349 O:fU)INANOE.NCJ. 34' /' AN OBDIN.A.NcrE OF THE CITY OF S.LlliFOrm, FLORIDA, OREATING A cnIL S:ilRV:tCE SYSTEM FOR SAID CITY; DEFINING WHO. SHALL BE EMBRACED IN SAID CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISH- J.v.t'.I!lNT OF A CIVIL SERVICE BOARD;. PUSORIBIIfG THE '4UALIFICATIONS OF THE MJIv1BEaE OF BAlI OIVIL SERVIOE BOARD AND DESIGNATING CJ\.USES 1UOi~I:tQI) FOR TBllIR REMOVA,L; P:RESORIBJ:NG THE POUltS .AND DUTIES OF SAID OIVIL SERnOE B,O.AiD; PRES C1U B- ING THE ~ IN WHICH PEBlSONS DGAGED BY THE CITY MAY BE]UPLODD, l?ROMO'DD, DmIJIO!ED OR DIfl- OH.A1lG:ED r DEFINING THE RIGUS., Pl:lIl'It.Jn$, t DUXIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF M!lMBUS OF SAn; CIVIL SERVIOE AND ADTHOJitIZING (I'mI or.!?Y C01/.tMIS,EUON TO FIX THEIR OOMPENSATION; PROVIDING A FROGEDTliE FOR THE TRIAL OF .A.PPIJ,I,S EY Tn ~. OF mE CIVIL SERneE TO THE CIVIL SJliVIOE J30lijID;~ ~ I . .' .. BE IT ENAOTEDBY THE PEOPLE OF THE C1ft or am:rotw, FLORI DJ., <<fiA!'~ qOTION 1. cnIL.uinQ;Jt SD!liMM~i~_ 'JheJre is hereb'y eat<<bl1shed a C'i"'iJ.h~v1oe: System for the City Of $anford, 1101'1de., whtoh s.ys:te;m $hall embrace all employes ())f the 01 ty, exeept t.emporal'l entpJ..Y.i$, part time emplo.yes and empl(),yes. engaged in conmtOitl labor, e,nd who we;re: em.ployed. by the 0)1 ty of Sanford a,n the date this Ordin.n.oe 1),eoo..._ eft'ect! va and. also all persons hereatter emplo,yed in aocordanee wi th the provisions hereot, except peJrsons temporar'ily employed and part time employes and pers.ons engaged. in cC)llInn:m lab,03:'. 11....... sons who may be dea1gnated as hereinafter provided. by.the O'ity C'ommi.ss1on 0,1' the heads, chiefs, or super1ntendflU'lts of the several departments o.f the 0'1 ty as tem.porary empllOyes and part time employes shall not be embraoed by said 01 viI S.rv1oe i,ystem.. SEOTION 2. .OI~,S~VlOE;~~p 'ihere 1 s hereby ..tabl,lshed for the 01 iiy of $e.nferd a (l;l vil 2en1 ce, ~e.rd to be com1>o'"d of three memb:ers t two of whom shall be appointed. by the 0'1iiy Comm1s.1on W1 thin thirty days e.:frter this OrcI1nanoe beoomes etf'ect1 ve and. one $1' whom. $ball be elected withj"n thirty days thereafter by the member'a lOt the Clvil S.r"'lioe. l1he two, mem.oJers of said Board appo:tnted '1 the (},1 ty O;omm1ss10n shall appol.nt three lnspeetors and a ele~k for the .. election of said member a!r the members or the 0:$"111 Se.rv1ce and provide for the ho,ld1ng of the elect1cm. ~he pa.rty re;Qe1"1ing the h1.ghe.s:t number of votes a"t said election sha.ll beoQ.me sald Xlt1l'U of Rid C1"ril $.\~Yiee har'(. '11 of' the m.nl.])e:r's, ot s$;1d 01"11: h1'''1oe IQa.:rd shall 'be persons of' <t1tfe.:rent "locations, not emplo'1ed! by said munle1pa11ty in any other e..paeity, official or o'the"1..." SZCTJ!(m 5. ~'i~ . QF~M, ,,9Jf }:lI~~~~~Ol! ~Q~\ ~h. mem.bers ot the e.i1vtl8e'1'1t1ce BOard e.p- pointed by the 01ty O~1ss1on shall be app:Qlnted. in the first inltanQie, one for a te~m of one year and one for a term of two yees and ther'eatter for a term ot two yees .,ltch. t'he member e1eotei by the members of the 01"111 S"i!",.ioe shall be eleoted annually in the manner provided in Section 2 hereo'f. SICr:eION~. a~~~.9F ~~,OF.,OIVIt.Sliv+aE BO~ ']1!he members 19<;1" the at "11 'e.:r11 Ct. l)Oe.rd shall na". the right to 'JI;pel any member thereot te>1t