for the fulfillment of all work elements included in any subcontract and agrees to be fully responsible for the payment of all monies due under any subcontract. It is understood and agreed by the GRANTEE that the COMMISSION shall not be liable to any sub - grantee (or subcontractor) for any expenses or liabilities incurred under the subcontract and that the GRANTEE shall be solely liable to the subcontractor for all expenses and liabilities incurred under the subcontract. Page 2 of 9 17. The GRANTEE shall forward one copy of the bid package to the COMMISSION's Program Administrator for review prior to soliciting for quotations or commencing any work. The COMMISSION's Program Administrator shall have 30 working days for review. This review shall ensure that minimum guidelines for the Project's scope of work are adhered to. 18. The GRANTEE shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations in providing services to the COMMISSION under this Agreement. The GRANTEE acknowledges that this requirement includes compliance with all applicable federal, state and local health and safety rules and regulations. The GRANTEE further agrees to include this provision in all subcontracts issued as a result of this Agreement. GRANTEE ELIGIBILITY 19. The GRANTEE shall be licensed as necessary to perform under this Agreement as may be required by law, rule, or regulation, and shall provide evidence of such compliance to the COMMISSION upon request. 20. By acceptance of this Agreement, the GRANTEE warrants that it has the capability in all respects to fully perform the contract requirements and the integrity and reliability that will assure good -faith performance as a responsible recipient, and that the GRANTEE shall comport with Chapter 287, F.S., and all other applicable rules and laws. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION 21. The COMMISSION shall, within budgetary constraints, inspect the Project site prior to and during the construction of the Project. The GRANTEE shall notify the COMMISSION's Program Administrator when the Project has reached substantial completion so that inspection may occur in a timeframe allowing for the timely submission and processing of the final invoice. The COMMISSION's Program Administrator, or designee, shall inspect the work accomplished on the Project and, if deemed complete and in compliance with the terms of the Agreement, approve the request for payment. TERM OF AGREEMENT 22. This Agreement shall begin upon execution by both parties and end June 30, 2027, inclusive. However, the GRANTEE shall complete all Phase I project services on or before June 30, 2007. The GRANTEE shall not be eligible for reimbursement for services rendered prior to the execution date of this Agreement nor after the termination date of the Agreement. 23. The GRANTEE shall execute this Agreement within 90 days of formal COMMISSION approval. Failure to execute this Agreement shall render the award of funds null and void, and shall result in termination of this Agreement. COMPENSATION 24. For satisfactory completion of Phase I of the project, Municipal Marina - North Shore Restoration by the GRANTEE under the terms of this Agreement, the COMMISSION shall pay the GRANTEE on a cost reimbursement basis in an amount not to exceed $ 128,713.50 25. As indicated in FBIP Grant Application #05 -026, the GRANTEE has agreed to provide 81.5% of the estimated total project cost. If the actual cost of the project is less than the estimated total project cost, compensation by the COMMISSION shall be 18.5% of the actual total project cost. Page 3 of 9 PAYMENTS 26. The COMMISSION shall pay the GRANTEE for satisfactory service upon submission of a final invoice, accompanied by required reports or deliverables, and after acceptance of services and deliverables in writing by the Commission's Grant Manager. The invoice must be submitted within 30 days after completion of Phase I of the Project. The invoice shall include the FWC Contract Number and the Grantee's Federal Employer Identification (FEID) Number and should be in a format similar to Attachment F, sample invoice form. An original and two (2) copies of the invoice shall be submitted. The COMMISSION shall not provide advance payment. All bills for amounts due under this Agreement shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper pre -audit and post -audit thereof. 27. Program funds shall be disbursed to the GRANTEE only after pre- approved phase or final completion of Phase I of the Project occurs and work is verified by COMMISSION staff. Payment will be made only for documented and verified costs. The COMMISSION will not pre- approve or disburse any Program funds in advance. Failure to complete the Project and make final payment request to the COMMISSION within the stipulated period shall result in termination of this Agreement. Any funds not disbursed or expended by the end of the stipulated period are subject to the provisions of Chapter 216.301, Florida Statutes. 28. No travel expenses are authorized under the terms of this Agreement. 29. The GRANTEE shall be reimbursed on a cost reimbursement basis in accordance with Comptroller Contract Payment Requirements as shown in the Department of Financial Services, Bureau of Accounting and Auditing, Voucher Processing Handbook, Chapter 4., C., I., attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment B. 30. The COMMISSION shall have 30 working days to inspect and approve goods and services. 