HomeMy WebLinkAbout574-Ardaman-Contamination AssesArdaman & Associates, Inc. Materials Con ~ultanls May 13, 2005 File Number 04-133A City of Sanford Department of Public Works P.O. Box 1788 800 Fulton Street Sanford, FL 32772-1788 Attention: Mr. Thomas George, Director Subject: Proposal for Preliminary Contamination Assessment for Ammonia Groundwater Exceedances at Art Lane Landfill, Sanford, Florida. Dear Mr. George: As requested by the City, Ardaman & Associates, Inc. (Ardaman) is pleased to present this proposal for the preliminary groundwater contamination assessment for ammonia nitrogen at the Closed Art Lane Landfill. This work effort is in response to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) letter to you dated April 8, 2005 and refined by a meeting between the City and FDEP on the subject April 28, 2005. The meeting was attended by Tom George and Balil Iftikhar with the City; Deborah Helle, Jim Bradner and Laxsamee Levin with FDEP; and Herb Stangland with Ardaman. Because of the continued exceedance of ammonia above background levels and the FDEP minimum criteria, FDEP requests that a plan and preliminary contamination assessment be provided to define the horizontal and vertical extent of ammonia nitrogen in the surficial aquifer. At the meeting on April 28, Jim Bradner stated that an evaluation of receptors in the area would also be required. Receptors are defined as people that use well water as drinking water in the area. The inventory of wells will be within a % mile radius around the landfill. Background Figure 1 shows the water monitoring network for the facility. From historical monitoring data since 1993, ammonia nitrogen at the landfill has exceeded the groundwater guidance concentration of 2.8 mg/I at MW-5, MW-8, MW-9 and MW-10. MW-5 is at the edge of the refuse along the west side of the landfill. Art Lane is within 20 feet of MW-5. MW-8 is along the northeast edge of the landfill. MW-9 is along the east side of the landfill between the refuse and the stormwater pond and MW-10 is the background well in the southwest corner of the landfill. The ammonia nitrogen plume at the landfill is primarily adjacent to MW-5 along the west side of the landfill. The ammonia values exceeded 30 mg/I for the first sampling event in March 1993, increased to >50 mg/I in 1996 and 2000, and decreased to the 30s mg/I since closure of the landfill in 2001. Groundwater at MW-8 has also had ammonia values exceeding 2.6 mg/I. Recently, the ammonia value from the October 2004 sampling event was 1.4 rog/I, but it appears that the April 2005 ammonia value is 16.6 mg/I. Groundwater at MW-9 has not had an exceedance since April 2001 and MW-10 (the background well) had a single anomalous value of 4.2 mg/I in September 2003. The landfill was closed in 2001 with a bentomat top cap. City of Sanford Art Lane Landfill Preliminary Ammonia Contamination Assessment File Number 04-133A -2- Art Lane separates two landfills: a private landfill on the west referred to as the Peacock Pit; and the City's landfill on the east. Generally speaking, Art Lane appears to be located approximately on the water table divide for the surficial aquifer in this area. Groundwater in the surficial aquifer west of the road moves west and groundwater east of the road moves east and south. The water table gradients between the two landfills appears to be flat so separating an ammonia plume from the east edge of the Peacock Pit landfill and the west edge of the City's landfill may be difficult to discern. Also refuse may be to the edge of Art Lane on both sides. Based on a review of the Seminole County Tax Appraiser web site database, it appears that Art Lane adjacent to MW-5 and adjacent to MW-8 is owned by Mr. John E. Knight, a private owner. Preliminary Contamination Assessment Plan The proposed ammonia plume preliminary contamination assessment consists of the following elements: · Define the edqe of the refuse: The edge of the refuse will be defined off-site especially along the west side of the landfill adjacent to MW-5 and in the northeast corner of the landfill adjacent to MW-8. The edge of refuse survey will be limited to City property unless permission is received from Mr. Knight. Two mandays of auger borings using hand augers are budgeted for this effort. · Obtain water quality samples with Hydropunch: Once the edge of refuse is determined, hydropunch probes using a truck mounted vehicle will be placed along the perimeter of the refuse and water samples will be collected for water quality analyses. Two days of hydropunch probes are budgeted for this effort. · Collect and analyze water quality samples: Water samples collected from the hydropunch sites will be analyzed for the following suite of field and laboratory parameters: conductivity, pH, turbidity, ammonia nitrogen and TDS. · Develop water level elevation map: Water levels in onsite monitor wells and surface