misfeasance, mal- feaaanee or npnteasane.. in oftice, upon a majority vote oJ: the members of said JJGHU'<i, and the Oity a~asl()n or head of any de- partment or any m~ber or members of the Civil Service or any e1 t1z;e-. or t.aix pa.yo:r- she.1J. have 'he .lpt to prefe.:!! charges ..,ep.1ns:t any member Q,f the 01 vil Service ~ar<l and on $a1d eh$.rges being filed with the Secre'1ua.ry otsaid Board, said ~ard shall prooeed to hear and determ1ne said ohar.., atter reaaonable notice to the! me-':f' of $'ai4 Board age..1nst whoa chUges have 'been me.de and to the party or part1fH\ mak1ns $uoheha:rges, and. it the ohP'l.es are $Ust~1ned" said. memlMr shall be removed. ':Bhe jUdg- ment of the Qi:I. 1"11 $erv1oe BC:llu'd. may be reviewed by the Oourta and attlrmed or reversed. SDI'fIQN i. v~~c;t\1i .~. a.~Iih.~...IO,~:ll WtUtn any Y'aOfmoy .:tu~.ll ()ecu~ in the C1vil Service ]3)ou4 '.1the~ 1:)y res.1gna"t;ton or dea;th or removal of any me.mber thereot appointed by the 61 ty Oop1ss:10:tl, the C,1 ty COm... mi.sstan shall appoint a meIllber to fill the un ex.p1.red. t.erm o.f the membe);' res1gn1ng~ 4r1ng or removld,;- and ltk_tse a vacancy in the otf:bce ot the member elected by the m~m.ber$ 0.'1 the Girll $.r'1'1o.e shall be filled for the unex.ptrecl term 'by an election to be held in aocordanee with the p.rovis1ons of $ect1Qn 2 hereot. ncr.rXOM 6. g.iI~!m S~'VIC:l;aQ~r:co ~~D'I1fB(jU'f 9Q~.iA1ll1Ji'xl... ...bers of the C:1~11hrvtce Bo,rd shall serve without e OItp ens at10n and shall not incur eXl18::nses of more than :eilOO.OO per annum without the a:pproval of the 01tyOom- nU.sa101ll, in the e~arry1ng out cf the provisions of this Ordinance. Slf'fIO>> '1. 9U~~~.'~' OJ.:~~ "~'..I~.~i ..~tili~.t ~~!M '1he Cinl Service ..erd shall have its oft1ce in a room in the City ~ll to be de$1gnated by the City Oommiss1on, where it shall meet not less than onoe a month, the date and hour to be determined by the Board. ~ members of 'the ibax( shall constitute ... quorum for the tr'ans,aet1on of any bU$1nes.s ooming before the Board. i.'aaonabile not1e. .hall be given. b:y the $..re\ary of any spec:ial meeting of the :SOar4- e.nd s.uch not1oe shall st:ate the :plarpll>se thereof, " $BS'!I€>m 8:. Oll~,~;;.. OJ 'I'~~p~.~.. ,Q~~~ .~ ~ . "'....'-.,,..... ,.....,." 11ihtn one we.t after the e.lab11ahment of: the etV11l'hnice: :Board as he~e1n provided, sa:1o. ~ud shall organ1ze by the elect10n of one of 1 '$ mem.bers as C=:hairman, who sh-.ll 8erl1' tor a per10cl of one year, and m.:l s'Ucc.$ed himself mih the oonsent of the other two members, a,n( 'by the eleotion of one ef its memb,ers as S,ecr'tt.ry. 1:he $.cre1ila~ shell keep the minut,fu, o~f the meetings of the ioard and shall serve all notices tc>r the Bo~d .1 ther D'Y deli very in person or b.y mailing the .u. .. QCTlmf ,. _~_r,e ..(.l~ ~II~J~ 'he O:1Y~1 S.r"lie:e BO_a to be ereated here- under shalbl be authorized to employ such el.'ks, stenographers and ass:1 stants tor said Board as the 01 ty Oc:mml1 ss10n Orf the 01ty of Sentord, ftor14a, may deem neees.aary and reasonable. S1I!:tON 10. ~1~'~'._H.~P.i_ .thin 1. clAys after the ors_1Mtion of the e.tor$s,a1.,j 11"9'11 ier'f'iee aeer<t thtf:1tl ~ssion and the h..d., chiefs or 8\lperinten4ents of.... de'lil'artmen'tl;: of the Olty Whose em.pl(l)Jes aure e:m.~J'.e.d. 'byt:ne C1"1il i.ervi.. i$.ystq here.by oreated shall submit ti. "a1d 0'1v11 '$rv1ce Bo.a:t( a 11$t of all em))l~es :i.n their respeotive d.ep_rtments, tot.tlaer with their rank, a;g.e, 11lle ot emple>yment and term Of $~l!"!'lce., h14 11$\8, and J$rt time .em})loyes alaall als,e) des.1pe.te the emploYEts who are tellpOlr61'1 employes,/ and th.ereat"t.er thl O.1Y11 hrrtoe'..d s:hall 'be not.,1tied of ..ny t_pa:rary or part time emplo1Ulent a,f persons e'ng,ased to work 1'G1" the C'lty. S:mCT'ION 11. ~Q~Ell~; ..PUBt.i~~~ON. t ~F!,;a:,CTIVE ~I ~he011"tl ~"1oe Jo_~ to be established hereunder shall with:ln s13/fty days after its ors;_+zation adopt " oade of rules. and resulations providing for the e:nun.1nat1on o.t applicants for employm.ent, exee'pt employes eonf1rm.ed in the1r posit1Cl)ns by hetiQn 1 hereof and prom.<>t1on of person$: in all pos1t1Q'ns, embl."aeed by the ter~s of this Ordinance based on merit ~ ef.tlelenoy, oharae:te'r a.nd inCl.ustry. fhe rules and regulations of the Oiv11 3'.'1"1"10e B'Oard shall not conflict wi th the terms ot this ()rl1nanea nor beeome ett.ect1ve until they shall have been posted a'b the front do,or of the C'i iy Ha:ll in the 01 ty at' $8n1'o1'4 for a piertod of t1 ve days. :tn a consp1cuous place and until eaeh me.ber at the 01"'1'11 Sen1ee <<tfeoted thereby shall have been In..idled a copy thereof by the $ecre'tary Of the 01v1l Sernce Board. Sl1:1oh rul.es or regulations .aall have att,aa:hed thereto a oert1 fiea~,e oy the Seeret,ary of the 01 viI Serv1 ce BoarCl that he p~slled a OOfY of said. rules as above req,u.ired. and. ma.iled e:op:ies thereof as .llke:wise above re\u1red and sueh e.ertifieat,e shall be pr1mafaeialevidenoe Qf cQm:pl1anoe with the requIrements of post.1n.g and ma11!ng. , SlRlWION ~. smlIOBI'n i 'the m..m.bers of the 01v11 Service of the Ctty I Of Sanford shall retain the rank and seniority already aoquired i by them at the timelthi$ Ordinance becomes effectiv.e and seniority I I I may be acqu.ired by persons la.ter becoming members Of the Civil Servioe and seniority shall be constru.ed to mea.n the length of service in the department in which such emplo.ye 1.s engaged. SEe'!' ION 13. AITFOI;N1IV]; ,i~D}1~Q.VAL PC)ViER The City Co.rnmission shall appoint all heads at departments and the he'a.ds of departments shall ap]?oint all subordinates, subject to. the a.pproval and confirmation of the 01 ty Commisslon. ..<'114. ot such appo.intments, however, shall be made from elig;tble lists to. be furnished by said Civil Service Board as hereinafter provided. The 01ty Commissio.n shall have the right to. :'emave 0.1' suspend a.ny head of a department and the head at a d.epartment shall have the right to suspend, remove 0.1' demate subardinates, but any and all removals, suspensions or demotions shall o.nly be made in accordaxnoe with the provisions hereaf. SECTION 14. PE;B~~1l0'."QB~,IQN No a.p:pointment, Elxl1playment 0.1' promotion af any member af the Civil Service shall be deemed complete until a period of prabation af six months has elapsed from the date of the employment. 