121227-Regular MeetingCITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES Resular ~eeting Dec. 12, at 2 P M _.~9 27 The ~'~' ~ ..... ' © °' of ~1 v~~ ~O ~,~l~-.~lOI1 Sanford Florida in regular session on December 12th. at Two O'Clock P M A.D. Present: Commi o° ' ~' ~ o~o,~er , E F Housholder (Mayor) the City of Sanford Florida met in the City Hall at 1927. " S O Chase " ?; C Hill. Minutes of regular meeting of November 23th., adjourned meeting of Novemoer 30th. and Special 5~eetings of December 6th. and 7th. 1927, read and approved. l~rs Bu~ke came before the Comz~ission relative to Case ~14019 in l~iunicipal Court in v~hich L[r 7~ H DDolittle ~.~ ...... fined for driving a car while under influence of intoxicstimg liquor $200.00, and set forth that he was her only de2endence for a support, and prayed that his sentence be suspended. Upon motion <h~ly adopted , on reconm~endation of the ~uni- cipal Judge, Mr Doolittle was paroled on condition of good behavior and payment of d~,mages to Mr Chal;man. The Commission then took a recess until '~'fednesday, Dece~:ber lt~th. 2:00 P M. / ~a.y o r City Clerk.