waters will be obtained during the sampling event to generate a water table elevation map for the landfill. · Perform well survey: A well survey will be conducted within I/~ mile of the landfill to determine any groundwater receptors in the area. · Prepare PCAR: The results from these work elements will be summarized in a Preliminary Contamination Assessment Report (PCAR). Hydropunch Survey The hydropunch survey will consist of pushing a small diameter tube with an intake at the end so that water samples can be pumped from the tube and delivered to a private analytical laboratory certified to analyze for Ammonia Nitrogen and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Field parameters such as pH, conductivity, turbidity, temperature and water depths will also be documented for each water sample. After sampling is complete at one location, this temporary tube will be pulled out of the ground and the process repeated at other locations. At this time, the hydropunch sites will be located adjacent to MW-5 and MW-8. Hydropunch sites are planned south, west and north of MW-5 along Art Lane and north, west and east of MW-8. The plan considers two days of hydropunch effort with 4 to 6 water samples each day. City of Sanford Art Lane Landfill Preliminary Ammonia Contamination Assessment File Number 04-133A -3- Well Survey Based on information obtained from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and Seminole County Health Department, an inventory of well locations within ¼ mile of the site and their known construction characteristics will be documented. A windshield survey will supplement this literature search and will note location of any wells with above ground hydro- pneumatic tanks or pumps evident from observations along the streets. If available, well water chemistry analyses data will also be compiled from the Health Department files. The City will also research the availability of central water to the surrounding area. A map locating the wells inventoried and a table summarizing their well construction characteristics and monitoring data will be provided in the report. Closure The work can begin within two weeks of authorization to proceed from the City after the work plan has been approved by the FDEP and the City of Sanford. Two copies of the draft report will be provided to the City within three weeks of receipt of the final laboratory chemistry results. Five copies of the final report and one electronic file will be delivered to the City for distribution to the City and to FDEP. Estimated costs for this preliminary groundwater contamination assessment for ammonia are provided in Table 1. Monthly invoices will be based on time expended, material/equipment used and units performed in accordance with the contract fee schedule. The maximum amount not to be exceeded without further written authorization is $13,712.00. If the proposal meets with your approval, please sign the enclosed project acceptance forms and return one for our file. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Florida License No. 16713 David A. DeLoach, P.E. Director, Water Resources HGS:hgs Enclosures City of Sanford Art Lane Landfill Preliminary Ammonia Contamination Assessment File Number 04-133A Table 1 ESTIMATED COSTS PCAP Services 1 hrs @ $120.00 per hr $120.00 8 hrs @ $102.00 per hr $816.00 2 hrs @ $54.00 per hr $108.00 1 hrs @ $34.00 per hr $34.00 Mileage Automobile: 20 mi @ $0.40 per mi $8.00 Total PCAP Services Hydropunch and Auger Boring Services 1 hrs @ $120.00 per hr $120.00 6 hrs @ $102.00 per hr $612.00 16 hrs @ $54.00 per hr $1,024.00 24 hrs @ $40.00 per hr $960.00 Hydropunch Services: ($2,800 x 1.12) $3,136.00 Mobilization 1 @ $200.00 Hydropunch 2 days @ $1,300 per day Water Quality Analyses: 12 @ $62.50 ea $750.00 Mileage Truck: 100 mi @ $0.45 per mi $45.00 Total Field Services Well Survey Services 1 hrs @ $120.00 per hr $120.00 8 hrs @ $102.00 per hr $816.00 16 hrs @ $54.00 per hr $1,024.00 8 hrs @ $40.00 per hr $320.00 2 hrs @ $34.00 per hr $68.00 Photocopies: 50 @ $0.10 ea $5.00 Total Well Survey Services Preliminary Contamination Assessment Report Services 1 hrs @ $120.00 per hr $120.00 20 hrs @ $102.00 per hr $2,040.00 16 hrs @ $54.00 per hr $1,024.00 4 hrs @ $40.00 per hr $160.00 8 hrs @ $34.00 per hr $272.00 Photocopies: 100 @ $0.10 ea $10.00 Total PCAR Services $1,086.00 $6,647.00 $2,353.00 $3,626.