31. Any Phase I Project deficiencies, as noted in the final Project inspection, shall be corrected by the GRANTEE prior to final Project acceptance and payment by the COMMISSION. The COMMISSION may restrict any or all payment of Program funds pending correction of such deficiencies. 32. For contracts whose term extends beyond the State fiscal year in which encumbered funds were appropriated, the State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. 33. In order to make best use of the agency's resources, the COMMISSION reserves the right to utilize Federal funds for payments under this Agreement. In the event Federal funds become available for such use, and subject to the mutual agreement of the parties hereto, the Agreement shall be amended to include applicable Federal Requirements. 34. Invoices, including backup documentation, shall be submitted to: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Boating and Waterways Section Florida Boating Improvement Program 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 Page 4 of 9 TERMINATION 35. This Agreement shall terminate immediately upon the COMMISSION giving written notice to the GRANTEE in the event of fraud, willful misconduct, or breach of this Agreement. 36. Upon termination of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shall promptly render to the COMMISSION all property belonging to the COMMISSION. For the purposes of this section, property belonging to the COMMISSION shall include, but shall not be limited to, all books and records kept on behalf of the COMMISSION. TAXES 37. The GRANTEE recognizes that the State of Florida, by virtue of its sovereignty, is not required to pay any taxes on the services or goods purchased under the terms of this Agreement. NOTICE 38. Unless a notice of change of address is given, any and all notices shall be delivered to the parties at the following addresses: GRANTEE City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: (407) 330 -5681 Fax: (407) 330 -5601 Attn: Tom George, Public Works Director COMMISSION Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Boating and Waterways Section 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 Phone: (850) 487 -3755 Fax: (850) 488 -9284 Attn: Susanna Stephens, Program Administrator AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION 39. No waiver or modification of this Agreement or of any covenant, condition, or limitation herein contained shall be valid unless in writing and lawfully executed by the parties. 40. The COMMISSION may at any time, by written order designated to be a Modification, make any change in the work within the general scope of this Agreement (e.g., specifications, schedules, method or manner of performance, requirements, etc.). However, all Modifications are subject to the mutual agreement of both parties as evidenced in writing. Any Modification that causes an increase or decrease in the GRANTEE's cost or the term of the Agreement shall require a formal amendment. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 41. The GRANTEE shall perform as an independent agent and not as an agent, representative, or employee of the COMMISSION. 42. The GRANTEE covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required. 43. The parties agree that there is no conflict of interest or any other prohibited relationship between the GRANTEE and the COMMISSION. Page 5 of 9 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 44. To the extent required by law, the GRANTEE will either be self- insured for Worker's Compensation claims, or will secure and maintain during the life of this Agreement, Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of its employees connected with the work of this project. If any work is subcontracted, the GRANTEE shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the GRANTEE. Such self- insurance program or insurance coverage shall comply fully with the Florida Workers' Compensation law. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this Agreement is not protected under Workers' Compensation statutes, the GRANTEE shall provide, and cause each subcontractor to provide, adequate insurance satisfactory to the COMMISSION, for the protection of his employees not otherwise protected. 45. Employers who have employees who are engaged in work in Florida must use Florida rates, rules, and classifications for those employees. In the construction industry, only corporate officers of a corporation or any group of affiliated corporations may elect to be exempt from workers' compensation coverage requirements. Such exemptions are limited to a maximum of three per corporation and each exemption holder must own at least 10% of the corporation. Independent contractors, sole proprietors and partners in the construction industry cannot elect to be exempt and must maintain workers' compensation insurance. 