010322M M O M �1 I A ANNUAL MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION TUESAAY ,JANUARY 3,192$ Meeting called to order at 8 P.M. by C.B.Nenry, Acting Mayor. Present -C.Z,Henry,S.O:Chase, Commissioners, C' J AIM, Oity Manager G.G.lterring City Attorney. Purposes of meeting being stated to swear in Commissioner -Eleot , and &Uct a Mayor for the ensuing year. Mr- Forrest Lake having been duly elected to the office of City Commissioner' for the ensuing term filed his acceptance and took the oath of office, and en- tered-upon the duties of the same. Mr 3` 0 Chase nominated Mr C E N�enry for mayor for the ensuing year and he was unanimously elected. Mr denry filed his acceptance and took the oath of office, abd entered up. on the duties- of the same There being no farhter business the meeting adjourned. Mayo r Att estl City Auditor & Clerk. 321