2C, M W a A • C. E• ,enry introduced the following Ordinance: An Ordinance Fixing the Corr,aensat ion of Offi oers and Employees of the City of Sanford, 21orida, and ecl,j.ri.ng the Same to be an Emergency "easure iaeceasa,ry for the Lsuv.l gaily Oneration of the lAunicipal Goverrmlent of the City of -i�.riford, 'lorida. BE' ITiN EiC :v BY '1 T'" r''Orj. O "111] CITY 02 i 2LOn ILA : Section 1: L'he City l-lan.a�er :3hall receive to full com- pensation for his services, as Cite 1.- .1nager, the sum of DIED DOl AiiS (4300.00), per month. Section 2: the City Attornoy of the City of S i_ -ord shall receive as compens €Ltion for his services as City :attorney for the City of Sanford, the sure of V Y- i'IVi� 1)OLLi ::; (- 7:x.00) per month, and in addition thereto, rea•5ona,ble Fees for actual service rendered and i -aa.de necessary by the installation of the City ilanager Form of Government, and for such services as riiay be rendered in behalf of the City pertaining to litigation in all Courts, other than the l:lunicipal Court, in which the City of San - .d ford is a party, and such services as may be necessary pertaining to bond issue of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 3: The iluniciioal Judge shall receive as com- pensation for his services, as Judge of the .Lunicipal Court of the City of aanford, a docket fee of 2,tO (42.00) for each case actually'tried b'ef'ore him. Section 4: shat the City Auditor and Clerk, and Ex- officio Assessor of the City of Sanford, 2lorida, shall receive r as full eompenaatfVn for his services, the sum of Oil!], dUi'�:, L DOLLAka (4100,00) per :Mont h. m O O CO r W pq A i A. m O O CO r W pq A iection 5: The Chief of rolice shall receive as full compensation for his services as Chief of rolice of the City of Sanford, 21orid€a, the Sum of Ci11 dL 1)0LLA,AS (4125.00) per month. Secs; ion 6: the Fire Chief of the City of Sanford, 21orida, shall receive Ns full COMI�ensation for tiia services, the sum of O -JE 2122Y DOLLY -i (4150.00) per month. Section 7: the rieiiiber3 of the rolice Zorce, other i;hun the Chief of rolice, shall receive as full compensation -for their :services, amouiita _as 1-70110ws: 1'atroli;ran, Old;: liLl4 liiili) LCy,L;�:� (4100.00) 2atrolwan, Cry tiUid.Lj.LiEj -ca trolman, U 3 liUid.,) ", ±1:5 )OL: r.S 0100.00) . :sect ion 8; 2he members of the lire Jepartriaent , other than the Fire Chief, shell receive uj full com1pensation for their :services, a- mounts as follows: First l�s j istant , �;,ICrd2Y -1'IVE (V%5.00) , iocond Assistant, 1. Y -2IVL llULLAt:a (w65.00). Section 9: the City `i.'ax Collector shall receive as full coin penaation for his services as City 'tax 'Collector of the City of Sanford, the sum of per month. Section 10: The City r'hysicia.n of the City of janford, z'lorida, shall receive as fu11 corapen ,anion for his services as City ehyaician for the Ciuy of S anford, .Florida, uhe sure of „1 per month. erection 11: 1'he City Health Officer shall receive as full coi:ipeiisation ±-'or nis 3ervi cea as City iieU,lth Officer the s uii of 14.IOM. WL",S per month. a' i iection 5: The Chief of rolice shall receive as full compensation for his services as Chief of rolice of the City of Sanford, 21orid€a, the Sum of Ci11 dL 1)0LLA,AS (4125.00) per month. Secs; ion 6: the Fire Chief of the City of Sanford, 21orida, shall receive Ns full COMI�ensation for tiia services, the sum of O -JE 2122Y DOLLY -i (4150.00) per month. Section 7: the rieiiiber3 of the rolice Zorce, other i;hun the Chief of rolice, shall receive as full compensation -for their :services, amouiita _as 1-70110ws: 1'atroli;ran, Old;: liLl4 liiili) LCy,L;�:� (4100.00) 2atrolwan, Cry tiUid.Lj.LiEj -ca trolman, U 3 liUid.,) ", ±1:5 )OL: r.S 0100.00) . :sect ion 8; 2he members of the lire Jepartriaent , other than the Fire Chief, shell receive uj full com1pensation for their :services, a- mounts as follows: First l�s j istant , �;,ICrd2Y -1'IVE (V%5.00) , iocond Assistant, 1. Y -2IVL llULLAt:a (w65.00). Section 9: the City `i.'ax Collector shall receive as full coin penaation for his services as City 'tax 'Collector of the City of Sanford, the sum of per month. Section 10: The City r'hysicia.n of the City of janford, z'lorida, shall receive as fu11 corapen ,anion for his services as City ehyaician for the Ciuy of S anford, .Florida, uhe sure of „1 per month. erection 11: 1'he City Health Officer shall receive as full coi:ipeiisation ±-'or nis 3ervi cea as City iieU,lth Officer the s uii of 14.IOM. WL",S per month. f Section 12: That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency treasure for the uauul daily o, erasion of the ci pal Goverrurent of the City of 6a-- iford, 21ori da, €ind shall take effect from and aster the date of its passage. Jection 13: 2h1 -t this v% °diriance slh€ ll be published once, ,riGhin ten days after its final passage, in a newspaper of general circul€,,tion in the City of S anford, Florida. I I- rasaed by the untinimous vote of tiie City Coiluni�jsion Of Ghe City Of aaiiford, r'lorida, � , 1920. I M M co E W N/ A J.1- T :j' : lla�0r • City Conurissioner. City Corunissioner. 1. r. City Auditor and Clem. -3-