46. The GRANTEE warrants and represents that it is self- funded for liability insurance, appropriate and allowable under Florida law, and that such self- insurance offers protection applicable to the GRANTEE's officers, employees, servants and agents while acting within the scope of their employment with the GRANTEE. CANCELLATION UNDER CHAPTER 119 FLORIDA STATUTES 47. This Agreement may be unilaterally canceled by the COMMISSION for refusal by the GRANTEE to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the GRANTEE in conjunction with this Agreement. RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS 48. The GRANTEE shall maintain accurate books, records, documents and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Agreement, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The GRANTEE shall allow the COMMISSION, the State, or other authorized representatives, access to periodically inspect, review or audit such documents as books, vouchers, records, reports, canceled checks and any and all similar material. Such audit may include examination and review of the source and application of all funds whether from the state, local or federal government, private sources or otherwise. These records shall be maintained for five (5) years following the close of this Agreement. In the event any work is subcontracted, the GRANTEE shall require each subcontractor to similarly maintain and allow access to such records for audit purposes. LIABILITY 49. Each party hereto agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts of its employees and agents. However, nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of its sovereign immunity or the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. NON - DISCRIMINATION 50. No person, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, shall be Page 6 of 9 excluded from participation in, be denied the proceeds or benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in performance of this Agreement. PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATORY VENDORS 51. In accordance with Section 287.134, Florida Statutes, an entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity. NON - ASSIGNMENT 52. This Agreement is an exclusive contract for services and may not be assigned in whole or in part without the written approval of the COMMISSION. PERFORMANCE AND REMEDIES 53. The GRANTEE shall perform the services in a proper and satisfactory manner as determined by the COMMISSION. 54. It is understood by the parties that remedies for damages or any other remedies provided for herein shall be construed to be cumulative and not exclusive of any other remedy otherwise available under law. SEVERABILITY AND CHOICE OF VENUE 55. This Agreement has been delivered in the State of Florida and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Florida. Wherever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Any action in connection herewith, in law or equity, shall be brought in Leon County, Florida. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 56. The parties hereto do not intend nor shall this Agreement be construed to grant any rights, privileges or interest to any third party. JURY TRIAL WAIVER 57. As consideration of this Agreement, the parties hereby waive trial by jury in any action or proceeding brought by any party against any other party pertaining to any matter whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement. PROPERTY /EQUIPMENT 58. The GRANTEE is not authorized to use funds provided herein for the purchase of any non - expendable equipment or personal property valued at $1,000 or more for performance under this Agreement. Page 7 of 9 FEDERAL /FLORIDA SINGLE AUDIT ACTS REQUIREMENTS 59. In accordance with section 215.97, Florida Statutes, the Florida Single Audit Act requires all non - State organizations that are recipients of State financial assistance to comply with the audit requirements of the Act. In addition, recipients and subrecipients of federal financial assistance must comply with the Federal Single Audit Act requirements of OMB Circular A -133. Therefore, the GRANTEE shall be required to comply with the audit requirements outlined in Attachment C, titled Requirements of the Federal and Florida Single Audit Acts, attached hereto and made a part of the Agreement, as applicable. 60. In accordance with section 216.347, Florida Statutes, the GRANTEE is hereby prohibited from using funds provided by this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature, the judicial branch or a state agency. RIGHTS IN PROPERTY COPYRIGHTS AND INVENTIONS 61. All items, materials or products, of any description, produced or developed by the GRANTEE on behalf of the COMMISSION in connection with this Agreement shall be the exclusive property of the COMMISSION and may be copyrighted, patented, or otherwise restricted by the COMMISSION as provided by Florida law. Neither the GRANTEE nor any of its subcontractors shall have any proprietary interest in the products and materials developed under this Agreement. 62. The COMMISSION reserves the right to determine the disposition of title and rights to any inventions and /or processes that may result from any experimental or developmental research performed under this Agreement. If Federal funding is involved in support of this Agreement, the Federal Government may reserve ultimate jurisdiction over title and right privileges. 