HomeMy WebLinkAbout237-FDOT-Traffic Signal" Form 7.19-01 STATE OF FIDRIDA DF3~A/{~MI'IN'f elf I~LANSPORTATI(IN TRAFFIC SIGNAL MA]~rl;EINt~CE AGRFi'IMENT TitIS AGt~'~'~]JITM, nnde and entered into tJ~is ~]'~ day of ~LLKAI~fL , 19 ~. by and between the Florida Deparg~ent of Transportation,~ln agen~of the State of Florida, herein called the "[X~}~rUncnt", and tbe C~tV of Sa.[0~d , Florida. a political subdivision of ~he State of Florida, herein called the "Maintaining Agency". WI~IqESSFII{: ~R.~tFAS, tb3 maintenance, and operation of traffic signals or signal. syst~am~ are necessary for safe a~d efficient higl~ray transportation along t h,, :~t,M-e ltighway System; and ..- ~]{f2{k~5, t]]e Debxlrt~rent proposes Gktt t~e Ma/ntaining Agency shall nnintain and o[~2rate traffic sigzvals and signal systems at certain ].~x;at~ol~s along the State Highsray System; and WkLY~[.;~S, the b~aintaining Agency, by Resolution attached hereto and inco~]x3ratrK] herein, and the Department, by this Agreement, have deterre/ned t/~at it is in the public interest for the Maintaining Agency to maintain and o~x;r4te t~affic signals and signal systems at certain locations along the State Highway Systfm]. N(W, TIe/RE}ORE, in consideration of the pre~aises and the mtual ex~ven.u~ts contained heroin to be undertakem by the respective parties hereto, the parties n~atually agree and covenant as f6flows: 1. %~len the District Traffic Operations Elmgineer of the Depaltl~ent has sel%r,x~ a r~,aest order: on the b~/intlining ~qency, and the designated of/icier of the Maintaining Agency na~ in the Resolution accu~aanying this Agre~x~It has favor~-a31y acknc~qledged the request order, the Maintaining Ag~?nc~' :shall undertake the resFxDnsjbilities to naintain axed operate e::~sting or new traffic siCfrk~ls and signal syster~s mentioned in the request 2. Prior to installation of new traffic signals and signal systems, ~j~e pro[x~se~ f~u]ctional design and operation thereof shall be coordinated with, and revie~ by, tj~e Maintaining Agency. Such design and operation will [~ as energy efficient as possible. 3. Regardless of whether the installation cf new traffic signals and s~qnal systems is perforn~a by the Maintaining Agency/or the Department, such installation shall not enda~ger higl~way travel and shall be conducted in accord with Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FFJllD) as ~mend~, ~d with all applicable Departn~nt standards, s[-~cifications and plans govexTling traffic control for street and highway c~nstruction and mainter~nce. ' ' 4. The Mnintaining Agency s|mll be responsible for the maintenance and continucx~s operation of the traffic signals and si~l'systens, and the [x3Fa3nt of electricity and electrical dklrges incurred in connection with operation of such traffic signals and signal systens upon ocm~letion of their installation. In the case of construction contracts, the Maintaining Agcz~q s|mll be responsible for the payment of electricity and electrical ct~rges inc~arred in connection with the operation oE the traffic signals mK] signal. ~.stems begironing with the burn-in period following conditional acceptance of the signal installation by the De[~rtment, and shall ~u:dertake ~j~e maintenance and continuous operation of said traffic signal and signal sys~en~ upon final acceptauce of th~ installation kS' the l~,pa~-u~r~lt. Retx~ir c~r replacem~t and other respons'.zbilities of the installation contractor m~d the Depart~nnt, during the bul~-in period L~,t~cn coI~.ditional and final accept~lnce, are contained in the DepartTnent's Sup!?]~l~anta! St~v, ifications to tJ]e Stm~lard Specifications for Rsad and F, ric]ge Collstruction. 5. The Maintaining Agency shall maintain and operate the traffic signals az~ signal syste~ns in a manner tJ~lt will ensure safe and e~ficiont nuv~r~.nt o~ highway traffic and ~hat agrees with maintenance practices }~?