040951-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 9.,...~1~....8.1.0_0...1~..M .......... 19 51 The City Commission of the City of ~anford, Florida met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 8:00 o'clock P M April 9, 1951. Present: Commissioner F.A.Dyson , Mayor " Andrew Carraws~ " John D Ivey " Sam A Martina Jr. " W.H. Stemper Olty A~v~,,~j A.Edwin Snlnno-ser Cl~y Manager, Clifford McKiooln Jr. City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police , R G Williams Meeting called to order by the C~irmen. Minutes of regular meeting of ~rch 12 next approved as corrected. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health, water, police, airport, and library departments for month.~o~f Narc_h 195l, ~submltte~aD~xamijaed. F~nan$ial s~atsment and statement of revenues and expenax~ures zor month of March m~A, suomitteaanm examxnea. Bank statements in all accounts for month of N~rch 1951, properly reconciled, sub- mitted and examined. On motion duly carried, current invoices and payrolls for month of ~rch 1951, as evidenced by Voucher Nos. 5962 thru 6090, were next approved. Mr John E Fox, Right-of-way Agent for State Road Department, next appeared and submitted right-of-way map showing proposed location for widening French Avenue from ~eminole Boulevard south to Road No. l?, and requested the City to furnish title search information on the parcels of property needed to widen the right-of-way to 82 feet, as indicated on the map, which the City will be required to acquire and furnish the Road Department. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that necessary action be taken to secure title information on the parcels of property needed for additional right-of-way for widening French Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Pursuant to request of R.HBeokham for extension of lease on municipal trailer park for five years, the City Manager submitted a report on the operation of the park, showing rates charged for trailers and electricity, annual income and operating expenses, and satisfactory sanitary conditions as approved by Sanitary Officer and State Board of Health Inspector. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the lease to Mr Beckham be extended for five years. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Mr. C C Henderson, 2520 Mellonville Avenue, next appeared and registered a protest against City allowing a small building to be moved on the property adjacent to his home, and was advised thnt the building was placed there witb~out a permit and orders had been issued for immediate removal. Mr Henderson also called the Board's Attention to the tool house placed on the property at corner of Geneva Ave. and Bay Ave. over two years ago by C E Vanderford, which was to be used in connection with constructin~ a new dwelling thereon that never was started. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that Mr. Vanderford be notified to commence 281 232 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. Ap~i~ ~ ~ 8 ? M 19 51 The City Uanager next advised that the Navy had returned the proposed contract with City for furnishing water for airbase, with demand requirements reduced to 150 gallons per minute at 20 lbs. pressure, which can be furnished without difficulty. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the contract be executed by the City. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Consideration next given to appraised value placed on the City owned lots in Marvania Second Section by the Real Estate Board, as follows: Lots 5 and 21 of Block 7 - $150.00 each; Lots 6 to ll and 22 to 26 of Block ? - $100.00 each; and lots ? and 8 of Block 9 - $50.00 each. Thereupon after considerable discussion it was felt that the aforesaid values were too low, and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized and directed that' these lots be placed on the market at the following prices: Lots 5 and 21 of Block ? - $350.00 each, Lots 6 to ll, 22 to 26 of Block ?, and Lots ? and 8 of Block 9 - $250.00 each. Commissioner Stemper who was designated to make survey and recommendations on limiting truck parking to one side of Thirteenth Street in business section of Golds- boro, next advised that if 15 mile per hour speed limit is enforced, congestion due to trucks parking on both sides of the street would not be hazardous. No action taken. In connection with the Navy holding Commissioning Ceremonies at Airbase on morning of M_-~y l, Commissioner Ivey moved that the City entertain the officers with a luncheon at the Mayfair Inn after the ceremonies. Seconded by Commissioner Martina and carried. Request next received from Hunt-Mercury Company for installation of Parking Meters on West Side of Palmetto Ave north of Post Office in fron of his used car lot, claiming that the all-day parkers blocked the view of display of used cars. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Conunissloner Stemper moved that the City regulate parking at the aforesaid location by enforcing one-hour parking. Seconded by Commissioner Martina , but defeated by the following vote of the Commlss ion: Commissioner Dyson Nay " Carraway Nay " Ivey Nay " Martlna Aye " Stemper Aye Commissioner Carraway then moved that the City install 2 hour parking meters at the aforesaid location. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioners Martina and Stemper. On motion duly carried the Commission next authorized and directed that 2-hour parking regulations be enforced on west side of Magnolia Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets from 8 A.M. to 6 P M.. Consideration next given to a proposed Bill to be passed by the 1951 session of Legislature which would regulate all power utilities in the state, and on motion duly adopted the City Attorney was directed to investigate the proposed legislation and if found to be detrimental to municipalities, the Mayor was authorized to address a letter of protest to our State Representatives. MINUTES 233 Consideration next given to request of W.W.HoPn to purchase a lot , size 200'x 200', of the water plant property at northwest corner of Elm Ave. and FcurteenthLSt. and after considerable discussion , Commissioner Stemper moved that the property not be sold with a view of holding it for an industrial site. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Consideration next given to recommendation of Zoning Board of Adjustment for Public Hearings on rezoning the following properties: (1) Block 5 and 6 of Tier 14, E R Trafford's Map ( Pecan Ave to Avacado Ave, from Third to Fifth Streets) rezone from R-1-X ( One single family) to R-2 ( Multiple Family) site for white public housing project. (2) Blocks 1,2,5 and 6 of Bel-Air, rezone from R-1 ( Single Family) to R-1-X (Single Family) to permit 600 sq. ft. dwellings as proposed by Ozier-Weller Homes Inc. (3) W 1/2 of Blocks 12 and 13 of Tier A, E R Trafford's M~p ( east side of Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. to Celery Ave ) rezone from R-3 ( single family) to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) (4) Lots 18,20,27/30 and 37/40 of L~ne's Addition ( north side of Twenty-fourth Street between Park and Sanfor4 Avenues) rezone from R-1-A (One Single Family) to R-2 ( Multiple Family) Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that Public Hearing be held to consider rezoning the property described in Item 1 and to include therein the property described as Blocks 5 and 6 of Tier 15 and 16, located between Avacado Ave and M_angoustine Ave. from Third St. to Fifth Street. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Commissioner Carraway then moved that Public Hearing be held to consider re- zoning the property described in Items 3 and 4. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. On motion duly carried, action was deferred on rezonlng the property as recommended and described in Item 2. On motion duly adopted the Public Hearing to consider the aforesaid changes in the Zoning Ordinance was next authorized to be held at S:O0 o'clock P.M.April 30,1951. Co~e lderation next given to matter of having Sanford declard as a National Defense Area because of reactivation of Naval Alrbase, and on motion duly adopted, the Mayor was authorized to consult with Navy Commander Pearson relative thereto, and upon his approval, write letters to our Representatives in Washington requesting the declaration. Application next received from Tip-Top Super Market for permit to sell beer and wines for consumption off premises at 329 Sanford Avenue, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, same was approved, subject to approval of Chief of Police. Application next received from J A Gramling , colored, for permit to operate a taxicab, and in view of sufficient number of cabs in operation to meet the public demand and of the several applications on filed for such permits, Commissioner Carraway moved that same be filed. Seconded by Commissioner Martina and carried. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, Robert E Bedenbau~h was granted leave of absence as watchman at the airport during the present period of National Emergency. 234 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, A,p riX 9 9 at, 8 P ~M19 53- Consideration next given to matter of New York Giants having to vacate the property under lease at airport, consisting of their Farm Clubs training facilities, because of reactivation by the Navy, and after considerable discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that the Nayor write the officials a letter expressing the City's regrets over not being able to furnish them such similar facilities, its great concern over their future plans for operation, its desire and wishes that they remain in Sanford, and that it will continue to cooperate with them to the fullest practical extent . Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. The request of Civil Air Patrol for assistance in preparing a landing field for civilian planes to the extent of removing trees and having the telephone company remove or lower five poles, was next referred to City Manager for the City's cooperation. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Martina and carried, the Commission next authorized the refunding on pro rata basis, the occupational license tax paid by tenants to conduct business on the airport because of heving to close their business due to reactivation by the Navy. Consideration next given to securing a merchantable title to the City owned hospital site described as Lot A of Sanfo Park, in order that it may be used for other purposes, since it wil not be used for a hospital. The Mellonvllle Realty Corporation having conveyed this property to the City without cost on January l, 1926, with reverter clause, should it at any time be used for any purpose other than a site for a hospital. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the City Attorney attempt to secure a release of the aforesaid reverter clause. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: ~ty clerk. May or.