0.1' prarnotian. All persans holding a prabat1anal employment may be disoharged or any of:C'icer pramated may be red.ueed a.t any time wi thin said period of $'1x months by the appointive pawer under which the proba.t1onar was employed, with out the approval C)f the CIvil Service Board, but if not <lis- charged or reduced within a period of six months from the date of the first employment or :pramotion, then s;ai d employment or promot1Qn shall be deemed complete and shall entitle the .,loJe or p:r$llOtee" un;t$SS sooner removed pur want tc) War ,()_inance, to hold Staid emplo,yment orpr(l)1llQt1on under the terms of this Ord.1- nsn_. l.lllTXcm 1$.. _ /CI~ ,j~i~_ All !l'el'liona wbi<l1 a:re: cont1raed. by ~et1on 1 hereof as members C)f the 01."11 Service oX' who shall hereafte:t 'become memo,.rs of the (:;11111 $erv1ee by r.ason of the provisions. of this Ord1nanoe shall hold their offices or employment during good behav1o.r tm.le$$; reduced, diseheu:ge41 o'r sU$:pended in accord- ance with Sections I:$:l, 30 and 31o'f this Or'dinanee. SJfllVTION 16,. .pF:Q~N~'~ ,OJrIiI(~....' '.~. '..... 17"'.",.,., ,', "C,"'. ,','. "". ",.,", '"..,. ". . 'Jhe 0.1 v11 S.r"lice :Bea.rd 1s hCltreby aut.hor1ze:d t,Q appoint an eD.lttfine:r for the purpose of conducting' examinations fer employment .1n the Q:~ vil Ser~1e. :tn the C!t1ty o'f~ford; $uch exanttner $hall be qualified to oonduct an examina:U,on tor. the po.$i tlans a.$s;lp.ed by the .ar4 for examination and difterent exem1ners lU@y be employel l)y the lIbll1'41 for diftere:>>t: :pQs.1 tions G,pen for .:x:a:mtnatton. '1he .'xPintr shall hold his position at the pleasure q)f the f:.1v11 S.rY1ce :Ioar"" ani sh8ill Hee!ve such c_pensat:l.Qn a.s Illai "O.e ie1e\rm1ne4 'by the $1 ty .' Co~$$1$ners to 'be . reasonable. 'he eJ1 '1'11 krUEul .,uct Ill.', h_ever, conduct uy e:qml1nat:\.on themse),:".$: or iesipate Qne or .re of thft1r m_D'er$; to de;) S.. .~!:t~ 1'1'. ~NS';iQN;'.'&i!I~1~;~I~S~..~.~!l 'he 01v11 Sernae Ioa.-o. appointea: hereunder or lis e:mmlnG:r, sub)jeet to ita approval, shall pronde examtna- tieR'. and ma1nta.1n lists of e1111'bl.ea for appointment t.O post t1ons' 1n the severel det;,.:rtments of thee1 ty whos:e .ployes are. emb:race4 by the C1v11~~"'l1ee hereby e~st:.$'bl1S'h.cl,.. $aid. Civil t-rv1ee JoU'd shall d1v14e the departments or the City into gr-at1e., ant shall e;ert:1ty a list Of peraons e11\1ble: tor each gr'a4e, said. list or el1g1bles. tiO b,e pre.pueJl by the .a~'d .n..I' _Ulinatton as to, t,he1r .'Uellt1e~'1Gh.. J..11st of el1g1ble:;l' tor appo1ntment to pO$:1t1ons in..etch depa~tment shall be eert1tted to the appointive pQWer et the .evual departments not less 'th$l1 onee a yculr. If there are nc. el18:1bles; for appo;intment in the eve,nt Of a vacancy, the app!o1nt1VE$ pfte:r shall re:quest the; Civil S.rv1ce _ud to ho,ld an ~m1nat1on to secure eligibles fora)pointment. In the ev.nt of a 'V\'aeaney 1n any of the departments, the appointive pCMer shall m~e an appointment to fill the vacancy only tro-m said 11 at of ell161 bles, exoept in oatAies mentioned In "attan 19 ~ 'J he:ll"eot. .,n*'h" pr.e"te.~e., $a1( 11.t shall con'1.at of. not lea. than thr.. el1l1~l.s having the hi&hest r.~1ng ~p~n examina- t10n tor ..ehvacancy t$ l),e f111_<<, , anyone (;)if wit.. may be appo1nted. .. ~%ON 18. _IQI~ f~1 ,~'iIi~J~" . 'Jihe ,J.1~ tlles sh.ll be de;t:erm1necl 'by the Elate whflm the app11"Imt was e:x:U11ned as to his qual1f1Q:at1ons and the s$n1or e:l1S1bles. shall be oertified by the mv:tl hl'v1o'. Bo~d p:r'or t. the Qert1 fie:at.:to.n c:d~ ,appl:lo.en;.\.. lat.er examined. .(It!.ll. P.!._ x."e.rs ot' any d.pGUl"tmen t shall be moved !Tom any gx1td..e to a h1sher grade only atter passing e.n exam1nat1on pre:scr1'bed b'y th.~'V11~erv1ee i'08.rd. and a cer11t1eate by said Board as t.o their eftlcieney and fitness and the entry of their namea 00 the .:1111 bil1 ty 1i$t of saiel g~d.$. 81m!!6N 10. ~~~ONS; .'.~.~OM^C~~~ ~h. Civil ..rv1e.1<>a.:rd may $13:;,.1)11$;.0. certain p.ttes of ett1e.1e:noy to oe shown o.y an applicant tor $:xam1nation betore l)e1ng passed as an e11e;i b>le f.or apPo1n~ment, and the C1v11 ~v1ce Jiba:rcl 1U.y aIM retuse to pass an applicant as an $l1gi1>1e, or al10w him €)11" her to take an exam:J.nat1on, if' morally or physi- cally unfit for appointment to a position. ~'I'I()N 11. _.,~Eg;tON AND .C~~WQN.. ~QT gq~ In eJ.$e of a ".caney in IlX1Y position embJraeed by the C1v11 Service of said City where peculiar and exceptional qrua11t1eat1ons of a scientific, managerial, profess,tonal or educa- tional character are re.quire.d and u.pon .a-t1sfaet:i$n- ev1dtme$ that fo.r $"cine rea.ons c".pet1t1Qll in fluch ease is 1l!il.praetical and the pcuI1 t ion can best be filled by the selection Qf some pe:r;-son of high ~a11t1eat1ons, the 01"11 hrnclI lOud on a 'Viote of the m.jor1'ty of 1"6. memb:ers and the vi tleno.nsel'ilt o.t "1\.. .ppe1,1.$.ve . power .Y $uQend the prov1$1ons Of this Or<<,1npe:e requiring ~1Jl":ton and eompet.1t1on in the filling of suoh ncaney, all of wh1ohmatt,.;u's shall 'be entere,d in th. reoords of the minutes of the 0'11'11 ae1'","1o.$ ),bud; likewise the prov1sion$, herein con- tained for examination and.oompe't1 t ion for filling, vllu~ane1.s shall:. - I be wa:tvea. in eas,e of l1Ul emergency re<(tulr:tng the immediate fill- ing of suoh "$teamey and there are no el181'bles for appointment, but as soon as practicable thereafter thetemp.orary appointee shall be reIaO'fsd and the position f111e,d atter "xam1nat1on and o Olap.1:1 tiQ!B as here:l.n pro'l1a.ed. ~1:aJ?J:ON II. ~ia,~ .MIlt{~~'II 'Jhe 01v11 Service J()ud $hall Ii "Ie two weelts' not1oe of all enminations for appointment to posit1ons in the Civil &erviee. Such notioe shall be publ1sheq. onee a week for tl'lO weeks 1n a newspaper of general circulation published in the OIty of Sanford, two publieations of said notice a week apart being sufficient. ~"a1d notice shall state the time and pleae where the e::auuination will be held and shall be signed by the ~ore.'a:ry of the :a.,ard. U~ION 2$.. ~. aF.~;N~'J:US ~l examinations of applicants for positions in the eli vil &e;rv1ce established hereb,y shall be of a practioal ne.ture and deal with the ,"ualitieations of the appl10ant for the poa1tion to wh.1oh he or she a:,p:f.res and shall not have anybear1ng '(lJon the religious Or po11 t1eal v1ew$' of the applicant.. Members of the 0:11'11 &$r1'1oe who are oonf1rmed therein by this Or'dinano~e shall not be ~quired to take an examination, exoept for pro- motion to another graie. the examinat10ns shall ooas1at p~inoi- . })a111 of .'1 t"tien quest:t<lm.s and answers. Oint may be su:pplemelll:.ted ',y oral flU6sttons and Uear.s. " \ "''1',1",' CITY OO!MMIS~ION TO FIX GOM:1?1!lNSATION tn. sit ty CQmm15S',1on .t the~i1y of $anford shall tix the pay of all members ot the 01V11 8arv1ce e.tablished 'by this ($rdlnaneei provided., that members Qf the s.'ame gracle gr'ade sltaU re.ce1 ve the same pay and members o,t a higher grade shall net be paid less than members of the next lower grade. SJlC'fIQN a5. ~..".'.. "ER OF ~1r.~~,Tl\T1inACH ~!i'l."....:I. ~""'" r:.",.""t!'~f'~i~,l,;:; "'~, ~heO;1 ty <;ommiasion of the C:1ty or aan:tord Shall fix the number o.;t' members in each particular gra.de of I the 0:1v1l $'.r"1ce and may 1norease or decrease the number of' any grade or may. abGlish that grade. In the event of a reduction in the number of' any :members ot ani grade~ the members shall be retained tn that grade according to seniority and those members thus being forced b,aok to a lower grade or class Slhall thereatter receive the pay of' said lower ~ade or class and in the event the higher grade or ela$s is o];),jan shall be f'1rst to succeed to said grade or class according to seniority, without f'urther examination or probationary per10d and in the event a reduction in any grade causes: a mem.ber ot lower grade to go into inactive duty, said member or members on inactive duty shall not receive any pay but said member shall not lose his sElniC)'r1 ty prev1ded he rfitu1ns 1nao,ti ve for a pe.riod not ex.cee;(U.nl one 'fear and enters on said act1 va du.ty wi thin ten days atter notice has been given him by the $.ecreta:l!Yof' the Civil l,erTiee B,C).ard that a position is open.. SJOO;~:tONa. G.OJ:(~ ~OS.Iq;alt~I~~E After the members of' the e1vtl $eJrv1ce have been graded and their sen1.o'r:i. ty reported they sh$.ll be notified , of their rank and. seniority and requ1red to consent in writing th.ret,O~ SEOTION 2f. p_o~ ~O MII.I~ ~D... ~gJ ~. '..~...lS. '''".,,- ....... "".' ," ," .,.... I. ,', .." ,_ ."L, " ," .. _, ,'_', ',' ...." ",," ",' ',.. " " .. 1lheneTeJ;' the cr.1v:l.1 Sierl'1ce BQard p're:plilres a list of el1g;tiles to appointment to pos1t:l.ons in the C1vil S,ervice, it shall plaoe on said lists and give preference to any farmer employes of the City who, while employed by the City, entered the mili t.ary service of the Un1 te'd $tta~es and ha-ve been ai ther honor- a'O.1Y d1scharge.d therefrOm or mustered out of servic.e and expressed a desire for re-ernployment by the eity. If such :former employes a;pply within aix :months after discharge. from the military service for the posi t10n they held at the time they e.ntered the mil1 tary service, they shall be entitled to appointment theretO' without examination :In the event of a vla.Q:;aney therein. ~E"'!ION 28. O~~:smF.9B.~~~.I;,;OI;~ .~~~tn'"~~ Ally me.JJ1;ber of the Civil 'erv1 p,e under t;hi s Ord1nanee who shall be 1nco:mpe.t,ent, neglect his dw;t1es, be guilty ot 1nsuborclinat1on, i.m:moJrali ty, drunkenness, any' t'elony or crime involving ro.o,;re:l tvp1tude or who violates the prov1stons of "et1ons :l5~r. $:6, hereof, shall be subjeot to :reduet1on, sus- pension or dism1s6.al. SJJJOTION 2:9.. DI~~.~E,~.... .EI~.,QI,INi~L_ No Ilemiber o,t the CJlv11 .~vioe shall be d1s- eb.e.ed, suspended, dem!i)ted. or redu.eed. exc..pt for ce.uses Which shall 'be t)$;sed upon the caUses of removal mentioned. in Sections 28~ :$:5 and ~6 hereof and $,fter n~t1ce of such ..'ion e;nd the reason therefOr in 'Writing, the notice shall be ser"$d by the authority making such d1seharge, suspens.1on, demotion Or reduction. Gharges may be preferred b:y the authority which appointed such employe or by the Oity Oommissiop. or any tax payer or qualified eleetor 01' the City. Jriny employe within the 0111.1 Service shall have the right within ten days after notice of his removal, suspension, demOtion or re4_ation 'to appeal to the 01 vi l' Service Ioard, which, after not less than five dayat notice to the authority Which made such removal, sus- pension, demotion or reduction and to the employe affected thereby, hear e'V'idence for and against such r'e.'9a.l, su.spension, demotion or reduc:tion. '-'1 t'rials o:y the 011'11 Service Board shall be held in the Caty Gommission loom at the 01 ty Ball in the (aty Of Santord, and shall be open to the public_ IJhe notice of' the hearing shall designate the date and hour when the same shall begin and may be adJourned trom day to day- s:menQN ~O- ~G;. ..'~ q,~ .~E~i5l~,l?O~ At'er giving the notice l?1"ov1ded fOr in ~eet1on 2;~ hereof of the hearing on the rem.oval, suspena1on, de- mot1Qn or reduction Qf any e_playe in the 01v11 $erY1ce of the ~'1ty. of S,anf'ord, the €l,ivil Service Board shall prOceed to hear evidence for and against the employe $.0 removed, suspende:d, de- mo,ted or reduced. I)he authority etfect.ing such removal, suspension t demotion o:lr. reduction and l1ke:w1se the employe aft'ected thereby, shall have the right to prod~2!".W'it,nes$es to support their reapec,t1ve p0;sitionsand to be heard by counsel and to have witnesses sU!l'l.1n0ned to tes.t1fy in the:1r behalf t Wli"nEts$es 81.UD.l!lOned shall be entitled to a fee ot #2.00 per day for each ,,,y or part of day" s a.t.t;endance at the hearing. 'fhe 01 ty shall I I ~ee.r the e~pens.e of not m.ore them four wi tne8ses on behalf of ! the em.plo:)re i proYided, however, that no employe of the at ty shall beenti tled. to ('H)lli!.\pesat1on as a witness. $JI,QT:tON $1. .~~.GF..,O~:t~&~!;f3a .~A!n jtter hea;r1ng .vidence the Civil $ierv1ce ~al'd may .tttrm er reverse the acti&n of the authority in re- m.ov1ng, suspending, de.mot1ng Gr reducing the eltllPleye :1:1'1. the O:l.v1l S:erv1ce and its judgment shall be enteJred 0'f l,"ecord tn its minutes and cert1f'ied to the authar1ty whose action is affirmed o,r reversed. If the act1en of the authority making such rem.oval, suspenston, dem.ot1on or reduct1en Gf an emplaye. in the 01 v1l S,.rv1ee 1s reversed, suoh employe shall be restored to his rank and seniority and paid the compensation to whioh he would have been entitled. If the action of said authority 1s affirmed, then the employe shall be held to have been removed, suspencled, de- moted or reduced as and of the date of said action by such author- :I. ty . No appeal t.o the 01 ty O,omnU. sston from the judgment o.f the CivIl "erv1ce hard shall be all()wed~ bu..t such Judgment shall be subject to review by the Oot1.rts. SJeTION $,2" :O~$~U~IF}q~TION OF :Ml'4E~~5 OF THE CIVIL SERVICE B.QAAD. My cause Which woulcl be $uff1e1ent to "('f\,\\"..I\W SECTION 35. :eIS,~ln OF l:z.:e~SIft.. ~ona .,never it shall D!$ ''Widene-at to any author... ity in the Q.:1tf o;t $antorEt hsv1~ the ]!QWer of appo;t.ntment or to the (11 tyComm1ss1on of said at ty that any department at the 0:1 ty has an excessive num;ber of emplQyeai, such tact shall be ee:rt1f1ed to th.01,,"l_rnee~ar4 and the exeessive nuntbeJ:' oferaployes set forth ill $~id ce:r.tif1eate shall be a;.1scharfl~(' The peJ:'sons who stud last in rank or ~aliJ;e and last in pQ:int e>f seniority in the.'t ramk or IJ'1lde shall be the first d1acharg.ect ani aaid system of 4.1"11.,., shall oont1nue 'Until the exeess1ve nUD1ber .0:1 em.pl,0yes have been red.ueed 1n aceordance with said c 1rotUn$tanees; provided, hQWe~.r, 'that such persona <Ii$charged sha;U, be pla.ect on a Jre:terre:d list .of the :;.o.ard o:tCi1v1l.$t:rvice and shllll be l;1.ven priority for employment ::\.n event a vate;ant-y occurrs in any depar'bment und.];' the pr'e~is1Ep;s, of this tf,ect1on. 'those Who. have 'been placed on thepr$ferred list shall be employed in their reapect1ve order as to r.nt and seniority and the Q1vil $erv1ce ~a:rd shall not reeornm=d fer em.ployment any pM"s:on or persons upon the rel'Ular list until all peJrsons l:tpOO the preferred list shall have beEm employed. lIpon the prete:rr'ed list the candidates tor eap14)'y1'l').ent shall be: classed first by rank and next by sen1or- 1 1;y. 'Jhe :person who was of highest rank and who has served the longest p$rioQ; &1' t1.. in said rank s.hall be the first on sa1cl list and shall b. entitled to till the next vaecmcy in said eaployment and such s:yst.em. shall be continued llintil all pers.ons' en the preferred list shall be employed. :amCfION 34. ~!i:a' .~.~B~i~+~. . Or!' .Wl1~,€)l g;i~lt. .~'Ft!l..'1R!..'.... --,~~ ,,~II'~_ It shall be the duty and ohlig:at1on of every member o,f the f:l"il Service estab11-.hed by this Ordinance to be diligent in anl!l about the performance of his. or her duties and a..vote such time as neeel!u~ary to the :pert'o:rmanee Cl)t his or her dutte. within the ACl)'Ur$; pre.ser1 bed by the Cii tyeomm.S's1on or de:par'tment hea4. anCi. .lao to be oblitd1e'nt to rea.on.'le reques.ts or oommands of his or her .perior 1n ra:nk 111 c&nnect10n with the performance ot' his or her d,\\~1e.. PQfIOK 15. 1.~!I~I~ '~~.,,~,,~~~I ~~q..~ Ui,q;_ '19WU~...~~..~. !9~~~ MC._lDar of the c;1 v:ll ~v1 CEl shall solic:1 t Q:tt.lly or 'by letter or reeeil'e C)p :pay or be in any :m.anner CGn- eerned in iol1c1t.1ng, reClte1.:J1ng or :paying any aSl\e,s$:Jllent, s:u'bso.r1p- tion or contr1bu:t1on to any municipal pQl1tie$l PU~PO$. whatever. naTION 5&. Ui~9l POL1;~~ ~,~$(~ IN :MJ.mIC~~~ JilII~,~~..I'_ . .... '. ,. No aem.ber of the e1 vil ~)t'f1eeshall use his or her official authQr1ty or intluence to attqpt to, in- $.e~ION Zc7. Drot.hing in this Or-lilinanee shall prevent theCi ty Icmm:1$s1on and the heads of the departments trom employ- ing, d1.schar€~l1g, paying salaries and wages tree trom all ).rov1sions ot this Ordinance until the CIvil S,er-vice BOaT'o. herein provided tor has been dlily applointed, organ1:1,ed and is functioning. s~a1.'IaE' 181. AJ.l or-cUnanees or part,s et ori1nanees in contlict herewith be land the Same are. hereby repealed. SI01!ION $lQ .ft1 S Ot.-linam,. shall 'beccm,e etrect 1 TEl 1.J:naed1a".ly Q4lm 1 ta p8ulsage atlid adopt 1~. .1__ .md .,4.l)O~ thi. d~ of ~~ , 1944. .... M:t;e.\ : ....~... )~.~:. 'lIe. "t=.t1'J..... .....~........... .......... .~$.tltton.f)tthe 'flt.y ll);f' 'antord,. not'ik I, H. N. Sayer, City Olerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a. true copy of the foregoing Qrdinance No. 349, passed a,nd adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 8th day of May, 1944, was POSTED at the fron door of the City Hall in the City of Si.lm:f\<l>!\'d, Florida, on the lOth day of May, 191~4.