63. Regardless of title or ownership of the products and materials developed under this Agreement, the COMMISSION and the State of Florida shall reserve a royalty -free, nonexclusive, irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use said work for governmental purposes. If Federal funding is involved in support of this Agreement, the Federal Government shall also reserve a royalty -free, nonexclusive, irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use said work for governmental purposes. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 64. This Agreement with all incorporated attachments and exhibits represents the entire agreement of the parties. Any alterations, variations, changes, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, and duly signed by each of the parties hereto, unless otherwise provided herein. (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.) Page 8of9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed through their duly authorized signatories on the day and year last written below. CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION City Manager' r. Kenneth D. Haddad, Executive Director 04. D4 - utXc Date Robert P Yehl Name (Print) City of Sanford Grantee Name P O Box 1788/300 N Park Ave Address Sanford, FL 32772 City, State, and Zip Code 59- 3012347 Federal Employer Identification Number (FEID) Approved to form and legality: /b' Date List of attachments /exhibits included as part of this Agreement: Attachment A: FBIP Application # 05 -026 and Project Proposal Attachment B: Comptroller Cost Reimbursement Requirements Attachment C: Federal /Florida Single Audit Act Requirements Exhibit 1: Funds awarded pursuant to agreement Attachment D: Certification of Completion form Attachment E: Monthly progress report form Attachment F: Sample invoice form `If someone other than the Chairman signs the Agreement, a resolution, statement or other document authorizing the person to sign the Agreement on behalf of the local governing body must accompany the Agreement. Page 9 of 9 FWC Contract No. 05198 ATTACHMENT A Florida Boating Improvement Program Grant Application # 05 - 026 Project Proposal FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION St ISM 9ryJ O� ° n I — INFORMATION a. County /Municipality Name: e. Project Manager Name: Seminole /City of Sanford Tom George b. Federal Employer Id. No.: Project Manager Title: 59- 3012 -347 Public Works Director c. Applicant Name: f. Mailing Address: Sherman Yehl PO Box 1788 Applicant Title: City Manager City: Zip Code: Sanford 32772 -1788 d. Applicant Address: PO Box ]788 e. Telephone No.: Fax No.: Suncom No.: City: Zip Code: 407- 330 -5681 407 - 330 -560] Sanford 32 772 -1 7 88 E -mail: georgetr,cisanford.fl . us Il — PROJECT SUMMARY F b. roject Title: Municipal Marina ype of Application: ® New (never considered before) ❑ Reconsideration ❑ Phased Continuation —Phase No.: TIER -I _ TIER -II c. Type of Project: ❑ I- Recreational Channel Marking ® II- Public El I- Boat Ramps Launching Facilities ❑ III Aquatic ❑ II- Piers and Docks - Plant Control ® 1V- Other ❑ 111- Boater Education Local Boating Related Activities ❑ IV- Economic Development Initiatives d. Project Cost: Total Cost: $ 809961.00 Amount Requested: $ 150,000.00 e. Project Summary: The City of Sanford has completed plans for the renovation of it's marina located adjacent to the downtown area. The marina, which is open to the public, has been incorporated into the recently completed riverwalk project bordering Lake Monroe. The largest marina in the area, the site is in need of renovation and expansion. The project consists of expansion of the boat ramps, site remediation and construction of additional support facilities such as picnic facilities, restrooms and parking. The project with an estimated cost of over $800,000 has received tremendous support from not only the area's local boaters but also from local and state agencies, which have agreed to contribute money. The City has been awarded $200,000 from the Department of Environmental Protection and an additional $100,000 from the City's Community Redevelopment Agency. The project has been planned, a cost estimate has been developed and the necessary permits for construction have been obtained. The Municipal Marina project is ready to begin as soon as the necessary funds are obtained. F WC/DLE -252 (02105) Fill in all sections that apply — Leave all other sections blank III - PROJECT NEED a. List Primary Need for Project: ❑ Safety ® High Demand by Users ® Age -end of Useful Life ❑ Recommended by FWC Staff ❑ Environmental Needs of the Area ❑ Lack of In -house Capability ❑ Other: b. Need Statement: In the 2002 Downtown Master Plan the Marina facilities, specifically the boat launching and trailer parking facilities were identified as being inadequate to meet the current and future demands of the area. Sanford and all of Seminole County are experiencing tremendous growth. With an increase in population comes an increase in boaters. The improvement and expansion of the marina facilities are necessary to meet this growing demand. A safe, prosperous and attractive marina is an important element in the City's revitalization efforts. Portions of the master plan demonstrating the projects importance to the City have been included within the application. C. Known Public Support: (Name) ® Adjacent Land Owners: ® Users Groups: ❑ Neighborhood