~,:~crii~d by tJ~e Internatio~ml Municipg. 1 Signal Association (IMSA) and o[~_~ra~ ~onal r~]uiran~3nts of the MUTC/), as anontied. The Maintaining Agc:lc~"-'~ l,~Ainte~ance re~.;.:xDnsibilities sh.'~l] ~clude, but no~ pn'~v~x~t iw~ ~m~i~t~x~u~ce (~ri<~ic insection, semite ~d routin,_~ rc~irs), ~d ~rgent~, n~inten~ce (tro~le sh~ting in ~e event of c~i~ent 1 m ~ f ~ct.i~n, fai]nre, or ~lge). The ~ining Agfmcy sMll pr~ide a suifici~?nt n~n~r of ~'affic si~l te~ci~s, ~o ~e ~ifi~ by ]~[qA at ]~w-~l II or higher, to pmFrly n~in~in ~d o~rate fie ~affic signals and sigx~l syst~. ~e ~'~intaimng Agenq s~ll re~rd its mintchance a~ivities in a ~affic si~l ~inte~ 1~ ~ich, as a ndllimtn~ , shall coxlhqin ~ose traffic si~l 1~ deals ~t ~e rec~'nd~ by the I~. 6. The ~intaining Ag~q my r~e ~y coast of ~ ~i1~ ' ' ' ~ui~m~nt for re. jr; h~ver it s~ll not nk~e any ~ent ~fi~tio~ ~d/or ~ui~nt ~plac~ts wi~t ~ prior ~itt~ a~r~al of ~e IX-t~ftn~mt. Conversely, fie DeCent shll not ~e ~y ~ifi~tions a~d/or t~uiplPllt replac~ts wi~out prior ~itt~ notice ~intainin~ Ag~q. 7. Tile ~intaining Agen~ ~11 ~t ~ n~tah ~ phasing circuit~ of fie ~affic sills ~ ac~ wi~ lX31.~rt~lent'.~' ~ng ~d ~s~lg plus, s~cificatio~, or s~ial provisions. ~le F~in~ini~ ~ my le ~ifications ~ t~ ~/or phasing cir~it~ of sisals ~d si~l syst~ to a~,,~te c~g~g n~.ds of traffic pf~vid~ prior ~itt~ a~al is ~ fl [~a~3~lt. ~nt a~roval slmll ~ ~ntingent u~9 ~ ~gi~r~ rf,[x~x~ preB~rf~ by, or for, ~e min~in~ Aq~cT ~ a~r~ wi~ S~tion iA-4, ~ rec~aEd~g such c~ges ~ si~ ~d s~l~ ~ a qt~jdificxt Prof~ssional ~gineer registered in ~ S~te of Flori~. ~e ~i~rU~nU reserves the right to cx~ne 6~ipl~t, rig ~d p~s~g at -. a~&?~' t.j~' a~d, after c~nsultation wi~ the ~in~in~g ~enc~, Iray s~cify i,~,tifi,~;~t iol~s i~ ~t~ timing ~]d F~tsing circuitr~'. If fie si.~-.ci fi~s l:~i. fication in t~g a~/or pl~sb~g circuit, ~]~n~tion c~f ~ucl~ nx~ifications shall ~ c~rd~d ~i~, or ~ by, ~k~intaildng Agell~. 8. The M~intaining Agen~; s]ull place a copy of the Department's let ter ~]~proving any mDdification or replacement of equipment or any c]~nges in timing or circuit~y ]J~ the documentation container within the c~_~n~ roller c~d~inet. 9. The ~[~intaining Agency may enter into agreer~nts wit]] other parties pcrtajni{k] to traffic signals and signal systex{~ including, but not li~tited to, agreen~nts relating to costs and eJqDenses incul-red ]n connection with the o~.ration of traffic signals arK] signal syst(lns on tile St~jte Highway System, provided that such agreements are consistent with the mutual covenants contained in tllis Agrefunej~t. The Fl~int~inin. g Agejlcy shall furnish a copy of such agr~3nents to the DcF~rtmcnt. '" i0. This Agreement shall remain in force during the life of the original installL~ equifxrent and/or the life of any replacememt equi[rent installed with the mutual consent of the parties hereto. 11. To the extent permitted by law, each party shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the other frcm all claM, depands, suit~, ]]abilities, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' i~;s, arising out of or resulting frcm tile negligent acts of c~qmission or omission by,, ~.Uch party, its contractors, subcontractors, e0ployees, agents or representatives. The Maintaining ~%gency shall not be liable for damages arising out of ]j~jury or damage to persons or property caused or resulting fx'{xxl the ~ole neglig~nce of the Departn~.nt, its Officers, agents, Or cn,~loyees. However, nothing in this paragraph sly311 be constnLed as a waiver of Sovereign in~unity by either t~rty. 12. The ~laintaj.ni/lg Agency slyall indemnify, defend, save and f~old halTaless any joint pole owners fr(]n all claims, de~k~ds, suits, lijd~ilitics, daneges, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' '.. fees, for b<xlily injury or death to persons or damage to property