12.02.76MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Dec. 2, 1976 8:00 P.M. Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Arthur Harris J. Q. Galloway Wm. Royster Vic Gischler Bob Karns C. B. Franklin Jack Bridges Rudy Sloan Jeff Davis W. E. Knowles Mack LaZenby John Steffens The first item on the agenda was a public hearing on the requested rezoning of 2100 Lake Drive, from SR -1 to RC -1, rep- resented by Mr. H. E. Long, who said he wanted the rezoning in order to sell the property to be used for a convenience store. Appearing in opposition were Rhonda Brown, Millie Pinto, Lee Giddens, John Darby, Grady Wilson, Julian Johnson, Clifford Johnson, Fleming F. Luke, Eva White and Cal Conklin. Mr. Conklin presented a petition with 200 signatures, expressing opposition to the rezoning. Mr. Knowles was present to speak in opposition to the rezoning for the City administration and ask for re- commendation for denial. Mr. Karns moved to recommend denial because of the amount of opposition, and the fact there is no immediate need for the rezoning. Mr. Bridges seconded. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to request rezoning of 2605 S. Sanford Ave. from RC -1 to GC -2, represented by Frank Wigham, speaking for the owner, John Adams, who is requesting the rezoning to put in an automotive repair shop. The property in question is across the street from County C -2 zoning and other property owners in the area would request rezoning, it would not be spot zoning. Mr. Royster moved to table the item, Mr. Franklin seconded. Motion carried. The next item for discussion was a site plan for an addition to Marriott Corporation at Persimmon Ave. and McCracken Rd., represented by Alan Williams. After discussion, Mr. Galloway moved to approve the plan, subject to additional landscaping. Mr. Gischler seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES - Planning & Zoning Commission - Dec. 2, 1976 Page 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - There was a discussion regarding the lack of a sidewalk on Lake Ave. between 13th St. and 18th St. and the traffic hazard to school children. The Staff was asked to recommend a study be made of the area to determine the safety conditions and the possiblility of a sidewalk. The minutes of the Nov. 4th meeting were approved as mailed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Arthur Harris, Chairman