Assoc.: ® Local /State /Federal Government: ❑ Legislature: ❑ Other: d. Known Public Opposition: (Name) ❑ Adjacent Land Owners: ❑ Users Groups: ❑ Neighborhood Assoc.: ❑ Local /State /Federal Government: ❑ Legislature: ❑ Other: FWC /DLE 252 (02/05) FwCYDLE -252 (02/05) 4 IV — BUDGET a. Has a detailed cost estimate been developed for this project? If yes, attach a copy to application. ❑ Yes, Preliminary ® Yes, Final ❑ N b. PROJECT COST - SOFT (NON CASH) FUNDS Cost Item Applicant Other Do Not Use This (List in Section V) Column TOTAL Administration $ $ $ In -Kind Engineering/Construction Management $ 25.000.00 $ $ 25,000.00 In -Kind Labor g $ $ In -Kind Materials $ $ $ In -Kind Equipment g $ $ Total Soft Funds $ 25,000.00 c. PROJECT COST - HARD (CASH) FUNDS Cost Item Applicant Other pglP Grant (List in Section V) TOTAL Planning /Engineering $ $ $ $ Implementing/ Construction $ 634.961.00 $ $ 150.000.00 $ 784.961.00 Other: $ $ $ $ Total Hard Funds $ 634,961.00 $ $ 150,000.00 $ 784,961.00 d. TOTAL FUNDS $ 659,961.00 $ $ 150,000.00 $ HER SOURCE OF FUNDS (STATUS) 809,961.00 ff -deral ® State /Local ❑ Loan Agency: FDEP Name: Florida Recreational Development Assistant Program Amount $ ?00.000.00 ppval Status: ❑ Approved ❑ Pending ❑ Intend to Apply, Date: a. ❑ Federal ® State /Local ❑ Loan Agency: Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency b. Grant Name: Appropriation Amount $ 100.000.00 c. Approval Status: ® Approved ❑ Pending ❑ Intend to Apply, Date: a. ❑ Federal ❑ State/Local ❑ Loan Agency: b. Grant Name: Amount $ c. Approval Status: ❑ Approved ❑ Pending ❑ Intend to Apply, Date: FwCYDLE -252 (02/05) 4 VI - PERMITS Submitted I Approved I N/A L a. Florida Department of Environmental Protection ® ® D b. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ❑ C. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ® ® ❑ d. Local and Others (If needed) ❑ ❑ The proposed project will improve the safety of boaters utilizing the site. The increase in boat launching facilities and parking will reduce ramp traffic and overcrowding. The addition of the support facilities will increase the opportunity for visitors to utilize the marina as a destination to visit Historic Sanford or simply provide a safe resting space for transient boaters. The project has been designed and will be completed incorporating all recognized safety standards. The City will select an experienced contractor to complete the project and will be responsible for ensuring that all building codes and safety requirements are met. FWC /DLE -252 (02105) VIII — BOATER SAFETY a Explain how the project may affect boater safety whether posrtrvely or negatively. IX — APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS CHECKLIST Inc. N/A ® ❑ I a. Cover Letter: application transmittal cover letter (Identify priority rank with multiple applications). ® 17 1 b. Project Proposal: a detailed description of project as outlined in the application instructions. ® ❑ c. Resolution: An adopted resolution, by the Governing Body, authorizing that the Project Manager has the authority to apply for and administer the grant on behalf of the applicant. If the Applicant is applying on behalf of another public entity, then a Memorandum of Understanding between the Applicant and the p ublic entity must also be submitted. ® ❑ d. Boundary Map: indicate boundary of the project area. ® ❑ e. Site Control Documentation: (e.g. a deed, lease, results of title search, etc. for the project site.) ® ❑ f Existing Condition Photographs (sufficient to depict the physical characteristics of the project area) Z ❑ g. Aerial Photographs (marked with the approximate boundaries of the project site) ® ❑ h. Navigational Chart: An 8.5" x 11" photocopy of a current NOAA North American Datum 83 nautical chart rovide the NOAA chart name and number) indicating the precise location of the project site. ® ❑ i. Permits: Photocopies of necessary project permit(s) or permit application(s). If exempt, provide notification of exemption from permitting agency. ® ❑ j. Detailed Cost Estimate: Cost estimate in the form of a formal bid, written quote from proposed vendor or an en meer's cost estimate. ® ❑ k. Plans: preliminary design/engineering plans (if completed). Z ❑ 1. Appendix A: (For projects involving boat ramps, piers and docks, and public launching facilities only) gZ ❑ m. One (1) original application. ❑ n. Seven (7) photocopies of the application and an electronic copy on CD or floppy disk. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Application is hereby made for the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this information is true, complete, and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority including the necessary requisite property interests to undertake the proposed activities. I also certify that the Applicant's governing body is aware of and has authorized the Project Manager as the official representative of the Applicant to act in connection with this application and subsequent project as well as to provide additional information as may be required. By signature below, the Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws in conjunction with this proposal and resulting project so approved. Print/Type Name Applicant Signatu C. S Title ` 11.zt.o� Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ( VULUSO ) Personally appeared before me this l S day of 200 S f o6 who subscribed and swore to the above in en in my presence. DEBRA C. SIMMONS Notary Public. State m Florida Notary Public Nam U �� My commission 4:ie : my down, expires dw 25.2008 Ashton ABaoCy, Inc. NOTE: Instruction and further information regarding this application and the Florida Boating Improvement ogram can be found in the Florida Boating Improvement Program Procedure Guide or you may contact the Program Administrator, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 620 South Meridian Street, FL 32399 -1600. Telephone (850) 487 -3755. Project Proposal for The North Shore Marina Monroe Harbor Marina located on Lake Monroe is part of the St. Johns River Waterway. Adjacent to the Marina is Historic Downtown Sanford with its shops and historic buildings and the recently completed Sanford RiverWalk, a 1.2 mile palm -lined promenade, meanders along the lakeshore on both sides of the marina. With 159 dry storage spaces and 190 wet slips Monroe Harbor Marina is the largest boating facility in Seminole County. The site also offers transient dockage on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. As a full service marina fueling, restrooms, lodging, picnic facilities and marine repair are available on site. The first part of the project will be the removal and clearing of the project area. Preparation of the site will include debris removal, demolition of the damaged sea wall, site grading, backfill and compaction. After the North Shore has been stabilized the final phase of the project will be the replacement of landscaping, reconstruction of access ways and the replacement of a boat ramp. In addition public support facilities such as picnic facilities will be replaced. The Monroe Harbor project will be completed according to the following schedule: Project construction will be completed by outside contractors. Task Date Design and Engineering Completed Permitting Completed Construction Begins July 2006 Project Complete October 2006 ATTACHMENT B Comptroller Contract Payment Requirements Department of Financial Services, Bureau of Accounting and Auditing Voucher Processing Handbook (10/07/97) Cost Reimbursement Contracts Invoices for cost reimbursement contracts must be supported by an itemized listing of expenditures by category (salary, travel, expenses, etc.) Supporting documentation must be provided for each amount for which reimbursement is being claimed indicating that the item has been paid. Check numbers may be provided in lieu of copies of actual checks. Each piece of documentation should clearly reflect the dates of service. Only expenditures for categories in the approved contract budget should be reimbursed. Listed below are examples of types of documentation representing the minimum requirements (1) Salaries: A payroll register or similar documentation should be submitted. The payroll register should show gross salary charges, fringe benefits, other deductions and net pay. If an individual for whom reimbursement is being claimed is paid by the hour, a document reflecting the hours worked times the rate of pay will be acceptable. (2) Fringe Benefits: Fringe Benefits should be supported by invoices showing the amount paid on behalf of the employee (e.g., insurance premiums paid). If the contract specifically states that fringe benefits will be based on a specified percentage rather than the Actual cost of fringe benefits, then the calculation for the fringe benefits amount must be shown. Exception: Governmental entities are not required to provide check numbers or copies of checks for fringe benefits. (3) Travel: Reimbursement for travel must be in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, which includes submission of the claim on the approved State travel voucher or electronic means. (4) Other direct costs: Reimbursement will be made based on paid invoices /receipts. If nonexpendable property is purchased using State funds, the contract should include a provision for the transfer of the property to the State when services are terminated. Documentation must be provided to show compliance with Department of Management Services Rule 60A- 1.017, Florida Administrative Code, regarding the requirements for contracts which include services and that provide for the contractor to purchase tangible personal property as defined in Section 273.02, Florida Statutes, for subsequent transfer to the State. (5) In -house charges: Charges which may be of an internal nature (e.g., postage, copies, etc.) may be reimbursed on a usage log which shows the units times the rate being charged. The rates must be reasonable. (6) Indirect costs: If the contract specifies that indirect costs will be paid based on a specified rate, then the calculation should be shown. Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT C REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA AND FEDERAL SINGLE AUDIT ACTS The administration of resources awarded by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Conunission (Commission) to the Contractor /Grantee (recipient) may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by the Commission as described in this section. MONITORING In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A -133 and Section 215.97, F.S., as revised (see "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on -site visits by Commission staff, limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A -133, as revised, and/or other procedures. By entering into this agreement, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures /processes deemed appropriate by the Commission. In the event the Commission deterrrunes that a limited scope audit of the recipient is appropriate, the recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by the Commission staff to the recipient regarding such audit. The recipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Comptroller or Auditor General. AUDITS PART I: FEDERALLY FUNDED This pan is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non -profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A -133, as revised. In the event that the recipient expends $500,000 or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must have a. single or program - specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133, as revised. EXHIBIT 1 to this agreement indicates Federal resources awarded through the Comm ssion by this agreement. In determining the Federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards, including Federal resources received from the Commission. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A -133, as revised. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133, as revised, will meet the requirements of this part. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1., the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A -133, as revised. If the recipient expends less than $500,000 in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133, as revised, is not required. In the event that the recipient expends less than $500,000 in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from non - Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained from other than Federal entities). PART II: STATE FUNDED This pan is applicable if the recipient is a non -state entity as defined by Section 215.97(2)(1), Florida Statutes. In the event that the recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of 5500,000 in any fiscal year of such recipient, the recipient must have a State single or project - specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215.97, Florida Statutes; applicable rules of the Executive Office of the Governor and the Comptroller; and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. EXHIBIT 1 to this agreement indicates state financial assistance awarded through the Commission by this agreement. In determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of state financial assistance, including state financial assistance received from the Commission, other state agencies, and other non -state entities. State financial assistance does not Page I of 3 include Federal direct or pass - through awards and resources received by a non -state entity for Federal program matching requirements. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph 1, the recipient shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of Section 215.97(7), Florida Statutes. This includes submission of a financial reporting package as defined by Section 215.97(2)(d), Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. If the recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes, is not required. In the event that the recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes, the cost of the audit must be paid from the non - state entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the recipient's resources obtained from other than State entities). PART III: OTHER AUDIT REQUIREMENTS There are no other audit requirements. PART IV: REPORT SUBMISSION Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A -133, as revised, and required by PART I of this agreement shall be submitted, when required by Section .320 (d), OMB Circular A -133, as revised, by or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the following: The Commission at the following address: Audit Director Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular A -133, as revised (the number of copies required by Sections .320 (d)(1) and (2), OMB Circular A -133, as revised, should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse), at the following address: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 Other Federal agencies and pass - through entities m accordance with Sections .320 (e) and (f), OMB Circular A -133, as revised. Pursuant to Section .320 (f), OMB Circular A -133, as revised, the recipient shall submit a copy of the reporting package described in Section .320 (c), OMB Circular A -I33. as revised, and any management letter issued by the auditor, to the Commission at the following address: Audit Director Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 Page 2 of 3 Copies of financial reporting packages required by PART II of this agreement shall be submitted by or on behalf of the recipient direct] v to each of the following: The Cotrrmission at the following address: Audit Director Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 The Auditor General's Office at the following address: Auditor General's Office G74 Claude Pepper Building 