HomeMy WebLinkAboutACL0027-North Oak AvenueS~nford,Florida. Cy November 16, 1953 File 3 - 1096 " 3 - 1097 City of Sanford, Sanford,Florida. Gentlemen: I am enclosing herewith duplicate-original of agreement dated July 27, 1953 with the City of Sanford,covering its use of portions of our property between First Street and Com- mercial Street, snd between Commercial Street and Eton Street, Sanford,Florida, for street purposes. Will you kindly ac~owledge receipt. Yours very truly, Superintendent. and a~mes as felleus, to wit* for p~ ~ . ~aven~ That Af the ~ee~nd party should fail or refuser after being requested b2 the first party so to do, to observe, keep and perfo~a its obligatio~f, agreements and undertoki~gs as herein set out~ t~en it shall be optional with the first party, either tc seek by appropriate legal proceedings to enforce specific performance by the seeend party, or to terLlnats this lease end ~1 rights in and to said land hereby given a~d stunted to the eeoon~ perryt by givi~g to the second party ~Lt~y da2J' written notice of lt~ intention so to do. The second party shall always Be and renain liable to the first par~ for a]~ and ~l~ dauage8 or injury whish it nay suffer or eu~tain by a violation of this contract or an~ of its terus. ~lG~: It is expressly agreed that the first party shall not at ar~ time or in an~ manner Be charged with the cost or an~ part of tho coat of the construction and naintenanee of an~ pav~n~, etu-~ing or sidewalks or other muaicipal improve~ents constructed now or at ar~ time in the future on or adjacent to gaid lea]ed stripe of land. In Witness Jheree~, the first party has caused these preaen~s to be exeoutsd in its corporate mar and behalf by its officers duly authorized in its Behalf, and the second party ha~ likewise caused these presents to be e~ecuted in its corporate ~.u~ a~l behalf by its Ms, or-Commissioner and the same to be attested unde~ its corporate seal by its Clerk under a-~ by virtue of s resolu, tion pas~sed and adopted at a meeting of said Cit~ OoUm~esion on the .. 4/ day of ~kp~%..~ .' A.D. 1~3, a f~Ftified copy of which resolution is hereto attached and m~de g[ part hereof~ these presents being ~xeeutsd in ~upltnete. Witnesses for First Fart~: ATLANTIC OOAST LENE RAILROAD O0~PANY. w. F. ~ ~sin~t S~re~. Witnesses for Second Pax*tT: Approved: 'N&3~r-~eunissioner ~' Clerk. Esginser Haintena~ce of Way Approved: General Superintendent. erintsndent. Approved and Description Checked, Real Estate Agent. Approved as to form: Approved as to execution: m l~r~-~ ~ the said PaFk Street tho filet doeeribed eou~e, ~sJO feet to the sa2~ mtvardly, alea~ the laot mntioaed mtreet line 20 feet to the peint of beginning; also ~ m~ 222.& feet to a po~t It im Yurtho~ Remolvo~ that -~ b t~rBs and e~i~s 1~o~ ~ ~m~o~ met out ~ oon~ ~ n~ ~nt ~ h~ ~p~. Ol~ O~mion ~ tb Oi~ of ~f ~m~. Witn~sm aY offioial sig~ature and the seal of the Oity of ~anferd, Florida, ~m 2r~ dar of STATE OF Ii01~'I1 II~ COUNTY OF ffi Ii~Olrl~ I hereby certify that on this before me personally appeared respectively ~l~, Y~O S~lm,%io Ooa~ ~4~e ~ailroa~ Oom~a~r day of and and W.T. ila~bl~ IM~i~al~ Secretary of , a corporation under the laws of the State of Virginia , to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged before me the execution thereof as such officers, by virtue of due and proper corporate authority in them vested, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. And the said 1~o T, ~ ~8:l.~iall% Secretary as aforesakI, also acknowledged before me that he affixed ~o said instrument the corporate seal of said corporation, by like authority in him vested. WITNESS, my signature and official seal, at I10~ Hal~ovor and State oL aforesaid. M~eeommlssion Expires lor~h ~xolima in the County of , the day and year Iast Nota~ Public.