resulting in cox~n6~tion with the performance of the above described responsibilities by the ~intaining Agency, its contractors, subcontractors, agents, ,u~,ployt~s or reprcs~ntatjves, except ti.l.at the Maintaining ~J3ency shall not ix, ]iable under this paragraph for such claims arising out of bodily injury or deatj~ to ~;rsons or chnage to property to the extent t/~at such injury, a~;aU~ ~r d~muge was caused by or resulted from the sole negligence of the Dep~rtn~nt. IN WITNESS B}~2FX]F, the parties hereto have caused these presents to ~e e.xecutc~, die d~y and year first above written. Atton~ey STATE OF FLOR/DA DEPAEIT4]~f OF TRANSPORTATICN Depan~nent Seal Division of Maintenance RESOLUTION NO. 1428 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF SANFORD. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida deems it in the public interest to provide for the maintenance and operation of certain traffic signals along the State Highway System within Sanford, and to enter into the attached agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1. That the City of Sanford, Florida concurs in the provisions of that certain agreement attached hereto, pertaining to the design, installation, maintenance, and operation of traffic signals or signal systems along the State Highway System as identified in the approved "request orders" as provided under the agreement. 2. That the City of Sanford, Florida authorizes the City Manager to legally acknowledge and approve for this Maintaining Agency lists of signalized intersections and equipment which are contained in any "request orders" from the Department of Transportation as provided for under the agreement. 3. That the City of Sanford, Florida authorizes the said agreement to be executed by a legally designated officer of the Maintaining Agency. 4. That this -Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this llth day of November , A.D. 1985. MAYOR~ ~'~ ATTEST: ' '~~the CERTIFICATE It H. N. Tammr Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanfordt Floridar do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 1428 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanfordf Florida, on the llth day of Novemberr 1985. IN WITNESS WHEREOFt I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Sanfordt Floridaf this 12th day of Novembert 1985. State of Florida Department of Transportation II'RAI.'FIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION REQUEST ORDER NO. 77-5-01 A. D.O.T.DISTRICT NO. 5 COUNTY Semjn01e ~INTAINING AGENCY City of Sanford er m r a e the Department and Maintaining Agency and no supplemental aUreement is required.. 2. The Maintaining Agency is hereby authorized and requested to under- take the maintenance and operation of .~ 1_ signals or signal systems along the State HiUhway System as listed in PART C of this request. order. All previously numbered and d~ed~'request orders for these same locations are rescfnded unless ~pecifically exempted as follows: C. identification of Type of Equipment and Installations to be Maintained and Operated. ( PART C is attached) D. APPROVALS MAINTAINING AGENCY ACKNOWLEDGED AND APPR6VED: ~/<~;ignature: (~' / ,, Date: Nov. 15, 1985 gnated by resolution ) Title: C_it~ Manaqer FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACKNOWLEDGED AND APPKOVED: SilJn'~ture: ~ ~ 7 Date~/a,--/9-D F / '!'~ t ] e: Distric~ Tr~f£ic O~t~on= ~nglBecr District Traffic Operations (original) Matntainia)g Agency ~X-~cnment Control (MS 16) State of Florida Department of Transportation PART C IDENTIFICATION OF TYPE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT and INSTALLATIONS TO BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED i lit crqt, ct ion Pre- Micro- Inter- No. Street .Names Timed Actuated Processor Other Connected SR 15-600Aqa]M~rt Main rhfrare X !I,i='('IAL EQUIPMICNT to be operated and maintained: