HomeMy WebLinkAboutACL0021-Elm & Commercial Avenue THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered rote this 9 _ by and betw~n ~e ~Sto C~t ~ ............... day o~~ ~mn crsa~ed .d organ,zed under and by virtue ~ ~,--'~' .......... ~RAILROAD CO~.~,. a~ora~ nereina/~r for c ..... = . , u~ ~ne laws of the S~ ~-~=mence s~y~ed the Railroad Compan th ....... - ...................... ~ o~ ~e S~te of ...... - ............................. - a municipal corperation under the ............................................. the second party: WITNESSETH. That the R~Iroad Company, for and in consideration of the sum of ~e ~I- lar to it in hand paid by the ~ond party, the receipt wher~f is hereby ~owl~, ~d ~e performance of the Covenants hereinafter con.ned on the pa~ of the s~ond pa~, d~s h~by give and grant unto the second party the right and privilege to lay ~d main~in, for ~e PU~e of a s~er, a l~o of ~-~oh oono---~ ~a~l I ,~ ....... City of S~ford --J~ of an eld ~err~-z ootta sever ~i~. hereto pi~ %0 And the second party hereby Covenants and agrees with the Railroad Compan~v xn con,der. atlon thereof, as follows: ' (1) That the second party shall lay and maintain said pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer Maintenance of Way of the Railroad Company and so as not to interfere with pipe or other structures now in place; and in the event that the said pipe shall become in need of re. pairs, the second party shall repair same upon notice given by the sa~d Engineer. and upon the f&il- ute of the second party to make such repairs, the Railroad Conkoany may make a/l nee~sary re- pairs, but at the cost of the second party, which said cost the second party hereby agrees and prom- ises to pay on demand. 9~c~r~oq pl ~p6 I~q.l~o~q It is understood and agreed that this contract shall not be binding until it h~ be~n ratified by proper ordinance or resolution of the_____O_~_~_.Y___~!__ig_~..?~ ................... of t~e ~eend party, a copy of which resolution or ordinance is attached hereto and ra~de IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Railroad Company has caused this agreement to be signed in duplicate by its proper officer; and the second party has caused the same to be sig~ed by its Mayor, attested by its Clerk, and approved and ratified by its__~~ at a duly authorized and called meeting of said body, and its corporate ~ afl. ed on the day and year first above written. ,~ .E~neer Maintenance o! Way Approved: ~ ' ,~ Superintendent Approved:g, ........ ~:z~.l .................. Y-__~..::_~&:.,ek,(___~c_ :L_~e~_____ ~ __ / ~ ~/ g~er~Supe~nt~d~t Arprov~c~n~ ~ ~ D~ripti~ C~d: . - ~e~ ~t~te Ag~t ~pprove ~orm: ~ s.lM s.ss PART THREE Form 3530 Extracts from minutes of Oeeegiaele~ere uaet_.l~, held ........................................................................................... on the ----9-~--h.- .......... day of. ........... ~ ._s!!._..u_._a...~.~ .................. 19__~o RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the_: .............. ~__l_~'__~__~___..~__r___s. ......................................... of J' ~ of ........ .k~f~_r_i. iF_l_.?.rl__~_s .................. in ....................... .~___.e_~__:__i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i~L ...................... assembled, that the ............ ~~._i_~ ..................... b~, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree- ment with the ............... .A_~_.l~_...t.?___0__~._s.~__~ ....... RAILROAD COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said ............ _~_~ ................................................. whereby ~e ~ aid iiail~ead ~emlml7 (SEYP) I cs~4!lZ ~ps .vpo^~ .~o ps ~ ~,~ ~uq co~sc~ cobl'