052855-Special Called Session MINUTES May 28th at 8 P.M. 55 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... 19 ........ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Called Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, st 8:00 o'clock P.M. May 28, 1955. Present: Commissioner J. D. Cordell, Mayor " John S. Krider, Sr. " Jack Ratigan " ¥. D. Scott City Attorney A. Edwin Sh'nholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Absent: Commiss~on~Earl Hlgginbotham Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the meeting had been called to consider the Annexation Bill, as proposed to be enacted by the State Representatives. Commlss~omr Ratigan then reported on the meeting In Tallahassee with Senator Douglas Stenstrom, and Representatives Mack Cleveland, Jr., an8 Volle Williams, Jr., advlsin~ that it was also attended by a delegation opposing the annexation bill, which turned into another public hearing on the issue. He advise~ that as a result of the meeting, the Representatives agreed that in view of the proposed enlargement of the Naval Air Station the expansion of the City was now necessary, and that ~he method of referendum proposed by the City was fair and Just, that and that they would pass the bill on one the proposed area to be annexed be exempt Commissioner Pmtigan then voiced his condition, that it be subject to stipulation from the City's current bonded indebtedness. obJectlons to the oroposal to exempt the area from the bonded indebtedness because he felt it would be unfair to the ot~r citizens and prop- erty owners of the City. He stated that it would create a tax belt around the city in which the prooerty owners would enjoy a favored position with respect to taxes, and he did not feel that the Commission should consent to legislation which would create a class of citizens in a more favored position than others. Commissioner Krlder stated that he was not in fsvor of the bill as proposed by the Representatives but felt that the citizens should have sn opportunity to vote on whet!~er or not the area should be exempt from the bonded indebtedness. Bra~ley Odham appeared before tbs Board and urFed the endorsement of the bill as proposed, in order to expand the City Limits, w~ich he cited as betng moat vital to the growth of thc community at this time. He e~:pressed his opinion t~t the ~epresentatives would not enact the annexation bill without the stipulation. After a lengthy discussion without reaching a decision, in which Commissioners Cordell and Scott expressed their views but felt that they should have more time to consider the matter, Commissioner ~rider moved that the meeting adjourn until 7:~0 P.M. May 30th, 1955. Seconded by Commissioner Scott and carried over the dissenting vote of Comnissloner Ratlgsn who felt the Commission should meet ATTEST: gm City at an earller date to consider such an important isaue.