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $13,712.00 MONITORING WELL 6 ff PVC EL. 57.17 MONITORING WELL PVC EL. 60.18 FENCE LINE~ MONITORING W~LL PVC EL. 54.14 FENCE LINE MONITORING W~LL PVC EL. 58.85 MONITORING WELL / PVC EL. 58.08 ~EDGE OF REFUSE~/~ MONITORING WELL PVC EL. 54.25 /MONITOR*NG WELL MW-4R PVC EL 5,,370 -C-INLET ~TH SKIMMER TOP OF SKIMMER EL 5081 CONTROL STRUCTURE EL, 50,64 INVERT EL. 46,46 2" AND 12" PVC PIPES MONITORING WELL / ~ //SOUTH POND MW-3 ' PVC EL. 5442 '/~"~ 0 100 200 SCALE: -- 1'-200' MONITORING SITES LEGEND MONITORING WELL LOCATION SURFACE WATER MONtTORING LOCATION CLOSED ART LANE LANDFILL SANFORD, FLORIDA Ardaman & Associates, Inc. PROPOSAL/PROJECT ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION: Client Name City of Sanford Project Name Art Lane Landfill Project Location Sanford, Florida Proposal Number and Date 04-133A May 13, 2005 Description of Services Preliminary Contamination Assessment for Ammonia Groundwater Exceedances Estimated Fee $13,712.00 PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY: Invoices to be paid by City of Sanford Address P.O. Box 1788 City/State Sanford, FL Attention Thomas George Zip Code 32772-1788 Phone 407-330-5681 Title Director APPROVAL OF CHARGES: If the invoices are to be approved by a party other than the party responsible for payment above, please fill in the space below. Firm Address City/State Zip Code Phone Attention Title PROPERTY OWNER IDENTIFICATION: (If other than above) Name Address City/State Zip Code Phone Attention Title SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PAYMENT TERMS: Net 30 days from invoice date; invoices will be sent every four weeks for continued or extended projects. Interest charges, 1½% per month following the due date. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE: By accepting this Proposal, the Terms and Conditions of this Proposal, including the Terms on this page, and Ardaman & Associates, Inc.'s General Conditions appearing on the reverse side of this page are incorporated herein by reference. In the event this Proposal Acceptance was received by facsimile, Client hereby confirms that the above described Proposal, the Terms and Conditions of this Proposal, including the Terms on this page, and Ardaman & Associates, Inc.'s General Conditions have been made available and are incorporated in this agreement. Accepted this c~ 7 ~ day of ~ , 2005. (Pr~ t~pe i~ividual, firm or ~rp~.,~b~dy ~.,~ (Signature ofa~h~iz~'~ ~eprese~tati~,e~ - '1 ~' (Print o,rJtype name of authorized representative and ti-~e) (J' Revision 7-2004 GENERAL CONDITIONS Parties And Scope Of Work: Ardama n & Associates, Inc (hereinafter referred to as "A&A") shallinclude said compa ny, its individual professionals, division, subsidiary or affiliate performing the Work "Work" means the specific secvices to be performed by A&A as set forth in A&A'S proposal, the Cllant's acceptance thereof, bolh incorporated herein by thisreterence, andfheseGeneralConditions. "Client"reterstothepersonorbusthessentdyorder~ngtheWorktobedonebyA&A. IfthectlanfisordedngtheWorkonbehalf of another, the Client represents and warrants that the Client is the duly authorized agent of said party for the purpose of ordering and directing said Work. Fudher, Client shall disclose any such agency rein fionship to A&A in whtlng before/he commencemenl of A&A's Work hereunder Client agrees that A&A's professtenal dufies are specifically limited to the Work as set forth in A&A*S proposal The Client assumes sole responsibility for determining whether the quantity and the nature of the Work ordered by the Cilant is adequate and suffictani for the Cllanf*s intended purpose Client shall communicate these General Conditions to each and every third party to whom the Clienl transmits any pad of A&A's Work A&A'S Work is for the exclusive use of Client, and ils properly disclosed pbncipal. In no event shall A&A have any duty or obligation to any third party. The ordenng of Work from A&A shall constitute acceptance of the terms of A~'S proposal and these General Conditions Payment - Payment shall be due within 30 days after date of invoice. Interest at the rate of f8% per annum (or the highest rate allowable by law) from 30 days after date of invoice to date payment is received will be added to all amounts not paid within 30 days after date of invoice All attorney fees and expenses asscciated with collection of past due invoices will pe paid by Client Right-of-Entry - Unless otherwise agreed, Client will furnish right-or-entry On the property for A&A to make the planned bodngs, sur~eys, and]or explorations. A&A will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the property caused by its equipment and sampling procedures, but the cost of restoration or damage which may result from the planned operations is nol included in the contracted amount If Client desires to restore the property to its former condition. A&A will accomplish this and add the cost to its fee. Damage to Existing Man-made Objects - It shall be the responsibility of the Owner or his duly authorized representative to disclose the presence and accurate location of all hidden or obscure man-made objects relative to field testa, sampling, or bedng locations. When cautioned, advised or given data in wdting that reveal the presence or potential presence of underground or overground obstoJcttens, such as utilities, A&A will give special instructions to ils field personnel As evidenced by your acceptance of this proposal, Client agrees to defend1 indemnify and save harmless A&A from all claims, suits, losses, personal iniunes, death and property liability resulting from subsudace conditions or damages to subsudace structures or man made objects, owned by Client or third parties, occurring in the pedormance of the proposed work. whose presence and exact locations were nol revealed to A&A in wdting, whether such ctaims or damages are caused in whole or in part by A&A, and agree to reimburse A&A for expenses in connection with any such claims or suits, including reasonable attorney's fees. Client's obligation to indemnify is limited to $1 million per occurrence, which Client agrees bears a reasonable commemlal relationship to the Work undedaken by A&A. Client further agrees that these general conditions are a part of the Work's specifications or bid documents, if any Warranty and Limitation of Liability - A&A shall perform services for Client in a professional ma nner, using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exemised by and consistent with the standards of competenl consultants practicing in the same or a similar locality as the project In the event any portion of the services fails to comply with this warranty obligation and A&A is promptly notified in wdlthg pdor to one year after completion of such portion of/he services, A&A will re-perform such podion of the services, or if re- performance is impracticable, A&A will refund the amount of compensation paid to A&A for such portion of the services. This warranty ;s in lieu of all other warranfies. No other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitoess for a particutar purpose is made or intended by the proposal for consulting services, by furnishing an oral response of the findings made or by any representations made regarding the services included in this agreement. In no event shall A&A be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or delay or time-related damages, The remedies set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of consultant whether in contract, tod (including negligence whether sole or concurrent), or otherwise adsing out of, connected with or resulting from the services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall riel exceed the totsl fees paid by Cllant or $50,000 00. whichever is greater. Cllant may. upon wdtten request received within five days of Client's acceptance hereof, increase the limit of A&A'S liability by agreeing to pay A&A an additional sum as agreed in wdting prior to the commencement of A&A's services. This charge is not to be construed as being a charge for insurance of any type, but is increased consideration for fha greater liability involved. For services involving or relating to pellufion, it is further agreed that the Client shaft indemnify and hold harmless A&~A and their consultants, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, tosses and expenses, direct and indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and court and adtitration costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by A&A. or claims against A&A arising from the work of others This indemnification provision extends to claims against A&A which adse out of, are related to, or are based upon, Ihe disposal, discharge, esca pa, release or saturation of vapors, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids, gases or any other matadal, irdtsnt, contaminant or pollutant in or into/he atmosphere or on, onto, upon, in or tato the surface or subsurface. Client's obligation to indemnify is limited to $1 million per occurrence, which Client agrees bears a reasonable commercial relationship to the Work undertaken by A&A. Client fudher agrees that these general conditions are a part of the Work's specifications or bid documents, if any. Sampling or Testing Location ~ Uctess spacltically stated to the contrary, the unit fees included in this proposal do not include costs associatod with professional land surveying of the site or the accurate horizontal and vertical locations of testa Field tests or boring locations described in our report or shown on our sketches are based on specific information furnished to us by others or estimates made in the field by our technicians Such dimensions, depths or elevations should be considered as appmximafions unless othe~/ise stated in the report, Sample Handling and Retention - Generally lest samples or specimens are consumed and/or substantially altered during the conduct of tests and A&A; at its sole discretion, will dispose (subject to the foltewing) of any remaining residue immedtatety upon completion of test unless required in wdting by the Client to store or otherwise handle the samples. (a) NON HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: At Client's wrilten request, A&A will maintain preservable ta st samples and specimens or the residue therefrom for thirty (30) days after submission of A&A's raped to Ctlent free of storage charges, After the initia~ 30 days and upon written request, A&A will retain test specimens or samples for a mutually acceptable storage charge and periodoftime. (b) HAZARDOUS OR POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: In the event that samplescontainsubstancesorconstitoenta hazardous or detrimental to human health, safety or the environment as defined by federal, state or local statutes, regulations, or ordinances ("Hazardous Substances" and "Hazardous Constituents", respectively). A&A will, after completion of testing and at Clienfis expense: (i) return such samples to Client; (ii) using a manifest signed by Client as generator, will have such samples transported to a location selected by Client for final disposal Client agrees to pay all costs associated with the storage, transport, and disposal of such samples. Client recognizes and agrees that A&A is acting as a bailee and at no time does A&A assume title of said waste. Discovery of Unanticipated Hazardous Materials - Hazardous materials or cedain types of hazardous materials may exist at a site where there is no reason to pelieve they could or should be present. A&A and Client agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous matenals constitutes a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of work or tarmination of services A&A and Clien/also agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials may make it necessary for A&A to take immediate measures to protect health and safety. A&A agrees to notify Client as soon as practicable should unanticipated hazardous matebals or suspected hazardous matepels he encountered. Client encourages A&A to take any and all measures that, in A&A'S professional opinion, are justified to preserve a nd protect the health and safety of A&A's personnel and the public Client agrees to compensate A&A for the additional cost of working to protect employees* and the public's health and safety. In addition, Client waives any claim againsf A&A, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save A&A harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from A&A'S discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials. Client also agrees to compensate A&A for any time spent and expenses incurred by A&A in defense of any such claim, with such compensation to be based upon A&A's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy relative to recovery of direct project costs. Jotnt and Several Ltebitity - The concept of joint and several tiabtlity is basically this: When two or more parties are considered responsible for causing injury or damage, any one of the padies may be made to provide compensation for as much as 100% of the damages assessed. When applied to hazardous materials projects, it is possible that the concept of joint and several Itability could be construed to ma ke A&A partly or wholly responsible for damages created directly or indirectly by the hazardous matehels. Client agrees thai it would be unfair for A&A to he exposed to such an action, because A&A had nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the hazardous condition. Accordingly, Client waives any claim against A&A, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save A&A harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss adsing from application of a joint and several liability concept that would, in any manner, hold or seek to hold A&.A responsible for creating a hazardous condition or permitting one to exist. Client also agrees to compensate A&A for any time spent and expenses incurred by A&A in defense of any such claim, with such compensation to be based upon A&A*S prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy relative to recovery of direct project costs. Legal Jurisdiction - The parties agree that any actions brought to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall only be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction tocatedin Odando, Orange County, Florida. All causes of action arising out of A&A's Work shall be deemed to have accrued and the applicable statutes of limitation shall commence to run net la tar than either the date of substantial completion of the Work for acts or failures to act occurring prior to substantial completion, or the date of issuance of final payment for acts or failures to act occurring after substantial completion of the Work Force Majeure - A&A shall not be held responsible for any de!ay or teilure in performance of any part of this Agreement to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, explosion, war, stdke, embargo, government requirement, civil or mitita ry authority, acts of God, act or omission of subcontractors, carders, client or other similar causes beyond its control Gen Conditions Revision 7-2004