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1450 Copies of reports or the management letter required by PART III of this agreement shall be submitted by or on behalf of the recipient direct] to: The Commission the following address: Audit Director Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 Any reports, management letter, or other information required to be submitted to the Commission pursuant to this agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with OMB Circular A -133, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Commission for audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A -133 or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for - profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. Contact the Commission's Audit Director by phone at (850) 488 -6068. PART F. RECORD RETENTION The recipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this Agreement for a Period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the Commission or its designee, Comptroller, or Auditor General access to such records upon request. The recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the Commission or its designee, Comptroller, or Auditor General upon request for a Period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by the Commission. Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT — 1 FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED TO THE RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: None. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: None. STATE RESOURCES AWARDED TO THE RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: MATCHING RESOURCES FOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS: None. SUBJECT TO SECTION 215.97, FLORIDA STATUTES: State Agency: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission State Program: Florida Boating Improvement Program CSFA No.: 77.006 Recipient: City of Sanford Amount: $128,713.50 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO STATE RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Project activities must occur on public lands owned outright or managed under agreement with another party with lease terms exceeding 20 years. 2. Project activities must not create a boating safety hazard and /or increase the potential for damage to natural resources. 3. Recipient must comply with the Policies and Guidelines (Interim) of the Florida Boating Improvement Program, 4. Recipient must comply with all Commission rules, policies and procedures as well as all other state and federal rules. NOTE: Section .400(d) of OMB Circular A -133, as revised, and Section 215.97(5)(a), Florida Statutes, require that the information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Exhibit 1 be provided to the recipient. Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT D FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION STATEMENT I , (Print Name and Title) representing (Name of Local Government) do hereby certify under penalties of perjury as provided in s. 837.012, Florida Statutes, that the Florida Boating Improvement Program project funded by FWC Contract No. has been completed in compliance with all terms and conditions of said Agreement; that all amounts payable for materials, labor and other charges against the project have been paid; and that no liens have been attached against the project. (Signature) (Date) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ( Personally appeared before me this day of _ subscribed and swore to the above instrument in my presence. Notary Public Name: My commission expires: 200_, who (SEAL) CERTIFICATE BY COMMISSION I certify: That, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the work on the above -named project has been satisfactorily completed under the terms of the Agreement. Division: By: Name: Title: Date: ATTACHMENT E FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Mail to FWC at 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1600 or fax to (850) 488 -9284. Project 1. Describe tasks completed this month: 2. List deliverables provided to FWC this month: 3. List tasks scheduled to be completed during next month: 4. Is project currently on schedule for completion by June 30, 2007? YES _ NO _ (If No, please explain any problems encountered and /or possible delays) Project Manager Page 1 of 1 FWC Contract # Reporting Period (Month/Year): (Due 15 days after the end of each month) Date Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Florida Boating Improvement Program 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -1600 INVOICE Date: Remit payment to: Grantee: Address: City, State: Zip: FEID #: GRANT REQUEST ATTACHMENT F FW C Contract #: Cost Item Applicant Other FBIP Grant TOTAL Permitting /Planning / Enginee ring $ $ $ $ 'Implementing/ $ $ $ $ Other: $ $ $ $ Total Hard Funds $ $ $ $ Amount of Grant Award: $ PROJECT COSTS Cost Item Amount Permitting /Planning /Engineering $ Implementing/ Construction $ Other: $ Total Costs: $ Grantee Matching Funds: $ Amount for Reimbursement: $ 1 hereby certify that the above costs are true and valid costs incurred in accordance with the project Agreement, and that the matching funds, in -kind or cash, were utilized toward the project in this Agreement. Signed: Project Manager Date: