HomeMy WebLinkAbout280-Ivey Bennett Harris Walls IVEY, BENN~-£'A', HARRIS & WALLS, INC. Planners, Engineers & Landscape Architects 731 N. Garland Avenue, Su/te 200' Orlando, Florida 32801 AMENDMENT TO PRO~MSSIONAL SERVICES ~is agreement, made and entered into this day of , 19__, by and ~et~een IVEYT"BENNETT, HARRIS & W~L~, INC. (IBH~) and the Client, identified herein, is For ~he Professi6nal Services described Under Item 2 of this agreement. '. DLIENT: Citv of Sanford ~DDRESS: P. 0. Box 1778 .Sanford, FL 32772-1778 PRQJECT T~TLE: Sanford Comprehensive Plan PROJECT NO.: 166.30 [. LocatiOn and Description of Project: -.- . The City of Sanford, Florida is a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida. In addition to updating and revisin8 the City's Comp- rehensivePlan, the project.is amended to include the preparation of land de- ve!gpment regulations consistent with the Plan. Description and ~ of Professional Services robeprovided by IBHW: In addition to previously agreed upon Exhibit "A"'work program, conditions and ~related provisions, see Exhibit "C" for work program tasks to prepare land de- velopment regulations. Tasks A through K will be completed within one year of date of execution of this amendment to Agreement. 3. The compensation to be paid IBEW for providing the Professional Services shell be: .. Time Charge plus identifiable direct expenses. (See attached schedule of Hourly Rates). X Time Charge plus identifiable direct expenses with an upset limit of $J.5,500.0O. , not to be exceeded without prior written approval by the CLIENT. · (See attached schedule of hourly rates). A lump-sum charge of $ , plus identifiable direct expenses. A lump-sum charge of $ rN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is accepted on the date first above written subject to the term and conditions stated and' the general conditions attached hereto. 3LIENT: IVEY, BENNETT, HARRIS & WALLS, INC. ~AME: CitV of Sanford NAME: R. Wayne Bennett CITLE:: MaVor TITLE:: Principal EXHIBIT "C" PREPARATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA APRIL, 1987 Basis of Assignment The City of Sanford is currently assembling a Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Chapter 163.3161-3184, F.S.. Additionally, Chapter 163.3202 requires that within one year of Plan adoption, a local government must adopt land development regulations that are consistent with and that implement the Plan. This chapter also sets out the minimum subject areas to be covered by the Land Development Regulations. The general intent of this statute is .to bring all local land development regulations under "one cover" in order to simplify and clarify the permitting process. By revising its Comprehensive Plan, the City of Sanford will create new standards which will provide the needed direction to revise the zoning code, subdivision code and other land develop- ment regulations in order for them to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Therefore, the City desires at this time to Set in motion the process of revising and expanding its land development regulations in order to implement a comprehensive set of regulations in tandem with the City's new plan. Estimated Work Effort and Cost TASK A. General Administration and Review Process Requirements 1. Insure that responsibilities and composition of elected and appointed bodies such as City Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission and a to-be-established staff review committee are defined appropriately. 2. Outline project review steps for each process such as rezoning, subdivision approval, site plan approval, etc. This may be depicted in flow chart format, as appropriate. "B. Z0ninq Regulations 1. In general, revise and restructure districts and development standards to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. P-0032.2 2. Principal, conditional, accessory uses to be presented as a schedule in tabular format. 3. Minimum dimensional requirements to be presented as a schedule in tabular format. Schedule to include ., maximum percent building coverage, as appropriate. 4. Revise definitions and, if appropriate, present in tabular format, if appropriate. 5. Identify and remove internal inconsistencies in existing conventional zoning districts. 6. Develop floor area ratio standards, with particular attention to the Lake Monroe waterfront area. 7. Restructure planned unit development provisions to provide for major new developments. 8. Restructure ~oning to conform to the Comprehensive Plan in terms of type and density/ intensity of use and .location. C. Site Plan Review 1. Revise as a separate section from zoning district sections of code. 2. Expand requirements consistent with comprehensive plan and current practices. 3. Coordinate required site improvements and technical en- Gineering specification with subdivision improvements, as appropriate. 4. Include provisions to insure maintenance of site improvements according to approved site plans and provisions to bring existing sites into substantial compliance with new standards 'when deemed appropriate and applicable. D. Subdivision Regulations 1. Modify draft produced by City staff and reorganize as necessary. Also eliminate redundancy of requirements where feasible and appropriate. 2. 'Develop mechanism to ensure that public facilities will be consistent With standards adopted in the capital facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan. P-0032.2 S. Review/develop engineering standards for water, sewer, stormwater drainage. 4. Include provisions for impervious surface coverage. .E. Vehicular Circulation and Parkinq 1. Establish standards for uniform building setback lines in order to allow for future street widening. Recom- mended ROWs for ma3or City streets consistent with functional classification and other criteria contained in Traffic Circulation Plan Element. 2. Develop appropriate standards for on-site traffic circulation and parking requirements, using existing zoning requirements as a base. F. Signa~e 1. Review and revise, as appropriate, sign code for consistency with revised zoning regulations and existing conditions/desires of City. Draft necessary alterations to conform with these considerations. 2. Reflect appropriate standards and procedures for signage in designated Downtown Historic District. .G. Landscape and Buffer Requirements 1. Develop minimum landscape and buffer requirements to achieve compatibility between land uses; to minimize glare, noise, and smoke intrusion; to establish minimum standards for quality of landscape materials; and to establish standards for structural landscaping items (walls, berms, parking, etc.) This task to incorporate draft landscape rules and regulations being reviewed by Planning and Zoning Commission regarding parking and vehicular circulation areas. 2. Include sprinkler installation and landscape main- tenance provisions. H. Effluent Reuse 1. Develop engineering specifications, criteria and standards aimed at requiring subdivisions and site development projects to hook up to Sanford's effluent reuse system. 2. Reference and incorporate data from City's 201 Water and Wastewater Facilities Plan. Interface with City '.. ~ P-0032.2 3. Criteria to include but not be limited to: a. Hook-up thresholds b. Availability c. Site Analysis d. Land Use Criteria 4. Commence immediately upon notice to proceed because City needs the basis to adopt "interim" reuse require- ments prior to completing' and adopting entire land development regulation package. I. Wellfield Protection 1. Develop review criteria for protection of. potable water wellfields, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Such criteria will be incorporated into regulations to address appropriate land use, hazardous m~terials, cones of influence, and multiple use (e.g., open space, recreation). J. Floodin~/Wetlands 1. Within the context of Comprehensive Plan Policies, review existing City floodplain regulations and wetlands regulations promulgated SJRWMD, FDER, and Seminole County. 2. Where necessary and appropriate, develop regulations consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies to protect wetlands and other environmentally sensitive lands . without overlapping or duplicating other regulatory agencies regulations. K. Final Document 1. Assemble final document from individually approved regulations. 2. Reference all required local development regulations. L. Meetinqs 1. Participate in up to four public' meetings to present and explain regulations. M. Proposed Cost '1. Not to exceed $35,500 P-0032.2